Eating Crow…. Again

Have you ever heard the phrase, Eating Crow?  Or The Taste of Crow never tasted so good, etc?  Well I think I am one getting good at eating crow.  Not the real bird :), just the fact that I’ll say something, (ie I’ll never marry a guy with a kid, but that turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made) and then you/I wind up doing it after all.  Yeah, something like that.

So anyway recently my hubby had been driving my car.  I got in and what did I see?  A nice big blue streak across the seat…

Can’t say I was the happiest about this discovery either.  I started grumbling and asking hubby what he got on my car seat.  We’ve debated if it was pen, paint, chalk, who knows.  I blamed him for it though, that’s for sure.

So this morning when I went to get dressed, I noticed there was something on the pocket of my jeans.  Oh crap, I might actually be the culprit of the blue on my car seat.  Crap crap crap.

PS that is a black arrow I drew on the picture to show the blue spot… just sayin….

I just so happen to be the one in our house who likes blue ink.  Now, does anyone know how to get blue ink off tan leather seats?

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A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

If there is a piece of advice I can give you, I’ll give it to all my couples readers.  Couples whether you are married or just dating, heck even my single readers can take away from this…  Are you listening close?

Never air your dirty laundry in public

What do I mean by that?  If you and your significant other are arguing… keep it between you.  No one else is in your relationship and no one else knows the extent of the argument.  You can tell your side of the story and generally the person you are telling it to will side with you because they are your friends.  No one needs to take sides except you and your partner and at that, you need to resolve it between yourselves.  No one else is in that relationship.  Point blank.
And I know I’ve only been married a little under 3 years but that’s the best advice I’ve been given and that’s the best advice I can give.
Do you agree with me?

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Marriage is like your Engagement

Let me explain that title.

I had someone tell me one time that the way you handled situations during your engagement period, would show what your marriage held in store.  I’ve always thought that was an interesting scenario.  We had a few hiccups in our engagement what with planning the wedding and even just differences in personalities, as all couples face, but for the most part, our engagement went off without a hitch and here we are 2 1/2 years later still married and still very much in love with each other.  (like that run-on sentence?)

So I was talking to a fellow employee who lives out in Sunny CA at work the other day trying to help people at his branch get set up for different systems that our department have in place and we had a side conversation going on about the cost of living between here and there.  I have no idea how that happened, but it really doesn’t matter.

We discussed gas prices (there $4.59/gallon; here 3.58/gallon), electricity bills, how their water bill is more than my car payment, etc.  Then the electric bill got us off onto a house somehow and I named all the things that in the little over 2 years we’ve lived there, we’ve dealt with.

We’ve replaced a pool liner, but just before we did that our well hit bottom and pumped our pool full of mud, just before the 4th of July party.  I was embarrassed but we just shocked the heck out of it and swam in a pool that looked like a muddy pond but smelled like a pool.

Last summer the heater/AC unit went out, so we got the pleasure of replacing that.

In 2 1/2 years we’ve had 2 water pipes break.  The first was the day before Christmas and it flooded our living room and office.  We called both our dads and they came and helped us replace the line and empty the office.  The second was in our dining room the day before Thanksgiving.  We pulled down the wanes coating, the sheet rock and patched it as well.

So we’ve had a few hiccups along the way, a few disagreements, but so far nothing we haven’t been able to handle (knock on wood, don’t want to jinx myself).  So anyway, just something I was pondering and thought I would share.  Happy day friends.

Wardrobe Malfunction

One morning last week, hubby went to leave the house and we both looked at his feet.  Something didn’t seem right.  Ah yes, you don’t wear house shoes to work…

I laughed and giggled and made fun of him.

I should have known better though…

Tuesday night when I got home from work, I changed my clothes and put on my house shoes waiting for time for us to leave and meet my parents.

When we went to walk out the door, I grabbed my purse and coat and stepped out of the house.  Just as hubby locked the door I died laughing… why you may ask?  I tried to pull a hubby…

Weekend – Better Late than Never!

Friday night started off with date night with hubby.

After that we headed over to A’s house for a Thirty One party.  Yup, I drug hubby over with me :).  He agreed.  We I He bought me this bag in purple paisley to keep my sewing stuff together since right now it’s all in a Wal-Mart bag with a hole in it 🙂

Then we went home, took showers and went to bed.  By the way, wondering how I take a shower without getting my hair wet?  Photos:

Saturday morning hubby woke up and went to help my dad move hay while I went to my grandma’s to take some material and patterns I had bought for a skirt and a shirt.

Then we met up at my parents house along with hubby’s mom and all 5 of us headed to Tulsa to see Tbug’s Cheer competition, where we’re happy to announce, they received second place!

