Calling all Band Geeks

Since we’re all friends here I feel I can confess…

I was a band geek.

There, I said it.  It feels so good to get that off of my chest.  However, I should also admit that in fact my husband was a band geek too.

I played the Clarinet, he played the Tuba in concert band or Sousaphone in marching band.  And there you have it boys and girls, we were band geeks.  But that’s ok, I had good times in band, in fact it gave me a chance to go to Disney World and get to know my husband even better, you know, before he fell off the face of the earth or at least out of my life.

What’s really odd and strange is we went to a fairly good sized high school, our graduating class was 214.  That’s good sized for around here anyway.  But I think I was one of the few Band students who was also in the FFA.  Just food for thought.

Anyway moving on.  Saturday was the Maple Leaf Parade and we went and watched the parade.  Both of us being drilled sooooo much on how to march and march in step and in straight lines while keeping diagonals really makes you sit there and watch the bands going through the parade and critique them.  And what’s really funny is things we used to complain about, why do we have to do it this way or why can’t we do it that way, when you see bands doing those things, you realize why the band teachers said no.  Crazy how the world works.

On top of the parade they also have a huge field show competition out on the football field.  We decided Saturday night that we were going to go watch the finals.

Holy cow, sitting there in that stadium brought back all those early morning practices, all that yelling and being drilled, all the counting, marching in step while playing a song, and even more.  It was GREAT!

When I was a senior I decided not to be in the band.  I was tired of the constant struggle between band functions and FFA functions and truth be told, I hated 7am practices in the cold.  I had a few people tell me I would miss it and I shouldn’t quit, not before my last year.  Silly me though, I didn’t listen.  Dumbest mistake of my life.  Ok maybe not dumbest but it wasn’t a smart one either.  Being there Saturday night I kind of really wanted to be out on that field with those bands.  Just sayin.

So the first band up we saw I saw this guy walking around in khaki’s and a jacket on the field.  At first I thought it was the band director and I really wondered what he was doing.  Then I realized it was a judge.  Now, I’m not sure I ever remember a judge walking around on the field while we were competing, if they did, wow I was sure focused, but I have to admit, I think that would have bothered me.  He doesn’t KNOW their routine’s so how did he know he wasn’t going to cause them to run over him or have to get out of formation.  I think that is actually kind of rude…  He wasn’t always paying attention to everyone around him and he did almost get run over a few times.  I kind of wish they had but maybe that’s the vindictive side of me…

Which one of these is not like the other?!?!

 And then, we were always told, keep going.  Don’t let anything distract you.  Well look out on the field, what is that?  Is that…. a Shoe?  Why yes, yes it is a shoe.  One of the band members lost their shoe while in competition.  I must commend them for continuing on!

Wow this brought back such fond memories.

And then came time for the results of the competition.  All drum majors line up on the track.  One of the cool things is when the drum majors do their little “We’re ready” routine.  And during the ceremony they do it every time their name is called.  Very awesome!

Best Auxillary – Lebenon High School
Best Drum Major – Marionville High school
Best Precussion – Lebanon High School
Best Horn Line – Lebanon High School

8th place – Joplin High School
7th Place – Seneca High School
6th Place – Marionville High School
5th Place – Buffalo High School
4th Place – Hutchinson High School
3rd Place – Ava High School
2nd Place – Glendale High School
and 1st Place – Lebanon High School

Then they have a Sweepstakes round.  It is the best overall combined score between the parade and the field show with 30% weighed on the parade scores and 70% weighted on the field competition scores.

Sweepstakes Winners: Lebanon High School

Food for Thought

I promise it isn’t a political post.  I mean it touches on politics but I’m not one to debate politics with anyone because we all have our own opinion and we’re all entitled to our opinion.  We won’t see eye to eye on topics, and that’s part of what makes this country so great.  Ok now that I have my disclaimer… here I go…


