Friday Five – Research papers, food, and other blah blah blah

So I’ve been telling Emmy now for a couple weeks, I’m going to do this. And before it was a link up, I’m going to steal this from you. The thing is, I keep forgetting, until today, so today I’d like to present you with….. dun dun dun…. My Friday Five :).

1. Monday we got a snow day. If you know anything about the school I go to or you follow my blog, you’ll know that we hardly ever get snow days, even when all other universities and colleges are closed down due to bad weather. Now in grade school that meant you got out earlier, but not so much in college…

2. I totally found my craving this week. It was for Orange Soda. Now I know I’ve addressed this not once but twice already, but still. I also ate Sweettarts. I love Sweettarts. Have I ever told you that? I’m not much of a chocolate person, but give me sweettarts as in this week and I’ll eat the whole package. I also like the Chewy ones. Just sayin.

3. My dad had to travel to Indiana for work. One of the guys up there, Greg (who named my colt last year) started picking on me this year about driving a mini van. Grrrr he’s now on my list.

4. We cleaned out Peanut’s room to start trying to get things closer to being arranged (still a whole long ways) in there. Since then we’ve kept the cat out of there. She doesn’t like it at all. Now she’s been going in to Tbug’s room and dragging stuffed animals into our room in the middle of the night and then sleeping where she moves the stuffed animals. Weird cat!

5. I made Tiramisu Brownies this week. I’ll have to share the recipe because dang, they’re good. That’s all :).

See the cat??

Doing research for my 8 page research paper.

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Week 22

How far along? 22 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss:Oh I just gave up with the scale. To be honest I can’t even remember. I weigh myself still sometimes but still I can’t remember where I started.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Papaya. The average fetus measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 oz.

  • Now that she has more developed eyes and lips, she’s looking even more like a newborn.
  • She’s sleeping in cycles — about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they’re probably those times you’re not feeling any kicks!)

Maternity Clothes?Yeah… but I am soooo ready for some real jeans! I don’t like these maternity jeans.

Stretch Marks?I still haven’t found any but that still doesn’t mean anything. I had some previously from growing up on my hips and I can’t even tell if they old or new but I think old.

Best moment this week?Listening to my husband talk to Peanut every night before bed and every morning before he leaves for work.

Movement? She needs to leave my poor bladder alone, PLEASE! I usually yell at her, Don’t make me come in there… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? This week I think I finally found my first craving… Orange Soda. Weird I know but dang!

What I miss: I miss my semi flat stomach (it never was flat but dang). I miss my regular jeans. I miss wearing my belt buckle!

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing what color Peanuts eyes are going to be. Her hair too but her eyes have been driving me nuts! Hubby has blue and I have Brown (or as hubby calls Breen).

Nausea/Vomiting? We’ve been good in this department so far this week. The snot from my cold chokes me but still…. that doesn’t count.

Labor signs? No but truthfully this girl doesn’t even know what those are like….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Well, it’s still in but not by much. It’s soooo freaky looking.

Wedding rings on or off? We’re lucky here, they still fit!!

Sleep? Oh let’s not even talk about this. OY! So between being extremely stressed out with so much to do and hubby snoring and not getting comfortable on the bed (and the list goes on) I’m lucky to get 4-5 hrs a night.

Weekly Wisdom: For a while I almost thought naps hindered my night time sleep but now I’m thinking if you get the chance for a nap, take it because you’ll be up in the night anyway…

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Mother Nature

Oh goodness… Don’t over or under estimate Mother Nature. Our country has been hit hard this year if you listen to the news and places that don’t see certain types of weather have seen it this year, but I truly wonder how different it is than other years. I mean in 2011 we got 18 inches of snow which is unreal for us, but it happened.

So I dunno. I think I want to be a meteorologist… wrong 90% of the time and still go to a job the next day.

We found out that starting Saturday evening at 6pm through Monday morning at 6am we were under some kind of winter weather advisory. I can’t keep them straight.

