10 Things to Smile about November

I really meant to play along yesterday, but I just was so excited to share the surprise that I had to put this post off until today.

I’m linking up with Emmymom for her 10 things to smile about mem.

Emmy Mom

1.  My favorite thing to kick November off is celebrating hubby’s birthday!  I love my husband immensely and so it’s always great to enjoy and celebrate his birthday and the whole reason he’s in my life!  And you should totally check out his hubbyisms that catch us all up :).

2.  Veteran’s Day and the fact that Moo’s school was honoring and celebrating those who have served this great country.  Thank you veterans and your families for the sacrifices you’ve made so we can live freely!

3.  Princess Rio being the awesome guard dog that she is.

4.  Participating in the Chili Cookoff to raise money for the Newton County Children’s Christmas fund.  It was also fabulous that Tbug’s chili placed higher than her daddy’s which was her goal.

5.  Opening Day of Deer Season and hubby’s awesome story.  I actually went out with him the next weekend but we didn’t have any luck sadly.

6.  Spending time with hubby and watching Christmas movies.  Yes, we were watching Christmas movies in November… It happens!

7.  Proving to myself that I do know all 50 states, even though I also proved I can’t quite draw and I got a few states out of order… but in the right general vicinity.

8.  Being invited to participate in the Review Extravaganza that is taking place starting this Thursday!  Get your posts ready to go because there are over $600 in prizes to be won!
ReviewExtravaganza 2013FFF

9.  A nice get away weekend with hubby and Tbug to Branson and the Showboat Branson Belle.

10. Spending Thanksgiving with my family!

Um…. I think I want to be a rebel and add 11…. yup!

11.  So number 11 was getting to see this little Peanut.  We heard it’s heart beat, we watched it’s heart beat.  It made it seem so real and surreal.  We did this the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving.  {If you look below, I have some of the back up links posted.  I posted them on the actual dates}

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I’m slowly getting pictures added to my back posts about this pregnancy.  Here’s what I have so far:
Awkward Moments
Week 1?? 
Week 2 
Week 3
Telling our Families
Week 4
Week 5

10 Things To Smile About October

Good Tuesday Morning to you.  How are you feeling this morning?  I’m exhausted.  I didn’t sleep well last night.  Add to the fact that it’s cloudy and rainy outside this morning and oy, I’m done!  But I have to get up and start my day and I thought it would be fun to start the day off by joining Emmy in her 10 Things to Smile About for the month :).  BTW, where in the world has this month gone?  Seriously!

1.  We spent a lot of time riding Snookums and getting her broke to ride earlier this month.  Wow, that seems like forever and ago.

2.  We were able to get my dad more hay for his cows for the winter.  I mean I guess I have a few cows/calves at their house too, but still, we got more hay to feed the cows this winter.  Score!

3.  No sugar added fudge pops have been our treat of choice here lately!

4.  While I was doing homework the other day I ran across the trailer for The Neighbors.  OMG, the part with the airbag cracked me up laughing which was really bad since I was sitting in the library!  Beware, this is a bit gross but if you watch, wait for the airbag!  It starts around 1:13 if you want to fastforward to that point.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyR_MX6WkpU]

5.  We got our Pumpkins carved for Halloween.  Sadly they molded and had to be thrown out, but we got them carved while Tbug could join us.

6.  We were able to go to Kansas City and see the Broadway Musical Wicked.  Btw, when you’re looking up tickets for someone make sure you type the website in correctly…. www.wickedthemusical.com.  YIKES if you don’t!

7.  Hubby and I got to go and see a Kansas City Chiefs Game!  As of this last weekend they’re now 8-0!  Woohoooo!

8.  I’m actually having fun writing my blog posts for Extreme Sports Scuba blog!

9.  My husband is GREAT.  Things have been crazy around our house lately and one day last week he brought me home flowers just cause.

10.  My cat snores.  When she’s not scratching the crap out of my hand, she’s really cute snoring!

Ok girls and boys.  That’s all she wrote.  I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!  I guess I’ll get up and head to school now!  loves and hugs!

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10 Things to Smile About – September

So technically Emmy’s 10 things to smile about for the month was yesterday, but, well, when have I been on time? I was born 2 weeks late and I might as well just realize I’ll be late for the rest of my life?!?!

So better late than never, right?