Ok here it is… every candidate has a political agenda.  They have something they want to accomplish.  They want to be in power so that their agenda can be met, or at least closer to being met.  Point Blank.
Also every candidate has their pros and their cons.  That is their pros and cons for and against them.  No one is perfect… we know this.   And here’s a good one for you, we all screw up.  Do things we wish we never did… a lot of people especially do this in their college years.  Let’s not rehash that crap.  We’ve all grown up since then.
So let’s do a little junior high refreshing course, shall we?  Ok Yes the President has the absolute VETO power and or the ability to sign a bill into a law, etc.  BUT, don’t forget about the House and the Senate.  Whatever the issue has to be passed between both of those before it ever winds up on the presidents desk.
Then, if the president doesn’t care for whatever is being passed across his desk, then he’s going to Veto it, however, there are checks and balances in place and 2/3rds majority of congress can collectively overrule the presidents veto, so if majority of your house and your senate are of the same party, the president is of the opposite party, but this party wants something passed, it can still get passed.
This just in from PC:  If you want to learn about how the president goes about getting things done and how government works in the white house, watch the West Wing Series.  It follows the Clinton Administration and will teach you way more than you learned in junior high and high school about the whole process.
Now back to regularly scheduled programing.
So now let’s talk a little about the candidates however I promise this isn’t a sales pitch of any sort, just something I noticed.
If you remember back to 4 years ago when President Obama was on the campaign trail along with McCain, a lot of times Obama was not only compared/better than McCain but he was compared a lot to Sarah Palin.  Obama and Palin were for different political offices.  One was running for President, the other for Vice President.  I never understood why they compared those too so much as opposed to Obama and McCain.  I’m not going to lie, I didn’t even know who Obama’s running mate was until the Vice Presidential debate.  Biden who?
So now this election… I know who both Presidential candidates are.  Obviously I know who Biden is now, but up until the vice presidential debate this time, I didn’t know who the Republican Vice Presidential candidate was.  This time I feel it is apples to apples because they are constantly comparing presidential candidate to presidential candidate.  More fair in my opinion. 
Now that I’ve state all of this… I say let’s vote for Mickey Mouse as president.  Don’t you think Mini would make a great First Lady?  Who knows….
Oh and I’ll leave you with one last question that I don’t know the answer too, well I sort of do, but…
Let’s say that we didn’t like either candidate running.  All of us.  Just play along.  Ok so when election time comes they have a write in slot.  Let’s say we all voted for a past president who was our favorite.  Let’s also say this president ran his full 2 terms.  But he was written in and elected… Would they give the job to him?  I know, I know, they wouldn’t, but it would still be funny to see.
Anyway Vote for Mickey.

Open Mouth – Insert Foot and Other Garble

1.  Do you ever have those moments when you feel like OH CRAP I said that?

Wednesday night we had dinner at Perky & Earl’s and I found out that you could buy cookies in packages.  One came with food coloring markers, the other came with icing and they were ready for decorating.  I blurted out “You bought those, seriously?”  Ok I meant it as holy cow that’s awesome, I didn’t know you could do such a thing… but everyone involved in that conversation thought I was making fun of Earl for buying such a thing as opposed to making them.  Ugh!

So let’s state for the record, I thought it was friggin cool and I’m ready to buy some for Tbug next time she’s over so she can join in on the fun!!!

2.  Wednesday I went and bought us a new office chair.  My mom went with me and volunteered to drive since she had a back seat with my dad’s truck and I was driving my hubby’s which is just a single cab.  It looked like rain even though it was a 30% chance so she said, “better be safe than sorry.”  We got back to work just before 1pm and at 1:16 it let loose and POURED like a cow peeing on a flat rock.  Hmm… good thing the chair was sitting in the backseat of dad’s truck instead of the bed of hubbys!

3.  Last weekend I went and shot pictures of a steer riding event.  It rained.  I got to stand huddled under a huge umbrella to shoot photos.  Thanks dad for holding the umbrella!!  So I got an alert from’s app that said we were in a severe thunderstorm warning until 8pm.  It was 7:45 when it blew in.  Everyone went to seek cover and didn’t tell us, so dad and I were like screw this and took off for the grand stand.  I was soaked from my butt cheeks to my feet, but my camera wasn’t harmed!

4.  So I heard yesterday that Google Reader is going away.  Is that true?  What am I going to do to keep up with all the blogs I follow?  Please someone verify &/or help me!!!

5.  I get teased for all the bags I drag to work with me on any normal given day.  Laptop bag, camera bag, purse.  I weighed it all one day to see how much extra weight I was carrying… dun dun dun…. 30 lbs.  Holy crap!  This week I haven’t been dragging all of that for different reasons… Wow I can get in and out of the building faster!

