Apparently I Like Them Clean

The joke at my house is I’m a bit of a germ-o-phoebe… but really, I’m not.  I swear!  I just like things clean…. er something like that anyway.

So let me paint the picture… I was running late for work, got my clothes on, make-up, teeth brushed, shoes on and was ready to run out the door when I realized I couldn’t locate my car keys.

What, seriously?  I stood in the living room retracing my steps from the day before trying to see if I could figure out where on earth they wound up.

I ran into the bedroom, not there, checked the pocket of the jeans I wore the day before, Nada.  Shoot… Looked at my watch and realized I need to get going, where are those darn keys.

I pulled out my purse and emptied its contents on the couch… Nada.

Ok my house is only so big, maybe they ran off with that stupid mop and bucket.

By this point I spinning in circles trying to decide which direction to go and not coming up with an answer.

I was so desperate I almost called hubby… almost.

That’s when I realized he had my keys last night in his pocket.  And sadly enough I got his jeans in the washer last night… dagnabit… This happened again…

This is the second time I’ve found my keys in the washer due to hubby’s jeans.  Oh well they still work, so that’s good, right?!?!

And he makes fun of me for washing paper in my pants.  I’ve washed bolts & nuts & my car keys x2… and in Tbug’s jeans I’ve washed chapstick and paper…

I Missed My Calling

I realized this weekend I missed my calling…..

Between going to a store that offers things like this…

Wine bottle openers, Salt & pepper Shakers & Napkin Ring holders…

To a grocery store that greets you this way as you walk in…

Flowers & Pumpkins Oh My!

And like this.  Holy cow…..

More Flowers & a Basil Plant!  I so almost bought the basil plant…

Then Dark Chocolate covered Blueberries & Mini Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups….

Or how about a Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Cake…

Holy Moly! said in my best Walter Matthau – in Grumpy Old Men!

Or how about a Farmer’s Market that has not only FRESH produce, but fresh seasonings AND an Italian Market right in the store, just to name a few things…

Homemade Cannoli… YUM!  or some pastes in a tube… even some Fresh seasonings!

Yes, this Farmer’s Market does exist, see, we’re there even!

Although I can’t even begin to tell you how COLD it was this weekend!  High of 43!
btw, this summer I thought I was ready for some cold weather, someone please kick my @$$ for that comment!

And then killing time before dinner we found this lovely lovely wine shop.  Look!

Plus they had a fabulous selection of Cheese!
BTW, that is Chocolate Wine for Chocolate Lovers who Love Wine…

And did you know it gets better? 

How about this apron or better yet a Ginger Bread House for Halloween?!?!?!?!
I might just be in love…

Oh and we even walked around a book store looking at Cookbooks.  Yep, I’m that cool!

So what was my calling you ask?

Well, I think I should have been a chef and or a food critic!

Maybe, both.  Combine my love of grocery stores with my love of food with my love of writing.

Hmmm…. Maybe it’s a good thing I picked up running… I might need it.

Did you know One of my absolute favorite things to do is walk around grocery stores.

No, not Wal-mart’s grocery portion, an actual Grocery Store!!!!!!  And what’s great, Mr. Man (don’t ask, I don’t know) as I dubbed him the other day in an email at work, aka hubby or PC, Loves walking around these places with me!

Farmer’s Markets, Grocery Stores, House Utensil & Kitchen Gadget stores….. All of the above or any of the above.

That’s one sad thing about living in Middle of nowhere America, no FABULOUS Grocery Stores!  And our Farmer’s Markets is great, but nothing like this one!

Ok, I’m out… It’s Monday Morning and I’m going back to dreaming about this fabulous weekend I just had! BTW, I’m hungry after this post… just saying…

I have learned early morning runs will do that to you… Beware!

Am I nuts or do you like walking around Really Cool Grocery Stores too?  Please say I’m not alone!

Time In My Life

If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done – Dr. Shaun Marler

I found it here

September 8, 2012
Friday Nights:
We haven’t had a typical Friday night in a long while… so it’s really hard to say.
At least once a month we pick Tbug up from Cheer because hubby’s mom gets her our other weekend so they get some time together.
Hair Style:
My roots have grown out.
Little past shoulder length, long bangs cut to the left
Favorite place to dine out:
Zio’s {Chicken Parmesan} in Springfield.  
Favorite Outfit:
I’m not sure I have one of these anymore.
I don’t like the way I look in clothes lately.
Love Life:
We just celebrated our 2nd year anniversary on Tuesday of this week.
Our marriage is strong.
We still have our tiffs but they are few and far between.
Life is too short to argue all the time.
Remember, The first part is exciting, the second part is where the real depth comes in!