1. Hubby and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary

2. We went on our first Dive Trip since we were certified, Mermet Springs

3. I volunteered for a blogging gig for our local dive shop. Sweet!

4. We got to see Kellie Pickler in concert

5. We participated in the Ride for Life

6. We’re about done reading the Fairie Queene, as in Friday and I can’t wait!

7. My Sister-in-Law actually came to have dinner with us.

*Stolen from her Facebook*

8. I absolutely LOVE our new bed. I’ve gotten good night sleeps lately! I don’t feel like this pooch anymore!

9./10. Um… I became addicted to Frappuccino’s again. Dang it! But I got through one paper. Paper number 2 is due on Thursday/Friday of this week. Yikes! Help!

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10 Things to Smile about August

1.  The Number 1 absolute most important thing I have to smile about is the Man in my life.  He’s been my rock.  He’s held me up when I thought I would fall.  He’s stood behind me when I needed a gentle push.  He pulled me along when I thought I couldn’t go any further.  God placed this man on earth to be my best friend.

2.  Number 2 would be my parents.  They again are there for me like no one else can be.  I’m not sure where I’d be without them. (more…)

10 Things to Smile About – July

8.  We went to Incredible Pizza with friends and played Laser Tag!!

3.  I was introduced to a {knockoff} Wendy’s Frosty.  We also had it on National Ice Cream Day!!

1.  Hubby, Pokey, Earl and I got Scuba Certified.  I’m a bit behind and I’m working on a post about that!!!!

4.  Earl turned the big 3-0.

7.  I learned how easy it was to actually make Blackberry Jam!

10.  I got to go Blackberry picking.  It was fun, except warm…

5. Blondie finally had her baby!

6.  We hit up many many many 4th of July Parties.

2.  We got to see Zebra girl’s performance at the Springfield Cardinal’s Game {Post coming}

7.   Oh and did I mention that today is my 30th birthday?!?!  30 years ago today my parent’s couldn’t go to the hayfield because it was raining (btw, there’s an 80% chance of rain today…) and so they decided to have their baby instead and I graced the world with my presence.  Yeah, I’m kind of freaking out about no longer being in my 20’s.  Here’s to my 30’s!

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Seriously Shawn

Domesticated Working Woman

10 Things to Smile About – The May Edition

1.  The Chocolate Covered Strawberries that Earl and AL made for Sunday Night Dinner.

2.  AL putting an arrow right through the barbed wire fence… literally.  I’m not sure you could do that again if you tried.

3.  Snow in May… sure why not?!?!

4.  Sharing Cinco de Mayo with our Sunday Night Dinner Crowd.

5.  Sharing moments of my day with my husband.  Just a wonderful way to unwind.

6.  That the Poison Ivy is GONE!  Maybe I should knock on some wood now

7.  Getting to spend some time on Mother’s Day with Tbug.

8.  Spending the day at Silver Dollar City with all our friends who are our family.

9.  Sharing with you my Vlog on how to do the Hair Twist.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k8dpleHJdU]

10.  Spending Memorial Day weekend with my Family and Friends honoring those who have served our country and helped fight for our freedoms.

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Linking up with


Steal Your Dollar City – SND Style

Can you believe that the school year is almost over?  Crazy!  Well, Zebra Girl is graduating from the 5th grade (grade school) to middle school next Tuesday night.  Even more crazy!  Their school has been doing a bunch of things for them though, including a graduation and even a class trip.  Their class trip just so happened to be this last weekend.  AL said that their class was going to Silver Dollar City and that she and JT were going to be chaperones.  If the rest of us wanted to meet up and drive down, we could all hang out at the park with them.  Zebra Girl really wanted Tbug to come and as I shared earlier this week, it just so happened to be a Tbug weekend.  Yey!

Our plans were to meet up at Earl’s house at 7:45 Saturday morning.  Hubby and I set our alarms to get up around 6:35 so we could eat breakfast and get to Earl’s a bit early so that Earl would have time to fix Tbug’s hair.

While Earl was fixing the girl’s hair and we were waiting on everyone to show up, TB was playing with a balloon.  B2.0 walked outside and just as she came back in the house TB’s balloon blew up.  You couldn’t have asked for more perfect timing and we all jumped.  Pokey was still asleep, I’m not sure how he slept through that loud boom.

Once everyone got there we all piled in to 2 cars and we were off.

