More Tbugisms!!

Tbug: I’m going to get Junior ribs but I bet they’re not as good as JL’s.

Hubby: We’re talkin’ about Pryor…
Tbug: ooooooooooo JL’s

Hubby:  You can eat the ribs with your fork.
Tbug: Awe, where’s the fun in that dad?

Grandma (my mom): What theme are we going to have for Christmas this year?
Tbug: Red birds!

Ok so some explanations:
JL’s is a rib place that we ate at back in April when we headed to Texas to pick up Squirty.  We’ve eaten there many times but Tbug had only eaten there the once.  On our way home from Texas she asked if we could stop there again.  All anyone has to do is say Pryor and she’s all over it like stink on rice.  She’s even told us we can’t go there without her.

And the red bird thing… It’s a joke around my house.  My parents have a red bird that has pecked on their windows for YEARS!  So my grandma said that red birds mate for life.  The bird comes around when my mom’s home and leaves when her job takes her out of town.  It’s hilarious… so every year we buy her a red bird something.  So there’s the details 🙂

Buca di Beppo – Kansas City, MO

Last spring when we were out in Las Vegas, I introduced my husband to the restaurant that is Buca di Beppo.  I know that it is a chain restaurant, but sometimes, they are some of the best… otherwise, why would there be a chain of them, they wouldn’t last at all.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Mom & Pop type diners too! Just to be clear!!
Friday though, when we were driving up to Kansas City we were trying to decide where we’d eat dinner.  I mentioned Buca to hubby and he agreed, it would be good so Buca di Beppo it was.

Now I’m not trying to brag or anything, definitely not at all, but we had to get new phones since we changed cell providers.  Hey, Verizon has coverage at our house in every nook and cranny where AT&T only wished they had coverage… so we got introduced to the thing that is Siri.  (if you’re not an iPhone user, she’s a cool feature that is in Beta on the iPhone 5 and it’s fun to screw with her, I’m just saying!)

We actually used Siri and an iPhone app called Open Table to make our reservations while we were driving to the City.  I’ll tell you now, Hubby was driving, I was doing the rest.  I’m totally against texting and driving.  Ok off the soapbox now.

Buca di Beppo is located down on the Country Club Plaza, but not at street level, nope, you have to go down.  How awesome is that!?!?

Remember, Buca di Beppo is family-style cuisine.  So basically you order a small to feed 3-4 people or a Large I think they said feeds 6-8 depending on what you get, obviously.


Thumbs up for Lane

Have you heard anything about this?  I hadn’t until yesterday when my boss suggested our conference that is going on do a photo like this.

huh?  Are you as confused as I am?

Don’t worry, I googled it to check it out…

Lane Goodwin is a 13 year old boy located in Beech Grove, KY (western) and is battling cancer.  From what I can find, he’s been diagnosed with stage IV (4) rhabdomyosarcoma in 2010.

There is a facebook page that is set up just for support for him.  When I clicked “Like” there were 271,000 likes and growing.  Celebrities are even getting in on this from Rodney Atkins to Anderson Cooper.

People are posting on youtube, Facebook, Twitter (with hashtag #thumbsupforlane).  And you can bet I’m joining in on this.  How super of a great way to show support for a little boy who has had cancer since 2010.  He had flairups in 2011 and again in 2012.  It may not be the miracle he needs, but it’s super fantastic that people are standing behind him.

If you would like to join in individually, click on the links above, but if you’d like to do this as a group, email me a photo and I’d love to create a blogging Ring of Thumbs Up for Lane Goodwin.

So if you’d like to be included in the group photo, please have your photo emailed to me by Sunday October 14, 2012.

lifesabeachtheblog at gmail dot com

Cheeseburger in Paradise – Kansas City, KS

**Pulled off my  Recipe Blog**

The whole trip was planned and based off going to dinner at a restaurant Saturday night.  Kind of the rest was a fly by the seat of your pants trip…

Dinner Saturday night was set for 8:15pm so we decided to eat a late lunch.  After running around town, I had remembered seeing a Cheeseburger in Paradise back close to our hotel (we stayed on the Kansas side of KC over by the Motor Speed way) so we asked our trusty GPS to get us directions and away we went.

