After such a taxing weekend, we decided to Monday we were going to relax. Just take time and do nothing. Or else, go swimming, that works too.
Abug got to play with Karen’s new puppy. She may or may not claim the puppy as hers. lol.
I was a little bit of a weenie in getting in the water. I’m a warm water person and this was 83ish˚. Brrrrr! So I sat with my feet in the water and played fetch with Sisco and Pete for over an hour.
I wonder where they came up with the traditional Anniversary gifts…. Not going to lie, some of them are just a bit…. weird…. but hey whatever.
When hubby and I got married, as we approached our first anniversary I just knew we needed to keep gifts based around traditional gifts. This year I got lax on that though… hubby did good, me…. not so much. I really couldn’t decide what to get him. I thought about being a smart alic (sp??) and give him a log… you know, you could burn it in the fireplace? Weird right….
Anyway I wound up buying him this…….
Why yes, we are Chiefs fans at my house :). I still thought about going out and getting that log or a stick, but I didn’t.
The night before our anniversary everyone at dive club meeting gave hubby a hard time about forgetting our anniversary. Especially because I put up my facebook picture of our wedding picture and my grandparents wedding picture (same anniversary!!) earlier in the week. They said either
A) I was trying to remind him or
B) it was there to scare him and make him look at a calendar.
Labor Day… defined as a day to pay respect to those who worked so hard to make our country what it is. It’s a day of rest to honor them.
It’s also a day to mark the end of summer, which summer isn’t technically over until later this month… but that’s besides the point.
What else is it? A day to ride horses.
And we only had a slight rodeo that ended with road rash. OUCH! Karen hit the ground hard, but let’s not focus on that. Let’s focus on the target that Jared painted on Karen’s horse. It’s pretty and purple!! And I never did hear the story of why it was painted on there…. hmmmm maybe I should ask again.
Then it was time to play with cows. Not cutting though, nope, this was Team Roping. Don’t ask me anything about that… I don’t know much about that sport. The most I know is most team ropers don’t like me. I’m not sure why… I promise I shower… ha!
Happy Labor Day. This supposedly marks the end of Summer even though we don’t officially hit fall until the end of this month… figure that one out!
Just for a reason to make your day and help you laugh on a Monday (even though if you’re a lucky one you have the day off so you’re already happy)…
My Saturday, let me tell you what!
I was abruptly woke up around 7am Saturday morning with a head crashing in to mine and a giggle from the baby. I should have known that was just the start of things.
We all laid in bed and watched a few episodes of Pioneer Woman until hubby started getting up and getting dressed. I thought we were going somewhere so I quickly got myself up and dressed and the baby. Turns out, we weren’t.
So baby girl and I went in and made Pancakes for breakfast.
Around 11am she was getting cranky. Hubby finally fixed my fog light on my car after 4 years of begging but he and his friend Robert had to drive to town to get something to fix it. When he got back he brought me a Sweet Tea from Sonic. I was laying on the bed with the baby trying to get her down for a nap.
I finally got her to sleep, tucked a pillow in on my side of the bed, moved her into the middle of the bed and tucked a pillow into hubby’s side of the bed, you know create rails for her. (remember we were laying on my bed because I was laying with her. I don’t fit in the crib….)
I was quietly backing away from the bed because moving her over into the middle of the bed she started to wake up but quickly went back to sleep. And that’s when it happened. I backed into the Sweet Tea sitting on the corner of the night stand and knocked it all over our {white} carpet and into the hallway. It was loud too.
First thought was crap I just woke up the baby. I didn’t. Then oh crap I have to get this tea up NOW! I didn’t get even one sip of that tea. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be for me to have Sweet Tea Saturday. Oh well…
And on that note I’ll leave you with one last comment… I just heard a Kmart commercial playing Christmas music. While I love Christmas and Thanksgiving and am totally waiting, kind of impatiently, I’m not ready because of Comps. I have to get through those First.
So while I was creating this blog post I realized I never blogged about Memorial Day. Wow, where has this summer gone? I know it sounds so cliché, but it’s true… where in the heck did the summer go?!?! I think it was Kelly (maybe) who said why can’t winter go as fast as summer… or maybe it was someone else… I can’t remember, whoever you are, please jog my memory!
Anyway Labor Day was so extreme that one blog post couldn’t possibly cover everything that happened… seriously! So now let me share with you Sunday Night Dinner – Labor Day Style!
Recently Deb went to the Gulf Shore with Michelle, Shaye and Drake and they brought back fish and shrimp. So can you guess what the theme was for Sunday Night Dinner? If you guessed Steak, you’re right… I mean you’re wrong. The theme was Shrimp and fish… with some chicken thrown in for those of us who don’t care for the other. I’ll have you know I tried both. The shrimp wasn’t bad but sadly I still didn’t care for the fish. I’m not really a fish eater…
So the old adage, don’t share every picture you took… I’m just going to tell you on one camera I took 125 photos. On the other I don’t know because I haven’t even put them off onto my computer yet… so sharing 23 is definitely not 125+…