Here I am in the morning and here I am at the end of the day.  By the way I burn the top of my head right behind my bang line.  Ouch!  I sprayed Moo & Tbug’s head with sunscreen, never thought about mine… of course I didn’t put mine up until we got into the park, but yes, I did take the sunscreen in with me and took care of them.  Oh well

The weather couldn’t have been any more perfect down there on Saturday.  We all left wearing light jackets or sweatshirts but before we even entered the park we stripped them off.  It was just absolutely perfect.  Now doing the Lost River was a bit cold getting splashed with water though!

I felt bad for Earl’s parents because they wore jeans and after we got off the Lost River, we were all wet which was a little chilly in the shade.  But they survived.

At one point we were all standing around trying to decide what to do next.  Perfect photo opportunity.

Finally it was time for lunch.  All of Zebra Girl’s class got meal tickets.  I’m not sure if they had to eat at a certain place, or how that really worked but we all decided to eat at the “Lumbermill” (or whatever it’s called).  One of the really cool things is there is this HUGE chair.  I actually got TB to pose for a photo.  How cool am I?!?!  One serious photo and one funny photo.  Poor Moo got covered up by the silly photo… lol.

Now Monkey is just 2 1/2 so there aren’t a whole lot of rides she can actually ride there.  She was such a sweetheart and so patient with all of us.  One request she made was to ride the train (oh and to get cream cream, aka Ice cream).  She had the absolute best ideas!  Since she was so patient waiting on us to ride our rides, we went to ride the train with her.  So much fun!

Monkey & Moo waiting patiently for the train.  The train leaves every 20 minutes and we just missed the previous train.

Monkey absolutely LOVED her train ride.  So much she wanted to go again, but we decided to go to Kiddy Land and see if there were any rides she could ride there instead.

But don’t worry, we got our ice cream on the way to kiddy land! 🙂  The ice cream was soooo worth it too!

Monkey has never ridden rides so we all weren’t quite sure how she would react.  Her very first ride was the flying elephants.  I asked Earl if she’d freak out and she said she might.  I joked and asked if we needed to video it instead of just pictures so we could win America’s Funniest Home Video’s.  We all laughed.  But Monkey absolutely LOVED the flying elephants.  No freak out here.  So her momma took her to ride all the other rides there were in kiddy land she could ride.

Moo even enjoyed the elephants with Mamaw and the jumping frogs and the lady bugs and I lost track of all the rides they rode.

After we left Kiddy Land we met back up with AL, JT, Waldy, TB, Zebra Girl and Tbug at the Barn swings.  Earl, B2.0, hubby and I headed off to the Barn Swings real quick.  When we got back we shared a yummy Funnel Cake.  They had a Red Velvet Funnel Cake and an Oreo Cookie Funnel Cake that caught all of our attention, but we stuck with the tried and true.

While we all stood around eating our funnel cake, Monkey decided she needed a nap.  Even Sock Monkey was worn out.

At the end of the evening we were all worn out and it was time to leave the park and scout out something to chow down on.  We all agreed upon IHOP.

And when we left it was 10:26 and 53 degrees outside.  Such a perfect way to end such a perfect day.  Other than you know the 1 1/2 hour drive home.  I yacked hubby’s ear off to help us both stay awake. 🙂

And since it was Mother’s Day weekend and 15 of us went to Silver Dollar City, this was considered our Sunday Night Dinner  or in this case Saturday night dinner.

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A Day in the life – Mother's Day

Friday Night when we picked Tbug up, she brought me these papers.  They brought tears to my eyes.

Mother’s Day morning I got the pleasure of having Tbug with us.  She woke me up with my present (which she didn’t have to get me… hubby! but I love you both!!)!!


And a wonderful text from my mommy.  Mom is currently in Germany (every other year she spends Mother’s Day in Germany) so we had her call us so we could wish her a happy Mother’s Day properly.

Tbug wanted to make me breakfast in bed but hubby was pretty sure that if I felt him get up, I’d stumble my way into the kitchen to see what they were doing.  (He’s right.)  We decided that we were going to my parents to ride horses and I was really craving Mocha Frappe so we decided to check out the newly remodeled McDonald’s in town.

We ate inside and just as we were about to leave hubby went to get my dad some breakfast too.  When he came back to the table he asked where Tbug was.  I said she went that way and pointed at the soda machines.  He’s like, maybe she’s going to refill her drink and I pointed to her cup on the table.  She came back with straws (note: my mom loves drinking out of straws so it’s a joke.)

