Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve remembered to link up with EmmyMom’s 10 Things to Smile about mem… but guess what… I did it today! I tried hard to remember! And truthfully I could have linked up last Tuesday, but… there was still a week left of the month and I just had to hold off.
So in no particular order………… (drum roll please)……………..
9. National FFA week! FFA was a huge part of my growing up so it’s only awesome that there is a whole week devoted to FFA! I mean come on, it shapes a lot of young minds!
5. Because of National FFA week, I got a new pair of boots. Wait, what do those two have in common? Well, they were FFA boots and a special and I think the special was because of FFA week and yeah…
2. The iPhone got my dad. It was great. My dad is a real joker, so it’s always fun to pull one over on him from time to time and we didn’t actually have any part in it, which makes it even better!
Last Tuesday of the month, first Tuesday of the month, at this point same difference right? Wow, where did November go? Seriously… time is spiraling fast out of control. At least we made it through Thanksgiving so we don’t have to hear people say… Don’t forget about the Turkey before Santa! oy!
There were a lot of good times in November to be thankful about and smile about so let’s get to it…
1. Hubby’s birthday. It’s November 1st. That’s definitely a good reason to smile right off the bat in November, right?
2. Both my girls love to ride horses. They also both rode Blonde Barbie (my mare) for the first time on hubby’s birthday. (This is Aloha in the picture, not Blonde Barbie :))
Hi. So I’m a little late to this game, but that’s okay. The month of October was an extremely STRESSFUL month for me. If you remember I wouldn’t shut up about Comps. Now I’m waiting for the results. Let’s get started with 10 Things to Smile About October…
10. The day of Comps (Oct 29) I had a break down. I started crying in the library. The stress got to me. So i turned on Christmas music and listened to it all day because, who can be unhappy or stressed out when Christmas music is playing? Yes, that was my thinking and it worked. I only had that one break down. We could also listen to music while we were taking comps. I had my Christmas music on reserve.
Oh goodness, last night was a rough night. I’m pretty much dragging this morning. Baby girl went to sleep around 8:45pm last night, then woke up around 10, just as we were going to sleep and it was on. She has 3 new teeth that have sprung up over night and I don’t know if that played into it or not, but I passed out somewhere around 2am. I’m not sure if she was awake or asleep by that point or not.
I can tell you none of us wanted to get out of bed this morning, that’s for sure. Hubby gets up about 30-45 minutes before I do on Tuesday mornings, let’s just say my butt was dragging soooooo bad. My mom meets me to get squirrel girl on my way to class, I sent her a text at 8am saying we were on our way, don’t think we forgot, we were just dragging.
But let’s not focus on that… because even though I’m tired and last night sucked, I wouldn’t trade this life for the world. I love that little girl so much and I am blessed. So keeping on that blessed feeling, let’s go ahead and see what the 10 reasons were to smile about in September!
In no particular order…
5. Squirrely Girly got a month older… she’s now 15 months. Holy Cow!
7. Tbug and I went and participated in the Ride for Life. We had so much fun and she went on and on thanking anyone and everyone for letting her go.
Saturday evening I was sitting at my grandma’s table playing Aggravation with my grandma, dad, husband, and Tbug, Abug was switching laps she sat on. I received a text from my mom saying that a girl that I grew up showing horses with had been killed in a head-on collision Friday night. It hit me hard. Yes, we’ve drifted off through the years but still, I grew up with her competitively showing horses against her, yet we’re still a close family!
I hated to say anything on Facebook as well as on here simply because I asked for prayers for her family. I was not trying to make this about me in any way, shape, or form. I ask for prayers for her family. They’re the ones suffering. Yes, I was heartbroken to hear the news, but it isn’t about me, it’s about healing for her family. I wanted to make that clear.
I get accused sometimes of living in my own world. Usually, it is when someone is trying to get under my skin… especially if I’m ticked off already… fight fair, what’s that? But there is a lot of heartache in the world. That’s why it is always fun to participate in Emmy Mom‘s 10 Things to Smile About Memoir. Life is difficult, so any reason to smile is a good thing. And if you can laugh, that’s even better. Plus as an added bonus you burn 5 calories every time you laugh.
So now… 10 Reasons why I smiled in the month of August.
1. I’m really thinking that this post could be summed up by Vacation!
Man this summer is flying by way to fast. It makes me sad really! So I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do this blog post or if I wanted to blog about Abug’s birthday. I’m not going to lie, Abug’s birthday still has me a little distraught. I can’t believe I have a 1 year old now… So because of that… Here’s 10 Things to Smile About June Mem with EmmyMom.
So in no particular order…
3. My baby turned 1 year old. I’m still in denial about this… How do I have a toddler?
5. We finally got some new family photos. I was excited and LOVE them. Yes I took them. I put my mom behind the camera to help get Addison to look at the camera and smile… we got the look at least.
2. I had fun answering questions with song titles. I’m not going to lie, some didn’t make sense but some cracked me up for the way they actually answered the question.
10. This picture although it really has nothing to do with anything other than I had my sleeping baby in my arms. She was sure lovey that night.
Some days I’m late to the game, this week/month/day is one of those but I wanted to smile about the Month of May so please indulge me 🙂 I’m linking up with Emmy Mom! Guess I better hurry, my baby girl is emptying my bag. :). I love this life!
2. School’s out for Summer. Anyone else singing that song? I’m quite scared because I have a lot of books to read. If you’ve read these, please help me!!!
This month has been a bit of a struggle, I’m not going to lie. It’s always fun to see how everyone’s life in blog land is always butterflies and kittens, but in reality I’m pretty sure it isn’t, we just don’t typically tend to focus on the bad and that’s maybe a good thing.
Add the stress that next week is finals… NEXT. WEEK. and I’m kind of freaking out. So in the next few days I need to finish my portfolio, write a school blog post, finish a rough draft and then a final draft of a paper (yes both, grades on both) and a final. This semester I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I have in the past and I don’t know why… Now let’s hope I didn’t just jinx myself… but in the mean time, let’s find 10 things to Smile About so I can link up with Emmymom.
4. My baby girl turned 10 Months Old. OMG, how did that happen?
7. We helped/attended Trails for Kids to raise money for the local CP Center. As a whole, over $31,000 was raised! woohooo!
10. Tbug has been so busy with cheer these last few weeks and really even months. We finally saw her for the first time in over a month for a day. One day in April we saw her. Yup, you read that right. Not our choice but it is what it is.
6. I finally got new windshield wipers. Yes that makes me smile. Look how awful that one was!
9. Squirrelly girly has hit a bunch of milestones this month and while it makes this momma sad, it makes her happy too. And one day she wasn’t having a nap but was tired and actually curled up on momma’s chest and slept for 2 hours.
And on a sad note, do you watch Dancing with the Stars? Can you believe Willow went home… SERIOUSLY! And sadly no I didn’t vote for her but I don’t vote for anyone because I don’t get to watch the show until later in the week. I have Monday night classes. And by the time I finally get home the voting poles for my time zone are closed. So no I didn’t vote for her, but why didn’t the rest of America.