Home Life: 
Our life is taking a different turn than we thought it would two years ago when we got married.  
Sometimes I swear I have to hold on for all the changes.
Our dogs still LOVE to litter our yard with their latest finds so we aren’t ever quite sure what we’ll find.
We just lost Squirty and our baby colt this last week so our house has been a little upset. 

TV shows: 
 The Pioneer Woman’s cooking show on Food Network, 
White Collar
Franklin & Bash
Friends Reruns
Gilmore Girls Reruns
Big Bang Theory

Extra time: 
I’m pretty much spending teaching myself Photoshop & about photography.

What excites me: 
 *Playing with my camera 
*Playing with photoshop 
*Spending time with my husband
*Riding horses
*The rain showers we’ve gotten lately

A moment I never want to forget:  
*Just spending time with my family
I may be on my way to a Longhorn Cow Sale today, I’m not sure.  Plans aren’t for sure just yet.  Or maybe even a Wedding.  Or quite possibly a Horse sale.  Like I said, plans aren’t for sure yet.  So many places to be, so little of me and right now, I’m wide awake on a Saturday morning wishing I could go back to sleep.  Oh well, no reason to sleep my day away.  
If you’d like to see the first one of these I did, please go here.

2nd Year of Wedded Bliss

Boy, this has just been a crazy week.  I’m so glad it’s Friday!  I need a vacation from my last weekend/this week!

Update on Mini Me, he dropped about 200lbs we’re guessing while he was sick and at the vet, but he’s home and so far acting like his normal, usually, self.  That’s a plus!

And I pretty well had posts to share all the way up until today, today included, however because of Wednesday & Thursday’s post our anniversary post had to wait a few days.

Hubby leaves for work earlier than I do, but most days I get up with him, Tuesday was no different, however I beat both of our alarms.  I think I may have been a tad excited!

I was with my mom the day I bought his present, and it was rather large, so I planned on getting it from her at work on Tuesday and then giving it to him in the evening, however Monday when I made mention of that he kind of led on that I would be getting my present Tuesday morning so I had to figure out how to get his present from my parents house to ours.  What better way, than in mom’s HUGE suitcase.  Besides his present was awkward enough to try and wrap that I just told him, that’s the wrapping :).

So once he opened up mom’s suitcase, there was his present, his very own suitcase!  He’s been wanting one for a while because I guess he doesn’t like dragging my giraffe looking suitcase around.  What’s really funny is if we do go somewhere, we go together so he could very easily pass it off as my luggage, but whatevs, now he has a black “manly” suitcase :).  Oh and seeing as though traditional 2nd year gifts are Cotton Balls or China, I stuck Q-tips and cotton balls in the suitcase for him :).

Ignore the way I look, it was 6:30 in the morning and I had just woken up.  But look at the gorgeous wrapping job on my present!

A bit of a story, while we were still dating I told him that someday I wanted a charm bracelet for my anniversaries with a charm every year to represent, him, me, us, or an event in our life, just something meaningful to us as a whole.  Last year “paper” I got this gorgeous charm that looks like a book.  This year being “cotton” or “China” I wondered what I would wind up with… so I got a Bale of Cotton Charm.  How precious is that!

My first charm finally has a buddy!!

He had to go on-line and go to cotton Plantations down in the Southeast who had gift stores.  It’s even filled with real field cotton.  My husband is GREAT!

Now, he’s out of vacation so taking the day off together wouldn’t work, so we both went to work.  Fabulous way to spend your 2nd Anniversary, huh?  Last year at that time we were in Hawaii on Catamaran’s and Parasailing!

When we got off work we both ran home and changed clothes and got in one vehicle and decided to go do a small anniversary photo shoot.  Wow, that was a lot of ands in that sentence.  Anyway, we both put on our outfits we left our reception in and I put on my wedding shoes.  Yup, 2 years later I still fit into the dress, that’s good right?

