My Little Pony Cookies

I mentioned once upon a time that I’ve started decorating sugar cookies. It’s been quite the learning curve, but it’s always good to learn something new. I kept getting asked, what do you charge, what do you charge. Sadly, I live in the midwest where you don’t have this type of cookie done at a bakery so I could even decide if I was in the right ballpark. I’m still not sure I am. I think with experience I can get a little more, I’m not really sure. Someone needs to help me here, please!

Anyway a couple weeks ago I was hit up by a girl I went to high school with on Facebook. She asked if I’d be able to do cookies for her daughter’s birthday. She wanted My Little Pony.

Ooooo… I’ve never done My Little Pony. I didn’t have a cookie cutter in that shape. I wasn’t real sure how to answer. I was worried, really worried! I kept asking questions and kind of putting off an answer for as long as I could, then I really had to give her an answer. My friend YouTube came in to play and I found a video telling me how to do it. Later I found an easier one but I already decided I could do the video I found so I shot her a price and said yes. I did a test run and was okay with it. Now it’s missing a leg, details, and I didn’t wait between different icing applications, but I knew I could do it….

Sunday I began the process. Time to make the sugar cookie dough, let it chill in the fridge, cut it out, and place it in the freezer. That’s just my process.


2nd Birthday Partaeee

So, the flu, as influenza, I think hit our house. We were never tested but within 2 weeks we all felt like death warmed over… is that the right phrase? Or do I have it wrong, like most times? Luckily for all our family, my niece’s birthday party wasn’t on her birthday and we were all kind of on the mend. It was rough going there for a while…. yikes! Hubby made sure to get Ambyr with icing before she could attack him. I think we actually made it through one family gathering… Christmas maybe… without the food war… It was definitely overdue!


It was a Birthday!!

It seems like on everyone’s birthday, you know except for mine, we’re out riding horses. Tbug’s 14th birthday was no different, but she does have a thing for riding horses. I hope she always has that desire! Sadly, Abug might have confiscated her horse….

Never fear, Kansas stepped up to bat for Tbug to ride… only problem was, then Abug wanted to ride with Tbug. Aloha looked a little lost. At one point, I hopped on her back but Abug told me I was to get off her horse. Tbug said, I’ll share a lot of things with you, but Aloha is mine. Gosh I love both of those girls.


Happy Birthday

How on Earth did you turn 14? I swear… it has happened overnight! Here we are on your birthday and I absolutely love to ask you these questions every year to see how your answers change. Happy Birthday baby girl!!

1. Why do you like being a kid? Because you have less responsibilities

2. What is your happiest memory? Spending time with my family.


Birthday Partaey

Yes I know I misspelled Party and yes I know how to spell party. With all the memes going around Facebook right now with misspelling the word pregnant…. Just throwing out there I can spell Party.

Anyway last month (since we are in November now) we attended a birthday party for our friend JP. She turned 6 or am I crazy and she turned 7. Wow now I’m questioning myself…. let me consult… She is in fact 6.

Anyway… let’s say that again :)…. we went to JP’s birthday party. woohoooo! It was a Halloween theme. Abug didn’t dress up in anything other than a dress… she likes dresses these days….


My Birthday Present

Since it’s hubby’s birthday “week” I guess I’ll continue on with Birthday thoughts…. So the day before we went to the Corn Maze my mom and I went to Rogers, Arkansas to pick up hubby’s birthday present. While we were there I made it a point to go to the Williams Sonoma and pick up my own birthday present. I’ve had my eye on this for a while, but wanted to see in person before I just ordered it… so that’s what I did. I bought my birthday present.


Happy Birthday!

Today is hubby’s birthday! Yup, he’s the big 34. Holy crap. I remember when I thought 30 was old. Now we’re in our 30’s. I saw one day on Facebook… you know because all great information comes from Facebook… that we’re not basically older than the Friends characters. You know… like before the TV show went away. Anyway… back to hubby….

I laugh, but it’s true… every year hubby’s birthday seems to draw out for an entire week and this really isn’t any different. We gave him his present on Monday night (Oct. 31) because my dad was going out of town today. Today is his birthday. Then Saturday night we’re going out to dinner for hubby. My birthday sometimes I’m lucky if I get a day. This past year I really didn’t get any kind of day. It was awful but again, we’re not talking about me… we’re talking about hubby.

So what did he get you’re so anxiously wondering?

Why, he got a new smoker. Ours died earlier this fall or was it late summer… either way, it died. He likes to smoke meats so I went on the hunt to find him a new smoker. The original one we had was a Masterbuilt, but this time around I went with a Bradley. There’s no rhyme or reason, just what I chose for him. Mom and dad wanted in on the gift, so bam, the smoker was bought. Then they got him some smoker chips because how fun is it to not be able to use your new toy. Oh wait, we gave it to him at 9:30 at night with no meat to smoke. Ask him how he felt about that :).


Happy Birthday Daddy!

My daddy falls into this category! His birthday was yesterday (October 9th). Sadly, we were busy with the underwater pumpkin carving that we celebrated on Saturday night. He said it was okay but it kind of bothered me that we did.

My parents got their birthday (joint)/Christmas (joint) present a week earlier. I don’t think I’ll reveal what that is just yet since my mom’s birthday isn’t until December and then of course there’s Christmas… haha. I mean they already know but… My mom’s birthday gets overlooked a lot anyway because of Christmas and our trip to Ft. Worth each year, so maybe I’ll reveal their present there… what do you say? December 5th. Mark it on your calendar because I know you’re dying to know… lol. (more…)

Labor Day 2016

After such a taxing weekend, we decided to Monday we were going to relax. Just take time and do nothing. Or else, go swimming, that works too.

Abug got to play with Karen’s new puppy. She may or may not claim the puppy as hers. lol.

I was a little bit of a weenie in getting in the water. I’m a warm water person and this was 83ish˚. Brrrrr! So I sat with my feet in the water and played fetch with Sisco and Pete for over an hour.