Once we got to Mom and Dad’s house, I let hubby and dad saddle the horses and I took photos of Tulsa to send to mom.  She sent me back a text asking how I got Tulsa to sit still.  I was like, I told her to sit.

Aloha was being ornery so I hopped on her to make sure she didn’t try anything with Tbug.  That’s what I claimed anyway, I just wanted to ride her :). haha.  Tbug’s legs are shorter than mine so I’d look like a monkey in her saddle if I tried putting my feet in her stirrups.

As you may or may not know (depending on how new you are around these parts) we lost one of our ride able horses last fall so dad pulled Superstud (Munchkin) up out of the pasture.  Munchkin is accident prone, someday I’ll explain, but they said he wouldn’t be ridden again, but dad and Munch have proved the vets wrong.  Dad’s ridden him a few times in the last 10ish years.  Dad rode Munchkin, I rode KG, Tbug was on Aloha and hubby rode Mini Me.

We took Tbug to meet her {step}dad at noon then met up with my dad and ate lunch.  From lunch we went to my Mother in Law’s house to check on her hayfield.  Cowgirl wandered out into the field with us.  btw, Hay’s lookin good!!

Then we came back to our house to help dad load up the last of our hay for the horses.  On our way to the house I got a sweet message from Tbug’s Mom.

After we were finished there we started pulling the water off the top of the pool tarp.  By this time last year the pool was already open, but that’s ok, we aren’t having to pull those oak frilly things out of the water!!

 From there I came in the house and finished up Sunday’s blog post.  Yup, I was late on writing it that day 🙂

Then hubby and I put on The Holiday.  Yup, a Christmas movie in May.  No problem by me!!

I finished painting my finger nails and then…

took a nap and smeared my hair in my thumb nail.  This might be one of the reasons I don’t paint my finger nails.  btw, if anyone cares I painted them Mint Apple by Sinful Colors.

We had Grilled Chicken and cheesy California blend veggies for dinner.

And the night ended with a rub.  Yup, he’s rubbing my nose, but I started it 🙂

And there is my Mother’s Day.  A mighty fine Mother’s Day I might add.  The only thing to make it better was had I seen my Mom and my Grandma.

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Ten things that make you really happy

1.  My Family.  That includes, my husband, Tbug, parents, grandma, the memories of my other grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my great aunts and uncles and my friends who are just like family.

2.  Riding and Showing Horses.  I’ve learned a lot of life’s lessons in the show ring, riding horses, making friendships.  Growing and learning.

3.  Playing around in the kitchen creating and making and cooking new recipes.  What can I say, I love to cook.  I love to eat. 

4.  My blog brings me great joy.  It’s so much fun sitting here and reminiscing the past through this blog.  Plus all the wonderful relationships I’ve made from this blog and the absolutely LOVELY comments that y’all leave me.

5.  Helping in the hayfield.  I learned a lot of life’s lessons in the hayfield.  That’s the best place to be and spend time with my family.

6.  Naptime.  Especially when I’m cranky.

7.  Random sweet Text messages from my husband, mom and friends.  Sometimes when you get the random texts, they come at just the right moment!

8.  Summer.  I’m so a hot weather person.

9.  Being productive.  Every now and then it’s nice to sit around and do nothing, but when that’s all you do, it gets old and boring.  I like being productive.

10.  My puppy dogs.  They are just like my kiddos and they bring such joy to my life.

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There are ALWAYS things to smile about!

So today is another wonderful round of 10 Things to Smile About.  This month kind of rared it’s ugly head at me, but there are still wonderful things to smile about this month!

1.  Does Easter 2013 count?  I mean technically it was the very end of March, but I’m soooo counting it!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hPROlpOdQU]

2.  Some reassuring words were shared.  I really need to keep reading these!!!

3/4.  The Colonel was born.  Plus we finally decided upon his name.

5.  I entered this photo in a photo contest….

6.  We went Raccoon hunting for the first time, which was coincidentally my first time hunting ever!

7.  I shared 26 truths about myself.

8.  Mini Me got a check up that went really well.

9.  I continued to sweat my buns off with Revolt Fitness.  Now I think I need just a bit of motivation…  Come on scale, help me out here, please!

10.  Tbug and I spent a nice rainy morning hanging out together waiting on her daddy to come back home.

I’m also linking up with IA and Shawn for Talk to us Tuesday

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