6.  So I had a Proud Mommy Moment to share this week but never got around to uploading the photos/video so I guess that will have to wait until next week.  I know, mean right. ha!

7.  It also involves my nephew, which is weird to hear me say… He’s always been my husband’s nephew but when you think about it… I’m married to my husband so he’s my nephew too.  Boy there is a huge adjustment period when you get married… apparently 2 years and counting.  Things sneak up on me all the time.

8.  I always said I wanted nieces and nephews and I would have to marry a guy with siblings so I could have that.  I dated an only child once, and I’m an only child.  Wow, we wouldn’t have been an aunt or uncle in that case… but my nephew now doesn’t call me Aunt Nicole so I guess that’s why I never really thought about being his aunt.  What can I say, I’m weird.

9.  My husband gets mad at me sometimes because of how tight with money I am.  I might find something for $2 even that I’d really like but I refuse to buy because I think either A) What could I get for that $2 that would be more beneficial, B) I really don’t need that even though I’d like it, C) That’s a lot of money, D) I don’t need everything I see, and many many more things.  He gets annoyed with my thinking but heck, $2 here and $2 there adds up real fast…  So Friday night I found some pencils I wanted.  I love office supplies.  He told me to get them.  But I was like how often do I write with a pencil?  I think it was 2 pencils for $2 and change or something… and I refused to get them.  Look what I have though…

10. It’s Friday!  Happy Friday all!

11.  Update: I’m linking up here


Questions borrowed from Here’s the thing (here )
1. What time did you get up this morning?
My alarm went off at 6:35, as most mornings.  I rolled over hit snooze and finally got up around 7.
2. How do you like your steak?
Medium Rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Ted I think….

4. What is your favorite TV show? 
absolute favorite…. Friends 🙂

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
if we’re dreaming here… Hawaii for sure, but we have to move my family there, just sayin…
6. What did you have for breakfast?
1 egg scrambled, 3 pieces of bacon and a Mocha Frappe.
7. What is your favorite food?
Italian probably…

8. Foods you dislike?
well…… I try to not be limited but I’m not crazy about beans unless they are green, don’t like peas and not a big fish fan either…

9. Favorite place to eat?
Zio’s Italian kitchen

10. Favorite dressing?
Ranch — No wonder I’m not skinny!

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
2011 Hyundai Elantra

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Jeans, belt/buckle, and boots!

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? 
I want to go 2 places fairly bad, Michigan to see where my grandma went to college, my grandparents & my mom & aunt grew up.  Also, Greece.  My grandmother is half Greek.  My great Grandfather crossed the big blue pond and entered this country through Ellis Island.  I’ve been to Ellis Island, it’s phenomenal! What those people did to come to this country.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Unfortunately it depends on the day and what’s happened….

15. Where would you want to retire?
My grandpa always said Nacogdoches, TX was the place to be because they didn’t have weather that bothered his arthritis.  For as bad as he had it and they say it is hereditary, I’ll probably have it…. especially since 3 of my 4 grandparents have/had it.

16. Favorite time of day?
Well I always feel best about myself right after I make it through a workout… but best time of day…. um… anytime I get to be around my husband.  *awe gushy I know*

17. Where were you born?
SW MO, born and raised.

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Some may not claim this, but Bull Riding.  It is a sport!  If I’m actually at the field/stadium, etc, I love sports, but watching on TV really doesn’t do anything for me.

19. What is your favorite fragrance?
Fresh cut Hay & or grass count?  How about clean clothes?  Ok fine… Chanel Allure.
20. What is your favorite face cream?
I have no idea….

21. Favorite baby/kids products?
I don’t actually know how to answer this question…

22. People watcher?
My friend Camille and I used to meet up outside Carrington Hall in college and people watch for an hour before we had to go to class again.  You’d be surprised what you see.

23. Are you a morning or night person?
I used to so be a night owl, however now I make myself go to bed because I’m not a morning person but I know I have to get up.  If I get up at my normal time I’m fully awake somewhere between 8 and 10.  That tell you anything?

24. Do you have any pets?
3 rugrats!  Audrey – Cocker Spaniel.  Marlie – Yellow Lab.  Josie – Red Merl Australian Shepherd.
25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
It’s Thursday?  Does that count?