Now being in Hawaii last year we weren’t able to do a photo shoot holding our wedding photo, unfortunately, so this year we did the shoot holding both photos.  Next year we plan on holding the 2nd year wedding photo and so on until we’re like 150 and senile.  Then we’ll hold the photos and wonder who those beautiful folks are :).

And I put this little collage together of our years together.  The first photo was taken the latter part of September when we kind of became official, then our wedding photo taken on 9/4/10, our vow renewal photo on 9/6/11 and our 2nd anniversary photo taken on 9/4/12.

I’m just trying to figure out how next year’s collage will work with 5 photos, any ideas?  Odd numbers seem a bit difficult!

oh and in this year’s photo, if you wonder why my hand is flat against my leg, I have the remote in my hand trying to find it! ha!  Ok I’ll quit now, happy Friday and hope y’all have a fantabulous weekend!

It Still Must Be Love

Today is a day I get to be mushy/gushy!  Today is my 2nd Anniversary to the most wonderful husband I could have ever asked for!  2 Years ago today was a sad & happy day!  Sad because my dad was walking me down the aisle and I wouldn’t be going home to my parents house, but happy because I had the most wonderful man waiting for me at the end of that aisle.  I swore I wasn’t going to cry, because really there is no pretty cry and I didn’t want my wedding pictures to show tears so I laughed.  I laughed and giggled and laughed some more.  It was quite funny.  Since our anniversary falls on a week day this year, we’ll go out to eat for dinner and possibly celebrate this weekend, no plans have been made as of yet, that I know of anyway :).


In 2010 a co-worker gave me a book called Becoming the Woman of His Dreams.  It had a few questions in it and I made hubby make me a deal he would answer these every year.  I think it’s awesome to look back at his answers.  He answered them as my Fiance and then last year on our 1 year Anniversary.  So here are the questions and his answers around our 2 year anniversary.

~How would you describe the woman of your dreams?

I know this is probably the same answer as last time but… YOU!! You are what I have always wanted and what I always will want! For those of you out in Bloggy land who don’t know this lovely lady she is beautiful, brilliant, funny, fair, sweet, and most importantly… she is all MINE!!!! =P

~What do you wish your wife understood about you and your longings?

I wish she understood just how much she actually means to me. I wish she understood that the only thing I long for is for her to be happy… cause when wifey ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy!

~What does your wife do well that other women could learn from?

Love me back… know when something is wrong and be comforting.

~What has been the greatest struggle in your marriage?

I would prefer not to say but if you are going to twist my arm I guess I will just say…. Certain People!

~How could your wife help alleviate that problem?

Hmmmmmm this is tricky. Just always remember that no matter what happens I will always always LOVE my wife more than anything in the whole wide world!

~What is one thing you wish women understood about what a man wants in the woman of his dreams?

Women generally don’t understand that what we really want is the same thing they want. Someone to be there for us be supportive even when we mess up, re-assure us when needed, and love us unconditionally!

My Weekend via Pictures & Words

My weekend started early last week.  Hubby had a day and a half of vacation that needed to be used up.  Kind of the use it or lose it thing.  I had 3 1/2 days, so we decided to take 1 1/2 days of vacation together.  So we both went to work on Thursday morning and went home at noon to start our weekend!

When I walked in the house on Thursday afternoon hubby was snoozing on the couch. haha!  We got caught up on White Collar then we decided to head out.

In Springfield they have a cheap-o movie theater.  Basically it’s the movies right before they go out of theaters.  We decided to go there.  For $3 a person we got to see Snow White & the Huntsmen.

I liked it!  Hubby was afraid it wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but I actually liked it.  It did keep me on the edge of my seat a bit, I’m not in to scary movies, but this didn’t just horrify me, just kept me on the edge of my seat.

When we left the theater the pavement was wet.  I’m not sure what that was…. j/k it had rained.  We just really haven’t seen that in so long I wasn’t sure. ha!   There was severe weather all around Springfield.  The last I heard they got 1 1/2″ in about 45 minutes.

Then we headed off to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Zio’s.  I have loved this restaurant since I was a little kid; I introduced hubby to it and it’s one of his faves as well.

After dinner we decided to go bum around the mall.  A few weeks ago hubby and I found a pair of shoes we liked for him to wear to work, but we’re cheap… and they were $75.  They aren’t typically what he would wear, otherwise $75 wouldn’t be too bad.  So we moved on.  Thursday night we were in a different store and found a similar pair for $55.  Still not willing to purchase them for that price again, not his normal type of shoe so not sure if he’d like/wear them much.  Then we went to Payless, found a similar pair for $16.99.  Sold!  Now at least he can try them out, if he likes them we’ll move on from there :).

