Week 23

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How far along? 23 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I still gave up on this… 

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Grapefruit. At about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, baby’s not just getting bigger, but she’s getting even cuter :).

  • She’s forming little nipples (yeah, really!!)
  • Her face is fully formed now — She just needs a little extra fat to fill it in.
  • She’s listening to your voice and your heartbeat — and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking

Maternity Clothes? Yup. I’m ready for regular clothes though. Hubby has done a GREAT job of getting me cute shirts, but the pants… they need to go!

Stretch Marks? I still haven’t seen any. I have blue veins that are showing up under my skin though… right on the surface.

Best moment this week? I went to a baby shop earlier this week and the gal asked my mom and me if we were doing okay, we said yes. A minute later she heard us giggling and she asked if we were still doing alright. We said yes. She then asked if one of us was expecting. I said I was (I giggled to myself she’d ask my mom that… lol). She looked at me and said, you are? I said yea I’m 5+months. She’s like no way, you don’t even look pregnant. I was like, do I look fat? she laughed and said, no but I’m bigger than you are. lol. We did wind up buying this….

Movement? Oh she’s in there. Sometimes I think she’s doing somersaults. She probably got that from Tbug, the gymnastic/cheer girl in my life… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? This week… nothing much. I guess Cherry Coke Icee’s have been calling my name.

What I miss: I seriously miss my jeans and belt buckle. I also miss being able to eat and not being full every time I turn around.

What I’m looking forward to: We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. And next Tuesday I have a prenatal massage. I think I’m really looking forward to that!!!

Nausea/Vomiting? Well I did get to throw up this week. Yuck! But it was snot induced (tmi?). I’ve been fighting this nasty cold now going on 6 weeks. I just think I get over it and dang it, it rares it’s ugly head.

Labor signs? N to the O

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Oh this is such a delicate subject. My belly button was so deep and now it’s almost flat. It makes me want to cry.

Wedding rings on or off? They are still on, but my fingers have been swollen a couple times this week. So have my feet.

Sleep? Oh… once I get comfortable and am not getting woke up by bathroom trips, I can fairly sleep. This moving forward an hour for Daylight Savings time has screwed with my sleep come morning time. I’m so glad I won’t be pregnant when we gain that hour back to standard time because if I get hungry now, could you imagine having to wait another hour to be able to eat?

Weekly Wisdom: Boy, this is such a hard question… I swear I’m losing my brain so I can’t even remember ha! I might have had something earlier this week, but it’s gone now.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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