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
A school teacher, a writer, a Ballerina on Broadway or a Veterinarian.

27. What is your favorite memory?
Oh there are so many!  Let’s see, most recent how about my 1 year wedding anniversary.  I got to go parasailing.  How about my Wedding day?  How about graduating college & high school and see the possibilities are endless.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?
Generally Dog but I love cats too.  I’m an animal person.

29. Are you married?
Yep, 2 years and counting!
30. Always wear your seat belt?
Sure do.

31. Been in a car accident?
When I was 15 my grandpa pulled out infront of a F-150.  We were in a Ford Ranger.  The Ranger was supposed to be mine when I turned 16, however, it got totaled.  So I got a different Ranger when I turned 16, I had my driver’s license 1 month and rear ended my neighbor.

32. Any pet peeves?

Sometimes I’m a grammar snob.  My mom did it to me! :).  I’m not always the best and I will correct myself in front of people if I realize I said it in correctly, so don’t worry, I correct myself too.  Also when people drag their feet when they walk.  There are more, these are just what I can think of.

33. Favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni, Canadian Bacon & Mushroom

34. Favorite flower?
I’m typical – Roses

35. Favorite ice cream?
I’m a plain girl here, I prefer Vanilla however, Bluebunny has a line of Chef Duff inspired ice cream and then it’s the Strawberry Shortcake stuff!
36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Chick-fil-a or Jimmy Johns
37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
I didn’t.  I passed the written test and the driving test the first try.
38. From whom did you get your last email? 
Betty Crocker – Yes the food brand….

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? 
I really don’t want to max out my Credit Card because then I have to pay it off.  I try not to carry a balance, ever.

40. Favorite book?
Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum Series.

41. Like your job?
I owe, I owe it’s off to work I go.

42. Broccoli?
Sure.  Cheese please?!?!

43. What was your favorite vacation?
I’m sorry, Hawaii has this one hands down, although Chicago on my Honeymoon ranks right up there as well as our yearly trips to Ft. Worth.  Funny truth about me, when I was little we spent so much time going to Texas for horse shows that I claimed to be part Texan.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
My hubby last Friday night.
45. What are you listening to right now?
Some song I don’t know that is playing on the radio, one of my bosses talking to a co-worker about who knows what and the printer printing papers, as well as my fingers typing on the keys.
46. What is your favorite color?
47. How many tattoos do you have?
None, I’m a weenie!

48. Coffee drinker?
I’m a newbie here as in last November.  It has to have sugar and creamer and generally I like the flavored creamer however I’m not crazy about French Vanilla.  Just sayin.
49. Favorite drink?
It used to be Coke.  Now… I guess water &/or Sweet Tea.

50. What word describes you best?
Weird.  Does that count?  Hey, we’re all weird in our own way!

History Worth Making

I can’t even begin to tell y’all how tired I am today.  I swear, I have been on the run, nonstop since last week.  Sometimes it will just plum wear you down.  I feel like I’m there.  Other than our town’s big shindig this weekend, I don’t think we have any plans and I’m ok with that.

Just know that run run run and a dirty house means you have a full life, right?!?!

I was thinking about this song yesterday and so I decided to share it with you.


Happy Wednesday!!

The Master Prankster got Pranked

I wish you all knew my dad.  He’s GREAT!  He is the master pranker.  He pulls pranks on people all the time.

So I’ve been sitting on a secret for a little over a month now… because my dad reads my blog sometimes and I wasn’t about to incriminate myself or anyone else, just yet ;).

It all started one Sunday when we went to the farm store to I guess kill time.  I’m not really sure why we went in there.  Anyway my friend Kendra works there on Sunday’s.  We were up at the register talking to her for a minute when I saw all these cute wind up animal toys and started playing with them.

So between hubby, Kendra and myself we decided to buy this dancing cow and send it anonymously to my dad at work.  Our normal day jobs, we all work at the same place and there’s inter-co mail so it made it fairly easy to get it to him without him knowing.

So he received the cow in the mail and I happened to walk up to his office just after mail was delivered and he’s like, what’s this.  I was like um… looks like a dancing cow.  Where’d you get it?  He said he didn’t know.  I was struggling to keep my poker face on.

