The Cheesecake Factory – Leawood, KS

Sunday morning when we were driving around headed to Buy Buy Baby hubby pointed out that we passed a The Cheesecake Factory. I asked if he’d ever eaten at one and he said nope. We decided that’s where we needed to eat dinner.

When we walked in, his first remark was, so this is where Penny worked? (Think Big Bang Theory :)). We got there early enough that there actually wasn’t a wait. I’ve only eaten at one maybe 2 or 3 times but there has always been a wait, not this day though!!!


Five Guys Burgers – Leawood, KS

Who doesn’t love a good, juicy, greasy hamburger? Well I guess there are some out there, but that would not be me. Sunday hubby and I slummed around for a while and finally decided to get up and get dressed. We had seen a baby store near by our hotel and we decided that we’d go check it out. On our way to Buy Buy Baby we passed a Five Guys burger. We’d been debating what to have for lunch and decided heck yeah, let’s do it.

Now Sunday morning up in Kansas City, it decided to snow. The roads were mostly clear, there was just a small layer on the car but still there weren’t many people out on the roads. I say this because I’ve never been to a Five Guys where it has been so empty. I partially wonder if it was because it was Sunday, partially because it was snowing and partially because it was around 11:45 when we got there… It didn’t matter though, it didn’t stop us.


Houlihan’s – Leawood, KS

I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am that this week is Spring Break. This has been a stressful semester and I’m soooooo ready for this break. Sadly after this break it’s going to get worse so at least we get a break, right? Hubby and I decided that we needed to get away for a couple days before the baby comes the end of June and Spring Break seemed like the best time.

We actually found ourselves in Kansas City. 2 hours away, a nice little get away, plus, we like Kansas City.

One of the great things about going out of town is trying the food! Sure, we could pick a restaurant we’ve been to or one that we have around home, but what is the fun in that? Our hotel was actually in Overland Park, KS so hubby got on the Urban Spoon app and one of the places that pulled up was Houlihan’s. I got on line and found the one closest to our hotel (1.5 miles) and we knew where dinner would be!


Friday Five – Pregnancy Brain, School, Lunch/Food

Wow, 2 weeks in a row I remembered. Some days, especially here lately that is a feat, remembering something. I’ll tell you, it’s extremely hard to take difficult tests when you can’t remember things… like the names of authors and the works of theirs you read. Anyway without further ado, I bring you the Friday Five hosted by EmmyMom

Emmy Mom

1. I took 2 tests this week for British Literature. Yes you read that correctly, 2. One was written and one was oral. The answer to my first question was Nightingale and Skylark, birds in case you couldn’t guess. I screwed it up sadly… I got Nightingale but couldn’t remember Skylark :(.

2. You have no idea how truthful this whole pregnancy brain really is… Yeah so Thursday I got home and got in the truck. I’d have sworn I grabbed my drivers license to take with me and I headed to my parents house. On my way home I couldn’t find my drivers license but didn’t remember taking it into their house. So I went ahead and drove home trying to find it. Once I got home, I checked the truck, my car, the house, the fireplace, the trash, the chair I sat in before I left, the love seat… EVERYWHERE and couldn’t find my drivers license. I called hubby just about in tears because I couldn’t find it. I walked back out to the truck, I’d been sitting on it the whole time… dun dun dun.

3. Normally I try to eat lunch with my mom and/or dad on Friday’s but this week, we met for lunch on Monday, after my first horrific test. It’s a lot of fun to meet my parents for lunch :).

4. Over the weekend we were discussing redoing the baby’s room. Somehow, I wasn’t involved in this conversation, somehow we came up with the solution that Tbug is going to move her room to the spare room and the Peanut is going to take over Tbug’s room. This makes me nervous as I don’t want Tbug to feel left out, but I was told that it was her idea. Like I said, I wasn’t involved in this conversation, I was standing in the kitchen.

5. The cat has been mad at me all week. I apparently keep upsetting her. Maybe next week will be better??

A flower in my Honey Nut Cheerio’s

Yum! A Cherry Coke Icee

Lunch – a Double Cheeseburger from Freddy’s Frozen Custard

My fingers have been swollen on and off this week. I never take my wedding ring off.

We hit 70’s this week a couple times!! They’re claiming 40’s on Saturday with possibility of snow. ha!

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Week 23

How far along? 23 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I still gave up on this… 

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Grapefruit. At about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, baby’s not just getting bigger, but she’s getting even cuter :).

  • She’s forming little nipples (yeah, really!!)
  • Her face is fully formed now — She just needs a little extra fat to fill it in.
  • She’s listening to your voice and your heartbeat — and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking

Maternity Clothes? Yup. I’m ready for regular clothes though. Hubby has done a GREAT job of getting me cute shirts, but the pants… they need to go!

Stretch Marks? I still haven’t seen any. I have blue veins that are showing up under my skin though… right on the surface.

Best moment this week? I went to a baby shop earlier this week and the gal asked my mom and me if we were doing okay, we said yes. A minute later she heard us giggling and she asked if we were still doing alright. We said yes. She then asked if one of us was expecting. I said I was (I giggled to myself she’d ask my mom that… lol). She looked at me and said, you are? I said yea I’m 5+months. She’s like no way, you don’t even look pregnant. I was like, do I look fat? she laughed and said, no but I’m bigger than you are. lol. We did wind up buying this….

Movement? Oh she’s in there. Sometimes I think she’s doing somersaults. She probably got that from Tbug, the gymnastic/cheer girl in my life… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? This week… nothing much. I guess Cherry Coke Icee’s have been calling my name.

What I miss: I seriously miss my jeans and belt buckle. I also miss being able to eat and not being full every time I turn around.