Friday morning we woke up and decided to head to the Falls for some photo ops.

For the most part I was the model and hubby was the photographer.  It’s so funny how we have our different styles, yet they are similar too.

I had to wade through the water, and silly me didn’t wear my water shoes but instead boots so off came the boots & socks and up went the jeans.  I was a trooper. ha!  The rocks were painful on my feet.

Then we headed off to lunch & the grocery store.  We finally made it back to the house to relax and eventually start dinner.  We invited my parents over for PW’s Prime Rib & PW’s Twice Baked Potatoes.  The TBP allowed me to knock another thing off my 101 list so that was exciting!  By the way I haven’t done much with that lately…

Saturday my Mother In Law dropped Tbug off and Tbug and I made sugar cookies.  Then we went out delivering them to friends & family.  Our last delivery was to grandma & grandpa (my parents).  She really wasn’t dressed to ride horses (shorts & flipflops), but she really wanted to.  So I ran into the house and grabbed a pair of my mom’s old boots & socks and said, you can ride in shorts.  So we spent a couple hours riding horses and working on how to show a horse in Western Pleasure & Halter classes.

That evening we decided to head to the drive-in where we watched The Diary of a Wimpy Kid & The Dark Knight Rises.

Sunday we were all tuckered out so much that we woke up late.  For 2 days I had been dreaming about Biscuits & Gravy so I got up and started working on that.  Tbug came in asking what I was doing and she finished making the biscuits, then helped her daddy work on the gravy.

Then we all settled in and watched Gilmore Girls on DVD.  We planned on being lazy Sunday, but my mom called and asked if we’d like to go to lunch with them.  So we got dressed and headed to their house.  Finally after lunch (which that was a whole ordeal in itself) we made it back to my parents house around 4.  Tbug goes home at 5 but she really wanted to ride so I told her she had time.  She and Grandpa went out to ride for about 30 minutes and then it was time to put the horses up, get her changed and head to meet her momma.

We finished off with heading to Sunday Night Dinner.  Earl finally got her bathroom fixed and she was so excited for everyone to come see the new bathroom.  After Sunday night dinner we headed to our house and crashed.

Finally got my date, 14 Years Late

Anyone who is friends with me on facebook may or may not have seen this post on Saturday night.  As you can see Lourie/CA Girl wants an explanation :).

Back when hubby & I were dating I found an old notebook from high school.  Most of the notes were between my friend T and me, however there were a couple between M & S and me as well.

April 16, 1999
T: Did he ask u out?
Me: Ask me out how?
T: Girlfriend?
Me: No
T: Date?
Me: Well kind of in a way
T: How?  & Where?
Me: He asked if I’d go to the movies

She had me freaked out.  Later in that note:

Me: Before he told me that, he said he was going to the drive in either tonight or tomorrow night.  Then after we got through that (I’m sure my face was as red as my Tommy Shirt) he asked me.
T: His car is really big inside so that would be interesting.  Would be something to think about!
Me: He isn’t that way and he never said movie/me/drive-in.  He just said movie
T: & you said what?  Or did you change the subject?
Me: I told you, I said maybe?  Then I said when?
T: & he said what…?
Me: email me your digits.  Then he said he’d call
T: That what he said “Your digits” & did he call?
Me: Yes and no because I didn’t email them til about 7 last night
T: So if he calls you tonight, call me!

And he never called.

April 21, 1999 there was a note between him & me where he asked me out on a date.  Or more or less asked if we should hook up.  I was scared to ask my parents because my dad had always said I couldn’t go on a date until I was 16.  I was 3 months away from 16.

I would like to speculate what would have happened had I had the nerve to ask my parents, but truthfully, we never know what would have happened one way or the other.  We could have gone on a date and wound up not liking each other.  We could have gone our separate ways and met back up 10 years later.  Or we could have fallen madly in love and been a high school romance turned marriage romance.  No one knows.

Yes, I tease him but truthfully, we both had to make our mark in the world.  His is on a wall in Afghanistan.  Mine was on a beach in the Pacific ocean down around the equator.  That’s what we had to do…

But… I’m please to announce, that 14 years after he asked me out to the drive in…

He made good on his promise to take me!  14 years later I got my date to the drive in.  And, I shouldn’t have been worried, we watched the movie… LOL :).