So jump forward a week and Kendra calls me at work and asks me what department my dad works in.  I told her and she’s like, I got him a flipping frog.  I just so happened to wind up in his office after mail again that day and he was on the phone blaming another co-worker who he played a prank on a few months earlier.  I just played it off, because technically I didn’t have anything to do with that one.  Made it so much easier to deny!

Well then, it was on.

1.  The Dancing Cow does a side to side move with his arms and then drops down into the splits.
2.  The flog actually flips over and does a complete somersault.

Then hubby and I had to keep it going.  The next purchase/send was a galloping Horse.  The horse gallops across the table/desk/floor/whatever.

The ladybug was cute, she walks across the desk.

I actually found the monkey at Walmart of all places and it scoots across the desk on its arms.

The caterpillar inches across the desk.

Then since Theresa was getting blamed for all of this, she joined in and sent him a race car.  I had no idea about this one at all.  And she was fairly certain it was me sending them, however she couldn’t prove it and I never squealed on myself.

Now when we went to Kansas to pick up Josie, my dad was going on in the truck about all these toys he kept receiving, mom, hubby and I were doing everything we could to fight back laughing because we all knew the truth.

Mom even joined in and picked him up the robot man at a trade show the week before his birthday.

Now, at first we wanted to keep this going until Christmas, but decided later that we’d fess up on his birthday, which was last Tuesday.  So for his Birthday he received the Running Chicken that flaps its wings as well as a peace offering of Starbucks Coffee :).

Kendra was afraid because she said she’s never played a trick on my dad.  I’m like, oh his bark is worse than his bite, but trust me, he’ll get you back.

Now to really throw him off in all of this, I had different people at work writing his name for me.  I was putting them around the building in different outboxes so if he asked the mail gals where they were coming from, none of the places were the same.  I schemed, what can I say :).

And so here’s the Critter Family

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little worried how I’ll be gotten back… but that’s just par for the course.


1. When you were 17, tell us what kind of car you drove, where you worked, and what you were usually up to on the weekends?
I drove a 1994 Ford Ranger Extended cab that was tricked out.  Yes, I usually got made fun of, I hate to tell what they called it here on the blog because it was kind of racist, but I live in a town full of Hispanics and so they always called it the Beaner truck :(.

I didn’t have a paying job persay… I lived on a farm so I was a farm hand.  Plus I showed sheep for FFA so sheep and Horses were my life.  It was probably a very boring life for most but I liked/loved it.  Heck I was driving a truck at 4 years old by myself.

2. Show us a picture of you when you were 17 {roughly}.

My Senior Photos – Which I cried over, now I wish I still looked like that 😉


3. When you were 17, tell us what you wanted to be when you “grew up.”
I was fairly undecided.  I graduated high school at 17 so I was looking in to going to college.  Originally I declared my major as Agriculture Journalism, however once I got to college I decided to pursue Agriculture Education instead.  All I knew is I wanted something to do with the Agriculture field.
4. When you were 17, tell us the kind of boys that you dated. Did you have a type? Do you have a relationship you remember well? Tell us about it.
Oddly enough I met my husband just shy of 17, I was 15 and he was completely different (at that time) to the type of guys I went for.  Believe it or not, I am actually a fairly shy person.  Around people I know or definitely on this blog, it’s mine after all, I’m a little more outgoing, so I only dated 2 guys all through high school.  One for 5 months and the other for 1 year 4 months.  Neither ended very well but whatever, that’s the past.  They were both cowboy type, you know, good old farm boys of sorts, however I do believe there is a difference between good old farm boys and cowboys, another post for another day.  My husband at the time – VERY city and that scared me.  Now I realize he isn’t very city, but I didn’t know that at the time.  Truthfully I’m not sure I ever dated, well I take that back, I may have dated one city boy.  He didn’t understand country life at all and so we didn’t last.  But again, all relationships help you learn, grown and develop!  And oddly enough I fit in with the city crowd too, although I still stick out a bit.  I think it’s the boots and belt buckle that set me apart ;).

5. When you were 17, tell us where you pictured your life 10 years from then. Did it turn out the way you expected it to? Life is so far from how I thought it would pan out.  I planned on graduating high school, going to college, being married by oh I’d say 23-25, settling down and probably doing something in the agriculture related industry for a job, and having one maybe two kids, but still wasn’t sure there.  Ok so I work for a company in the bedding industry, I was 27 when I got married, I became an instant {step}mom and I married a guy that I was supposed to have a date with at 15.  How’s that for nothing like you imagined?  I do however have my Agriculture degree… And I graduated high school and then college in 4 years.  That was what I thought would happen.  From there, nope, nada.