After she was finished performing but before the awards she went with us to eat lunch/dinner.  When I jumped up into the back seat of my dad’s truck I was taking my camera off my neck and it cracked me in the head.  Camera -1 Nicole-0


We went to Longhorn Steakhouse

Then we took Tbug back to her mom and step-dad and we headed off into the wild blue yonder.  Actually Pokey had called and asked hubby if we were near a Wal-mart if we could look for something that no one around home had.  Sad to say 3 Wal-marts later no luck.  But we did walk away with an extremely awesome 9×13 Paula Deen Stoneware pan that matches my pie plate I got for a wedding present.

We also had to go to a Reasors grocery store, btw, if you’re from Reasors and here on this blog, please open these up back home STAT!  While at Reasors though, we found Tastykakes.  Now if you are a Stephanie Plum fan, you know what these are!!!

Then we were home bound.

Sunday we woke up and while hubby did homework, Marlie and I hung out in the kitchen making Breakfast & Lowfat Banana bread & Ham wrapped Pickles (recipe to come)

I promise I’m not holding her down, I was rubbing her belly.

Then I took down our Christmas tree (don’t judge) and watch Julie & Julia while hubby went over to friend’s house.  Then I got a phone call I needed to come over because there was a great blogging opportunity – Wings.

And then some fun target shooting practice

and now we’re at Wednesday and I have a cold.  I think tooo much running this weekend… lol.  Happy Wednesday!!

Coffee Break

Happy Friday morning to you!  Have you had your coffee this morning?  I have, but I’m almost thinking this might be a two cup Friday!  I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning.  At work the other day we were talking and have come to the conclusion it might be the weather making us want to stay hibernating all. day. long.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So I stole this survey from a couple people… namely Jill & Janna… hmmm… it’s the J’s 😉

1. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning
well one of two things… immediately stumble to the bathroom (tmi??) or roll over and hit the snooze and wish that I didn’t quite have to get up right then.

2. First thing you do you when you get home from work
Set down all my stuff and head to the bedroom to get out of my work clothes.  Then go to the bathroom (haha)

3. First kiss
The first kiss that matters was the kiss to my husband.  It was just before 3am on July 26th as we were standing outside his momma’s house and I was getting ready to leave.

4. First home
This is the first home hubby and I have lived in together.  Although this was a photo from before we owned it.  I can’t seem to find a current photo of it….
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

5. First car
1999 Black Ford Ranger.  One of these days I’ll find a picture of it to share.

6. First car accident / traffic violation
Um… I got my license on a Friday and partially (not fully) ran a stop sign on Saturday.  I stopped, the officer just supposedly didn’t like my stop so he pulled me over.  He let me off with a verbal warning.

7. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up
It was either a Veterinarian or a Ballarina on Broadway….

8. First choice beverage
Either Water or Sweet Tea.  Depends on the day.

9.  First choice dessert
I’m not huge on desserts.  I’m more savory than sweet, but I sure do like a good um….. I’m having a hard time answering so we’ll go with the most recent good thing… a red velvet cheesecake we had at Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas)
10. First choice restaurant
Zio’s Italian Restaurant!!

11. First song that comes to mind
Hard to Love by Lee Brice
The Cricket Song by Rich O’Toole

12. First major purchase
my 2004 Ford Mustang (check it out in our house photo!)

13. First job
If Babysitting doesn’t count, then I was a waitress at Royal Oaks Steakhouse that is no longer in business.  No I didn’t put them out of business, just so we’re clear 🙂

14. First time you flew on a plane
I was in 4th grade and my dad and I were headed out to Colorado to see my mom while she was on weekend break from college.

15. First real “big girl” job
Ok so this would be the waitress at Royal Oaks Steakhouse, right?  I even had a debit card by that time… haha.  Ok so when I babysat the little girl and I went for ice cream a lot and I paid with cash because I didn’t have a debit card, just an ATM card.  I didn’t want a debit card.  So we go up to the window and she asked why I didn’t pay with my debit card and I told her I didn’t have one.  She looked at me and said, “Oh well you can get one when you get a real job.”  So the joke at my house is if you have a debit card, you have a real job 🙂

Ok, one last thing before I go… you know how dreams are crazy?  I woke up almost crying this morning because I dreamed my husband didn’t marry me and I married some other guy.  In the dream we dated for a long time but he didn’t marry me so I married another guy but we remained friends.  The other guy didn’t love me like hubby does and he wouldn’t do my taxes.  Yup, I was worried about my taxes…..

Young Love

Something that has been on my mind a lot is how people make comments toward hubby and me about “young love”, “new love”, “Oh you’re newly weds”, “It must be nice to be young and in love”, “get a room”, etc.

My husband and I both tend to be very affectionate people toward each other.  A simple gesture as holding hands or making googly eyes across the room at each other, sitting on his lap (although he’ll sit on mine occasionally), things like that.  And the minute we start doing things like that people start smarting off and telling us to get a room or one of the other phrases above.

When we’re accused of young love I just want to tell them that I’m not young.  In the reality of things I am, but they’re not talking age… they’re referring to the marriage.  Our marriage is young.  We’ve been husband and wife just over 2 years with a little over a year of dating prior to that.  Our relationship is still considered new.

