If there is one thing this Coronavirus season has brought… it has brought a lot of people staying in and staying away. But… it has brought a lot of people wanting to get out into the great outdoors. Us included. Even though I’ve spent a lot of time outside.
And for some reason, we thought it would be fun to take up hiking. Yup, you read that correctly. Why not? I have been working my butt off here lately outdoors (which when hubby isn’t working his real job, it’s made him work outside too, plus our little. She’s great). So we thought it would be fun to take a break. And you know, go hiking. Something we’ve never really done… but my little has been wanting to do things like that so now is the perfect time.
Happy Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day is an interesting day, truly. Some people even choose not to celebrate it thinking that it is a Hallmark Holiday, however, those same people are willing to celebrate International Women’s Day. Just a thought. haha. I choose to celebrate Mother’s Day. It might be a Hallmark Holiday but you know… I like Hallmark movies. haha. I wonder if Hallmark tv channel and Hallmark Cards are one in the same… Google… I’ll be for you in a minute.
Now… I was a step-mother long before I was a mother. In fact, 6 years. There is a lot of debate if I got included in that celebration. There’s sometimes a debate if any step-mother’s are included. My husband included me although I didn’t feel like I should. But that’s neither here nor there. I am now a mom too. I guess I do get to celebrate Mother’s Day. Although I should clarify, earlier when I said I celebrated, don’t worry, I celebrated my own mother and my grandmothers.
Anyway, this year I invited my grandma, my mother in law, and of course my mother (after all right now we live in her house) for Mother’s Day dinner. The week leading up, I had no idea what I would make. I like to cook after all! But I was still at a loss for what to make. (more…)
Today is Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day. This goes to ALL mothers! Mother’s who have given birth, mothers who have taken other’s kids to raise or help raise, those who have lost, those who have never been able to have their own. Have a great day!
I’m going to end this with a cute little questionnaire from my sweetheart! I’d ask my 15-year-old, but she’d probably get all the answers right, so I’ll stick with the 3-year-old.
About half of our group or so stayed an extra few days in Cozumel. 3 different families brought their mothers/fathers/daughters and we wanted to play “tourist” with the additional family members. One of our excursions were to jump on the ferry and travel across to the mainland. Our destination… Chichén Itzá.
If you ever have the opportunity to go to Cozumel, I’d definitely suggest taking the ferry across to the mainland. It was about 45 minutes. The cab driver that dropped us off at the ferry station recommended to buy a one way ticket since there are multiple ferry companies that travel back and forth and they won’t accept another ferry companies tickets. It just keeps you from getting stuck for 3 tickets when you only need two.
So this is a real pirate ship that travels around Cozumel but it is actually a dinner cruise from what I’ve researched.
In May we headed to Cozumel Mexico. By the time we left I think we all needed a vacation. It was hubby, Abug, my mom, my MIL, and me who were able to go this year along with some other people to round out our trip. It was a lot of fun and after the way my day started I’m ready for some more Vitamin D and Vitamin Sea until my attitude changes!
I hate to say it but I’ve taken more pride in being a gorilla these last couple of semesters than I did when I first started out on this journey. Sad, now it’s over. There were a few things I wanted to do that I didn’t, such as attending a football game (while a student). But I guess we all have regrets now and then.
I would say my biggest regret right now, not being more excited on Graduation day. Why you ask? Well I was waiting on results for comps and I was afraid that I didn’t pass which meant I didn’t technically graduate. I felt like a fraud and a phony. I also wondered in the back of my head if because I felt that way and was afraid I’d regret the feelings, if I wouldn’t actually pass comps. I did on both accounts… I also think I owe my family an apology because while they were extremely excited… my guilt took over and I kept saying, “I’m not real sure I graduated…”
That morning we got to the school early. I wanted to take a photo shoot, kind of like “senior” photos. It didn’t turn out exactly like I would have liked. Oh well… I still got some good photos. I wasn’t taking them, hubby was and I couldn’t convey what I wanted. Sad how sometimes you see it in your head but can’t get it in words.
Since becoming a mother, I’ve not had a normal Mother’s Day yet. With Tbug I never got to have her Mother’s Day, although her mom did share her a couple Mother’s Day mornings. With Abug, I’ve had her the whole day, no questions asked! but still have yet to have a common Mother’s Day :).
This year proved no different. I actually got my Mother’s Day present the day before because it was a graduation/Mother’s Day present. I got a Nikon AW130 underwater camera. It’s awesome! I had the AW100, but this one goes further down and it has built in wifi. Very cool!
We bought our Mother’s presents so we made sure to pack them up in bags with tissue paper and take them around to the mother’s.
A couple of days before Mother’s Day this year, hubby and I were at Walmart standing in the checkout line when it dawned on me that I wouldn’t get to see Tbug this year on Mother’s Day. Obviously, she needs to spend time with her mother on Mother’s Day but usually, our weekends fall on Mother’s Day weekend and she tells her mom she wants to see me so she stays a few hours in the morning and then we meet up to take her back to her mother for the majority of the day.
Last fall we swapped weekends someway somehow some reason 🙂 so she wasn’t with us this weekend. When this dawned on me I teared up. Yup, right in the middle of Walmart. Hubby thought it was cute, I thought I was being ridiculous because a girl needs to see her mother on Mother’s Day. I know that.
Strange coincidence, when we got home that night, her mom sent us a message that said she had to work on Mother’s Day and would we like to spend some time with Tbug on Mother’s Day. Heck yeah :). So we picked Tbug up Saturday night. Well, my momma said let’s do Mother’s Day dinner Saturday night so after we picked Tbug up, we met my parents and grandma at LongHorn for dinner. BTW, gotta love call ahead seating! Just saying!
My mom told us all she wanted was Diet Mountain Dew for Mother’s Day. Well, we got her 2 12 packs of that and 2 12 packs of Diet Coke plus we’ve been remodeling our kitchen (post coming soon) and we have under counter lights that she loved so we’re doing that in her kitchen for her as well.
For my grandma, we’ve been fixing up her RV for her and adding the lights to it as well.
Hubby, Tbug and Peanut got me 2 books (that I can read that aren’t school books yeehaw!!! :))