Week 3 – Done, Finito, Finished!

I would just like to say Week 3 of this Couch to 5 K program kicked my rear, literally!

Normally we run Monday, Wednesday, Friday (since it’s 3 days per week), however this last week we got behind a bit so we moved it in to Saturday morning.  Tbug was at the house with us and she did it with us.

Normal just picking on her and being able to outrun her, I can do that… but this whole distance thing… I have no stamina.  She and hubby left me high and dry.  I don’t feel like a runner.  I’ve never been fast, even in junior high the year one of my friends convinced me to run track with her.

Unfortunately, I suck.  I know, such a pessimistic attitude!

But I’m persistent.  I tried to keep going.  Although I would be lying if I said I wasn’t fighting back tears Saturday morning when I realized I couldn’t keep up with them.  I was ready to give up.  And truthfully, I’m not sure what kept me going.  But I’m slow enough I didn’t want to hold them back either.

I guess I am a lot like my husband was when he first joined the army.  He said their nickname for him was Tugboat because he kept going.

When hubby ran off, so did my music so I was alone, with my thoughts, fighting back tears.  It wasn’t a good partial run for me.  The second part of the running portion though hubby stayed with me and kept me going.  you have no idea how he is my rock on this.

Back in September, right around the time we started this I posted on my facebook page that I was not a runner, not a morning person, but my butt up and went this morning anyway.

I love this blogging world because I’ve met some fabulous people, and one of those fantastic people Jill sent me an encouraging email she saw up on one of her friend’s posts that stated this:

“If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far . It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or you’ve been running twenty years. There’s no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get … You just run ” John Bingham
Thought that you might like that! 😉

So I want to take this minute and tell Jill, you have absolutely NO Idea how much those words helped me, even Saturday morning, like 2 weeks after you sent this to me.  I kept reminding myself of this quote you sent me and I pushed on, so Thank you!

I love this blogging world.  Ok I’ll quit being sappy now!

Gotta love my tall socks, but I’m still gun shy, my heels haven’t completely healed yet either.

Crazy Dreams!

So I had to present at our Conference this last week.  I wasn’t alone, I was with another gal, however the last time I talked in front of 150+ people I was 10 years younger and I was running in queen contests.  It’s a bit overwhelming!

So here’s my dream from the night before.

Tammy and I were getting ready to present.  For whatever reason we were at a rodeo (of all places) talking about the SiiRS program (which is kind of my baby at work).  Flint Rassmusen, the Pro Rodeo entertainer introduced us (I know).  We get up there and start presenting and Tammy gets about 8-10 slides ahead of where we were actually talking.  She tried to go back and when it wouldn’t she gave up and left to go talk to her friends.

So here I was trying to scramble and get the stuff to go back and not having any luck.  So I ran around behind a wall and started fiddle farting with it trying to get it fixed.  James & Dave walked around and asked me just what in the Hell I was doing.  By this time I was in complete tears.

I explained that our presentation had videos and it wouldn’t back up and they told me to just get to presenting.  So I finally got the slides backed up and went to presenting.

After that I enjoyed a frito Pie (which I don’t really care for because usually chili has beans and I don’t like beans) and a lady from when I bought sheep when I was 15 years old came up and started asking me how my sheep were.

I then woke up but wasn’t completely awake to my dogs talking to each other, probably fighting over something, right outside my bedroom door.

And that’s how my Thursday morning started.

The Melting Pot – Kansas City, MO

**Pulled off my  Recipe Blog**

Our trip to Kansas City was kind of based off a trip to The Melting Pot.

When we got married 2 years ago, our honeymoon was in Chicago.  We walked around the city and decided one night to try The Melting Pot since hubby had never eaten at one.

It’s been 2 years since we’ve eaten at one and hubby has been wanting to go again.  So when we decided we were headed to Kansas City, we knew we had to eat at The Melting Pot again.

When you get there you receive your menu plus a pan that they turn on.  Once it starts steaming you’re getting close to being ready!