My MIL’s water needed fixing (dunno what was wrong with it) so my FIL met hubby and me at my MIL’s house and they worked on her well. (yes we live in the country and we all work off wells :))

I kept claiming this was the calm before the storm. Thursday night you could just feel the weather changing while we were standing outside working on her well.

Friday they said we would get some rain/sleet mix. As I was driving to lunch to meet my parents the rain started. I guess they were more in the sleet but I was more in the rain. See rain/sleet mix.

But come Sunday morning… we finally got the weather. Church never closes and they cancelled. It was crazy. We went to some friends house for lunch and this was the lovely weather.

When we came home this is what our road looked like. I’m fairly certain no one had driven down it in hours.

They actually cancelled school on Monday. So Tuesday headed to class, this was what the roads around the campus looked like. Seriously? It was a sheet of ice… sure why not make inexperienced college students drive in this crap :). It’s funny because all the universities around close down except the one I go to.

So happy first week of March, right? That’s okay, last year in May we got snow so whatever :).

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Uh Oh… What's she thinking?!?! Edition II

Oh no…. we’re back for round 2 of Uh Oh! What’s she thinking?!?! I’m telling you guys, this is a scary place to be, especially with a pregnant girl, right? . Hmmmm are you trying not to offend me or is no one actually there… lol :).

++I really like Cheez-its in the Cheddar Jack flavor but I can’t seem to find them at the store in a box. So far the only place I can find them is in a Duo box with another flavor (forget which one) or else in the individual packages but they’re boxed with regular and the White cheddar. The individual packages work great for taking to school with me, but what about when I’m at home wanting them?

++I might have actually found my first craving… Orange Soda. Okay so confess Sesh… I say pop unless it’s dealing with Orange and then it’s soda. I can’t explain it, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

++I can tell you that my water tastes nothing like Orange Soda.

++So this week we’re starting Absalom, Absalom in Faulkner. I have absolutely NO idea what it’s about. I have to get crackilackin though and read it because I have Reading Thinking Journal questions due on Thursday! Yikes! Actually the questions are due tomorrow for Thursday. I can’t even tell you what the back of the book says the book is about because there’s a HUGE green sticker that says Buy Used & Save.

++So I’m sitting here in the library dancing to the song playing through my earphones. Wonder if anyone noticed??!!

++I’m so ready for Spring and I’m sooooo ready for Spring Break! I swear this winter seems to have drug on this year. But I’m not now nor have I ever been a huge fan of winter. The only part of winter I like is the snow replenishes the soil with nitrogen which helps in farming. Just saying.

++So we have baby foals (horses) that should be popping any day now. Well I’m still about a week out from really being able to say that but still.

++Today is March 4th. Did you know that means that it is my 6 month anniversary to my wedding anniversary? like you know, the halfway mark.

++Why is it the song you want to hear won’t come on and play when you want to listen to it, but a song you can’t stand happens to be playing within 5 minutes of turning on the radio or CMT? I guess I’ll settle for James Morrison You Make it Real and hope the song I want is in the line up soon?!?!

++Have I told you I’m SOOOOOO over this cold. Oh and I have one small spot of poison ivy. They say you can’t transfer it person to person but I disagree. I didn’t even know I was allergic to poison ivy until like last year or the year before when I had it something horrible! Although not like hubby or Tbug get it. Wonder if Peanut will be allergic.

++It’s almost lunch time so I think I’ll go find my Orange Soda now! Thanks for playing along!! 🙂

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Here and Now

Making : Multi-tasking between writing this blog post, working on homework, watching Friends and getting close to making dinner.
Cooking : I will be cooking Pioneer Woman’s Sour Cream Noodle Bake and Garlic toast
Drinking : Sweet Tea
Reading: Getting ready to Absalom Absalom by William Faulkner
Wanting: to have my homework done.
Looking: for mistakes on my homework.