What I’m looking forward to: We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. And next Tuesday I have a prenatal massage. I think I’m really looking forward to that!!!

Nausea/Vomiting? Well I did get to throw up this week. Yuck! But it was snot induced (tmi?). I’ve been fighting this nasty cold now going on 6 weeks. I just think I get over it and dang it, it rares it’s ugly head.

Labor signs? N to the O

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Oh this is such a delicate subject. My belly button was so deep and now it’s almost flat. It makes me want to cry.

Wedding rings on or off? They are still on, but my fingers have been swollen a couple times this week. So have my feet.

Sleep? Oh… once I get comfortable and am not getting woke up by bathroom trips, I can fairly sleep. This moving forward an hour for Daylight Savings time has screwed with my sleep come morning time. I’m so glad I won’t be pregnant when we gain that hour back to standard time because if I get hungry now, could you imagine having to wait another hour to be able to eat?

Weekly Wisdom: Boy, this is such a hard question… I swear I’m losing my brain so I can’t even remember ha! I might have had something earlier this week, but it’s gone now.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Tiramisu Brownies

If there is one thing my family likes, it is Tiramisu. My family, I’m talking hubby (I introduced him), Tbug (we introduced her), and of course me (I introduced myself. ha!) That’s all you need to know, Tiramisu is good. Oh wait, that doesn’t make a very good post, does it? Okay, so how about Tiramisu Brownies… will that make a good post?

So you’ll want to start by making your brownies. I went the easy route and used a box mix. Mix it up for cake-like brownies. Follow the directions of the brownie. I could tell you what mine said but not all box mixes are the same. Once the brownies are baked, let them cool completely.

Once your brownies have cooled, it’s finally time to work on the topping, you know, the Tiramisu part! Take 20 chocolate-filled cookies (I used Chocolate filled Oreo’s) and grind them up. I couldn’t find all the pieces to my food processor so I used my blender. Worked GREAT! (more…)

Anything Like Me

So I was driving to school this morning and this song popped on the radio. Heck I was so ready to break down and cry. In fact, I sent this song to hubby and the subject of the email was cry with me, won’t you.


On more than one occasion I’ve wondered what Peanut is going to be like. How can you not wonder? I keep cracking people up because right now I’m so totally focused on what color her eyes are going to be. My mom’s are blue, my dad’s are brown and I came out with brown (or as hubby calls them breen). Hubby’s eyes are a gorgeous blue, mine are (as he calls them) breen, so what could she have? Yeah I wonder hair color too but not nearly like the eyes. I’m crazy I guess.

But then here lately I’ve been so focused on stories and events that happened to me as a child/teenager/etc. There are definitely experiences I want her to have… like

  • Learning to drive in my dad’s old 86 Ford 3/4.
  • Flying through a field at 6 years old in a 1989 Chevy S10 slamming on the breaks sending the dogs flying forward and backwards yelling, but they like it!
  • Riding the homemade swing on the horse walker helping to keep the horses moving.
  • Jumping out of the bed of my dad’s S10 to grab his ballcap he lost messing with cows even though told to stay in the bed of the truck so the cows didn’t get you. Hey I was afraid it would blow into the stock tank.
  • Having the best parents in the world who would do what they could to make sure you had everything you wanted.
  • But taught you to value the dollar, nothing comes for free
  • Showing horses
  • Getting sunburned from riding horses all day (although the sunburned part can be avoided)
  • Helping build a barn
  • Helping finish a house
  • Showing sheep and being known as the lady with the crazy sheep, sure why not!

 Obviously things I would avoid would be

  • Falling out of a swing in 2nd grade and getting a cast.
  • I really would prefer she get her daddy’s vision (mine sucks)
  • Getting shoved headfirst into a desk so a boy could beat you to the water fountain, stitches suck
  • Ever being in a wreck, no matter how minor it is.

Oh I could go on and on with lists… but still almost every night or at least quite a few times per week hubby has to calm me down because I’m afraid she’ll hate us. Not in a I don’t like you because you won’t let me have my way kind of dislike, every kid has those moments, but an I hate you because you ruined my life and I want absolutely nothing to do with you.

I guess I should really quit before I just totally freak myself out right now. I blame some of this on being pregnant. It really does affect you with all the hormones you have running through your system, YIKES!

On a different note little girl got a cute Halloween outfit yesterday, it was on sale, 60% off. Heck if I waited until Halloween it’d be full price, hello savings!

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Interesting Story

I swear, sometimes only interesting stories happen to me, my family, at our house, etc. I hope we aren’t the only people who this happens to, but sometimes you can’t help but just laugh.

So let me paint the picture…

So four weeks ago Princess Rio was acting a little bit funny. We kind of thought maybe she was coming in heat but we weren’t really sure. Hubby and I got up that morning and headed to the dive shop because there was a photography class going on. When we left all three dogs were at our house. When we got home around 6 pm we couldn’t find Princess Rio.

Every once in awhile they dogs will go bed down at night, especially when it is cold which it was that weekend and we can’t get them to budge so we didn’t think too much about it. As I said, they go bed down in the hay in the barn and can’t hear us hollering for them.

So the next morning we woke up and still couldn’t find Rio. I knew my dad had been out to the house the day before so I called my mom and asked what time dad was there. She checked with him and told me 10 am. So somewhere between 10 am and 6 pm Rio disappeared.

The sad truth is, this isn’t the first dog that has been taken from our house. We had Bear and Josie taken from us. Now it looked like Rio had been taken. Every night we hollered for her for a week. We drove around the area looking for her. We did what we could but never came up with her. (more…)