Cheeseburger in Paradise apparently not to be confused with the Cheeseburgers in Paradise that we ate at in Hawaii.

Normally we don’t get appetizers, however this time, we decided to.  I’m a huge fan of Fried Mozzarella Stix and Fried pickles, but we didn’t need two items.  They said they were known for their Frickles, however we went with the Fried Mozzarella.


Happy Birthday to my Daddy!

Today is my daddy’s birthday.  You have no idea how much I’d love to tell you what we got him, however, he does read my blog every so often so I can’t take the chance that the birthday boy will see this post.

But I just wanted to let you know that today is my daddy’s birthday.

Happy birthday to one of my biggest Hero’s, Supporters and Fans,

My daddy!

The Roasterie Cafe – Kansas City, MO

**Pulled off my  Recipe Blog**

My 6 year anniversary at work is coming Tuesday.  I somehow wound up with 1 day of vacation that I had to use before Tuesday so my hubby and I both took a day of vacation last Friday and headed for Kansas City.

I have some relatives that live in KC, but I don’t seem to get up there as often as I should to visit them.  And truthfully I haven’t really been around KC much to know what all there is to offer.  I have been saying to hubby for a while I’d like to go to KC and this weekend just so happened to be the weekend we headed that direction.

One thing they have in KC is a Trader Joe’s Grocery Store.  Now we both LOVE grocery stores and I just so happened to finally find a Trader Joes!!  I made it a point that we had to check it out.

So we woke up on Saturday morning and debated on what we would do for breakfast.  We chose the Trader Joe’s over on 119th St and decided that we’d just check out the food situation once we got over there.  That’s when we wound up stumbling across this cute Coffee Shop.

The Roasterie Cafe.  I could have gotten a better shot of the front of the building but I was standing in the middle of the road trying to snap this shot.  Granted the road was a parking lot road but there were cars coming.  Just so we’re all clear :).

When we walked in the door we were greeted with all these beautiful chocolates.  You didn’t even want to eat them they were so pretty.  Sorry about the quality of photos, they’re taken with my iPhone…


I Missed My Calling

I realized this weekend I missed my calling…..

Between going to a store that offers things like this…

Wine bottle openers, Salt & pepper Shakers & Napkin Ring holders…

To a grocery store that greets you this way as you walk in…

Flowers & Pumpkins Oh My!

And like this.  Holy cow…..

More Flowers & a Basil Plant!  I so almost bought the basil plant…

Then Dark Chocolate covered Blueberries & Mini Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups….

Or how about a Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Cake…

Holy Moly! said in my best Walter Matthau – in Grumpy Old Men!

Or how about a Farmer’s Market that has not only FRESH produce, but fresh seasonings AND an Italian Market right in the store, just to name a few things…

Homemade Cannoli… YUM!  or some pastes in a tube… even some Fresh seasonings!

Yes, this Farmer’s Market does exist, see, we’re there even!

Although I can’t even begin to tell you how COLD it was this weekend!  High of 43!
btw, this summer I thought I was ready for some cold weather, someone please kick my @$$ for that comment!

And then killing time before dinner we found this lovely lovely wine shop.  Look!

Plus they had a fabulous selection of Cheese!
BTW, that is Chocolate Wine for Chocolate Lovers who Love Wine…

And did you know it gets better? 

How about this apron or better yet a Ginger Bread House for Halloween?!?!?!?!
I might just be in love…

Oh and we even walked around a book store looking at Cookbooks.  Yep, I’m that cool!

So what was my calling you ask?

Well, I think I should have been a chef and or a food critic!

Maybe, both.  Combine my love of grocery stores with my love of food with my love of writing.

Hmmm…. Maybe it’s a good thing I picked up running… I might need it.

Did you know One of my absolute favorite things to do is walk around grocery stores.

No, not Wal-mart’s grocery portion, an actual Grocery Store!!!!!!  And what’s great, Mr. Man (don’t ask, I don’t know) as I dubbed him the other day in an email at work, aka hubby or PC, Loves walking around these places with me!

Farmer’s Markets, Grocery Stores, House Utensil & Kitchen Gadget stores….. All of the above or any of the above.