Both were excellent movies.  Although after the Colorado happenings I was a bit on edge when The Dark Knight Rises started.

Don’t worry, we had chaperones too 🙂

You may not realize this but we both have on sweatshirts!  I LOVE Hoodies and after this hot summer I’m so ready for fall!  And truthfully I LOVE summer!

By the end of the movie we had blankets on too!

Poor Tbug fell asleep during the second movie.  Boy I wish I had a photo of how she was sleeping in her chair, but this was pretty great too!  On the way home she had her head in my lap on blankets as a pillow with the green blanket over her head.

So as Paul Harvey used to say, Now you know, the rest of the story.

Vlog – Just for you :)

I’m not sure if I actually told you or not that our AC went out in our house.  We walked in a week ago Friday night and it was friggin hot in our house.  Not a great start to the weekend.  I am happy to say it’s finally fixed and a week later we were back in our house.

So as I explain in the first clip of the video, I couldn’t sleep on Thursday night and I started watching video’s.  These clips other than the first are from July 8, 2010.  They are very random.  So I hope you enjoy this short piece into our lives 🙂

Hope you’re having a great weekend!


You can't say he doesn't LOVE me!

I swear, if this cold doesn’t kill me… I’m going to be a survivor!  LOL.  It’s moved from a head cold to my throat/chest.  My cough is something fierce and it hurts like a son of a gun!  I keep claiming at work I have on my sexy voice.  You know, people who claim to have seductive voices are all deep and dark and whatever.  Ok so mine isn’t quite seductive and every few breaths I cough up a storm, but still, I got my sexy voice on :).

Friday night we went to Target trying to buy Sudafed.  Yeah, apparently because of the drug addicts you can’t buy it in Joplin City Limits anymore.  Woohooo! {supposedly it’s used for Meth.  I have no idea what Meth is… other than the obvious… a drug…} You have to go to another town.  I happened to be there and didn’t feel like going else where so I just didn’t get any meds.

Saturday after running around all day I felt kind of like death warmed over so my mom was trying to get me to buy some meds and well…. I didn’t.  Don’t know why.  So hubby and mom schemed and mom went to town and got me some.  Hubby told her to get Sudafed, she didn’t.  I wound up with Nyquil which doesn’t work real great for me and Mucinex for day time.  Holy cow those are like friggin horse pills!  And I’ve seen horse pills.

Then they didn’t believe I was going to take them or that I was taking them so they kept asking me like I was a 6 year old if I took medicine.  LOL.

So it has slowly traveled down to my throat and chest.  It makes for a lovely combination.  I can’t hear squat because of the pressure, I can’t breath or taste anything I’m eating or drinking.  I have my sexy voice and a soar throat and a cough that would compete with a smoker’s cough.  I’m a mess.

Oh and because I can’t breath I’m breathing through my mouth which causes me to cough and my lips are drying out because of the air.  It’s a blast.  Add that it’s 100 degrees out side, I’m hot and cold at the same time and I’m quite the little walking pair. ha.

And at work on Tuesday some guy told me I needed to go home and get better.  I asked him if he was going to pay my bills. He laughed at me : /

So yesterday at lunchtime I guess my hubby felt so bad for me feeling like crap that he called me and told me to go outside, he had something for me.  He had some errands to run at lunch and he was on his way back.  I was really wondering what he had because anything and everything that has recently been ordered (which is really nothing but a dvd my mom got me) I already had in my possession.

He showed up with a Walgreens sack which included the following:

Vapor Rub for at night b/c we’re almost out
VapoInhaler so no one at work has to smell me
Blistex b/c he knows I hate Chapstick and my lips are dry
and Sudafed.

Don’t let anyone spread rumors that he doesn’t like me!

Oh and in other news if you’ve made it this far:

Do you remember the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding?
Do you remember the portion where his parents meet her family and they bring a Bundt cake?
Do you remember her mother trying to say the word Bundt Cake?
It cracks me up every time.  In fact my husband and I randomly spout out “Bundt Cake”.  Trying to say it like she does and probably failing miserably.
They had Bundt Cake in the cafeteria yesterday at work.  I had to eat a piece in honor of that!