It seems like in a world with standards to day, it’s easy to get married and even easier to get a divorce.  I get excited when I hear of couples who have been married 10, 20, 30, 40+ years because it shows that their marriage has stood the test of time.

There are so many obstacles out there, hurtles even, that sometimes people lose sight of what is really important to them and their marriage.

I’m reminded of a story the preacher told in church one Sunday about a couple who were always holding hands, had cute little inside jokes, He’d put his arm around her in church, she’d grab his hand etc and they had been married 30+ years.  At first he felt sort of annoyed by the PDA (public display of affection), but then he came to realize that it was a gesture of love.  After all the years of hardship they had endured, the wonderful times, the family commitments, the outside commitments, after everything life had thrown at them they were still very much in love.

When we heard this story, hubby and I both giggled just a bit because this almost described us to a T, well other than the obvious we were newly weds at the time.

Yeah, you can say we have a “young love” right now, but give it a few years, I believe my husband and I will be as affectionate down the road as what we are.  And yes, I know life happens, there may come a time that we aren’t quite as cozy because of outside influences, but no one will ever question if we loved each other.

In thinking of this post for the last few days, the same song by The Judd’s keeps popping into my head… “Young Love”.  Please enjoy.  Happy Thursday



My dad was traveling for work this last week and he shot me this email:

Hey Boomer:
Last night on the radio there was an ad for a method to stop snoring.  From what the ad said the device is free if you call this number 1-800-516-7126.  Apparently it is a “cloth” that you place under your pillow that ends snoring.  Thought of you when I heard it.

I forwarded this on to hubby because shhhh don’t tell him, but he snores!  And this was the response I got back:

Call it…..
I don’t have a snoring problem….. al though come to think of it I do have an issue where I get kicked in the middle of the night… do they have a solution for that??

I just about cracked up laughing.  I have a video of him snoring, which I’m not going to share just  yet.  Use it more for blackmail material.  Watch out hubby… don’t get on my bad side… and by the way I like jewelry and diamonds and flowers and food and some chocolate and……….. 

Oh Where is the Remote? Oh Where is the Remote?

The other night when I got home from work I immediately went in, changed my clothes and started folding laundry.  I’ve admitted many times that folding laundry is my worst habit.  I’m good at washing it, just hate hate hate putting it away.  Oy!

So when I walked into the bedroom the tv remote was laying on top of the bed.  I was too lazy to walk around to the night stand (other side of the bed) and place it there so our bed has 4 posts and there were some clothes laying on top of the post closest to me so I balanced the remote on top of the clothes on the bed post.

Smart right?!?!

So hubby came in and started helping me fold clothes to put away.  I didn’t think anything of it.

So jump forward a couple hours… And you may have seen this post on Instagram.  Later that night I youtube videoed how to curl your hair with a flattening iron.  And then went to town on my own hair.

Luckily the tv had been left on in the bedroom because when I went in there I couldn’t find the remote.  I knew where I had left it.  Then I noticed that hubby had moved some of the clothes that were on the bed post so I went into the living room and started asking him where he moved the tv remote to.  He looked at me like I was crazy and said he didn’t touch the remote.

Of course you did.  It was on the bedpost where you moved clothes.

He and I searched the entire bedroom together looking for that darn tv remote to no avail.  I was getting frustrated.  He was getting frustrated.  We gave up for a bit and then we started again.  We checked the kitchen, the living room, the laundry room, we went through the entire house.  Any room either of us had walked into that night was checked.

I can’t tell you what made me do it but I finally walked back into the bedroom and opened up my make-up drawer on the dresser of all places and look what I found…


I still have no clue who put the tv remote there…

Don’t forget there’s still time to link up with week two of the Review Extravaganza!!

What he would miss…

You know, we all have our funny little quirks.  Those “ticks” that make us who we are and separate us from everyone else.

I got home from work the other day and hubby walked into the bedroom, looked at the bed and said, “Well, I know what you decided not to wear today.”  And it’s true.

First off, I’m not a morning person, no matter how hard I try to be, so getting up and getting dressed, well I have that down to an art.  I know exactly when I have to have whatever I’m doing done by so I can get to work on time.  hair, make-up, contacts in, teeth brushed, clothes on, shoes on, etc.

The one problem with all of that I have though is…
                        dun dun dun….

What am I going to wear that morning to work.

I walk into the closet, decide on one thing, then grab something else, realize they don’t match and instead of hanging them back up, I throw them on the bed and go after something else.  Some mornings it looks like my side of the closet just threw up on the bed.

When I come home that night, I generally put all my clothes away and they wait for the next day’s dressing adventure.

Maybe I’m wrong here, but I truly believe that is something that my wonderful husband would miss about me.

Oh and hey, go check out this post!  It might tell a little something about yours truly!  And if you are here from this post, please leave me a note and let me know!

p.s. Don’t forget about the Extravaganza that starts TOMORROW!!!!!!