In light of recent events

Looking on to the Vegas Strip toward Bally's and The Perisian

Yesterday morning I woke up like usual, Before I needed to, and decided to lay in bed and scan through Facebook quickly before telling myself, “Get out of bed and be productive.” I was reading through all the new meme’s that appear daily, hourly, minutely (word?), even secondly (not as in 1st, 2nd, but seconds on a clock). That’s when I saw, “Prayers for Las Vegas.”

Oh crap, I thought to myself. What’s happened now? Don’t you think that is a sad thing to think to yourself? What’s happened now? Are we so conditioned to that? Unfortunately, I think we are. Another shooting. Yet another massacre. Even worse, another round of innocent lives lost. Of course when you see the “Prayers for Las Vegas” you immediately have to go and see what is going on. I do anyway. I want to be in the “know” I guess?!


Fall Y’all

Guys, it’s fall. The weather has even cooled down, at least in the morning. Our days, well they are hit and miss. Some days it’s warm and some days it’s cooler. Never cool, just cooler.

By the way, I may type y’all sometimes for effect, but I don’t really say that word. It tends to be hey guys or you guys or you all or something. Just a random bit of information about yours truly to bring us closer together. If you hear me say the word y’all, I’m usually just being silly.

We’re headed into the last quarter of the year. How is that even possible? It feels like we just had Christmas or New Years or Winter or something. I guess technically not because winter implies cold weather and it’s been hot around these parts this summer… but at the same time, we had such a mild winter last winter that was it even winter…? Things to ponder.


Milk and Cookies Cupcakes

So I have created a little bit of a monster at my house… a baking monster that is. My little one absolutely LOVES to bake. Every morning she wakes up, looks at me, and asks, what are we going to bake today mommy? Can I let you in on a little secret? I absolutely LOVE it. I always hope she wants to continue to bake/cook with mommy!

These cupcakes… I didn’t really have high hopes for them to be honest. I wasn’t sure about the milk on top (look at the last picture). I wasn’t sure about the cookie. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure about the sweetened condensed milk in the cupcake and icing. A lot of people would probably think these would be the best, but I was quite worried…


Life Lately

So what have we been up to around here? Good question. Life is never the same from day to day or even minute to minute. Last week we worked with trying to trailer break Little Pi. What on earth does that mean?

Well it means, we were spending time trying to get her in the trailer. Why? Well, because we finally found someone to break her to ride. Unfortunately she’s a little behind in the training aspect for Cutting horses. Sad but true and that’s our fault. Usually a colt is broke late  (I’m talking late fall) of their yearling year or the very first part of spring in their 2 year old year. Shortly after (no real given time frame) they start cutting training. A lot of colts are trained and shown for the first time their 3 year old year in what is known as a Futurity. There’s a huge one in Ft. Worth the end of November/First of December, otherwise a lot of associations have smaller futurities in the fall every year.


Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes

Scalloped potatoes seem to be a staple in a lot of people’s repertoire. Growing up, I really only thought that they came out of a box or premade from the store. And I can tell you I hated scalloped potatoes. They were horrible pieces of cardboard, sorry to the boxed brands out there. And the premade stuff from the store… yuck! I seriously hated scalloped potatoes. Until one day…

One day I went to a friends house. There for a while, we went to a friends house multiple times per week. And one night she made us dinner. She said she was making scalloped potatoes. Oh gosh, I rolled my eyes trying not to let her see my huge distaste for scalloped potatoes. Like the good dinner guest, I took a scoop and went and sat down. I planned on eating those scalloped potatoes first so that I could mask the taste with the rest of the food she made.


Chiefs vs Eagles – Season opening home game

Sunday was our first home game of season. We won the season opening game against the Patriots. I’m not sure they were happy about that… lol.

Sunday was season opeing home game though. That meant it was a loud and proud day. It was a lot busier than preseason games… Wow! We didn’t get our “normal” spot on the grass for tailgating. That was fine with me. I’m easy going.

We decided to eat breakfast. One of the ladies walking around said that that was a new one on her. Most people were doing steaks and burgers, etc. I thought to myself, this isn’t the first time we’ve done breakfast….

The gates were supposed to open at 8:30. They opened at 7. There was a guy from Arkansas who is a season ticket holder who left home at like who knows when to be the first one in the gate. They said he’d been at the gate since 3am. Crazy. I’m not that crazy, although I kept saying we needed to have our heads examined because we were up at 5am driving to KC.


Gus’s Mac and Cheeseburger

A couple weekends ago Abug wanted a new book. We decided we were going to go to town and get a new book. We asked what kind of book she wanted. Her answer: A Princess Book.  That day she came home with 3 books. A princess book, another book, and a Princess Cookbook. WHAT?!?! Yup, it exists. It’s called the Disney Princess Cookbook. After she picked out a few books, we went over to the cookbook section to browse. I saw this book and on the cover are three princesses. I figured it was a kids book in the wrong section, but when I picked it up, sure enough, it was a princess cookbook.

I’ve always been a huge proponent of learning to cook early. I got Tbug in the kitchen with me to the point at a young age I could sit in the kitchen, and actually turn her loose. I would just monitor the recipe to make sure she didn’t forget something.


Greek Ravioli Skillet

Greek Ravioli Skillet. A perfect combination of salty and pasta. The combination of pasta, beef, Feta cheese, and Kalamata olives come together with zucchini, Basil, and tomato sauce to create a perfect Greek dish.

I mentioned yesterday that 9/11 holds a special, weird, place in my heart. Three different events happened on that day to just kind of leave me in tears. Losing my grandma was extremely difficult for me. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents (both sets, all 4 of them) growing up. Both my parents worked, so for many summers, I stayed with one or the other set of grandparents. Losing my first grandparent was difficult. You have no idea. I was in my early 20’s so I was lucky, some people don’t even get to meet their grandparents. I was extremely lucky.

So, what does that have to do with Greek Ravioli Pasta? Good question.Well… My grandma was half Greek. Her father actually came through Ellis Island. Once upon a time I went to New York City and did all the touristy things, including touring Ellis Island. That was CRAZY the things they went through coming through there. WOW! My great-grandpa died when my grandma was 5 years old. He got pneumonia a couple years before penicillin was invented. Had he gotten it after, he would have probably been saved, maybe anyway. Who really, truly knows.