That’s one sad thing about living in Middle of nowhere America, no FABULOUS Grocery Stores!  And our Farmer’s Markets is great, but nothing like this one!

Ok, I’m out… It’s Monday Morning and I’m going back to dreaming about this fabulous weekend I just had! BTW, I’m hungry after this post… just saying…

I have learned early morning runs will do that to you… Beware!

Am I nuts or do you like walking around Really Cool Grocery Stores too?  Please say I’m not alone!


Me: What’s the state capital of Oklahoma?
Tbug: Iowa

Audrey was laying on the ground on her back with her tummy showing.
Tbug: Mom Audrey has Termites (aka fleas).

Me: Whatcha doin? (she was picking a brick up and smashing something…)
Tbug: Making Acorn stew.  I’m friends with the squirrels.

Tbug: Mommy’s Hot dog (Audrey), Daddy’s Mars Bars (Marlie) and Tbug’s little Jo Jo (Josie).

Tbug: Mom, you need to get new glasses and get rid of those slug bug detectors. 

Random Smathering of Crap

  • So I’ve had to wear my glasses since Friday night.  Ugh!  I have an eye ulcer and I was sick of my glasses as of 10pm Friday night.  Good news, one more day of wearing glasses and as long as my eye keeps getting better I can wear my contacts again.
  • We watched “8 Seconds” last night.  You know, the movie about Bull Rider Lane Frost.  So while we were watching I was googling different aspects of the movie.  I love learning new things.  Yes I’m a nerd that way.
  •  Speaking of Nerd, that seems to be the word around my house.  That and Turkey.  Generally you are either a Nerd or a Turkey.  And Nerd is pronounced Neurd, just so we’re clear.
  • We have started week 2 of the C25K program.  Sorry for the photo, it was taken at 10pm Monday night with an iPhone.  It happens.  I plan on trying to take a photo a week, just to prove we’re still at it!  Something to look forward too!
Week 2 – Trying to look tough
  • It’s finally Wednesday.  That’s good, right?
  • I just banged my knee, is that a sign of what the day holds in store for me?  I sure hope not!
  • We’ve been watching all the episodes of Gilmore Girls.  It takes a bit to get through.  Lorelai Gilmore is such a cooky, crazy, awesome person.  I want to be friends with her.  I however wouldn’t want to be friends with Paris Geller.  Yikes!  
  • After watching Lorelai get Paul Anka (the dog, in case you didn’t know), I so wanted to rename my dog Josie some really cool name.  Yeah, there wasn’t any cool name and I tried to rename her, she didn’t like it but she likes Josie, so I guess she chose Josie as her name and I have to respect that.
  • Don’t forget to sign your blog up on the World map if you’d like.  I have some great blogs that are signed up, you should check them out!
  • Happy Wednesday!

Meet the Latest of the Gang!

First off, Let’s take care of some house keeping issues….. Did you read my post yesterday?  If not, you should go here and read it and if you want, register your blog on the world map!! It’s very easy to do and I’m trying to help bloggers find bloggers 🙂

Now on to regularly scheduled programming!


Saturday morning at O-Dark Thirty hubby and I got up and headed to my parents house.  Actually… we were up at 4:57 (so I get to count that as being up in the 4o’clock hour) and we got to my parents house at 6:30.    Don’t do the math, it will hurt your head :).

My dad found a Australian Shepherd Red Merle female on Craigs List and after a few emails and a bunch of texting, we decided we were headed to Peru to get her.  That would be in Kansas, just in case you wondered.  They said she was about 10 months old.

We started the negotiations on Thursday and were ready to drive out there Thursday night but by the time we got texts back it was too late to head that direction.  We tried to go Friday night but the people had stuff to do so Saturday it was.  My parents wanted to go too to see her so Saturday morning we all loaded up and headed to Peru.  Remember, that’s in Kansas.  We had to be there at 8:30, 9am at the latest.

And look at this pretty girl who came home with us.

Now what’s really funny about this photo is, she is an Aussie, not a Yellow Lab like Marlie, yet our Aussie loves the water and my yellow Lab is scared of it.  I haven’t figured this out yet…. when I do I’ll keep you updated.

So meet our newest baby girl :).

She’s quite the newest addition to our dog family.  🙂