Him & Her {Sappy Week Continues}

It must be the fact that today is Valentine’s Day or Wednesday was 4 years since my husband proposed to me or I’m not sure but I’ve been extremely sappy this week. Sorry! Maybe I’ll straighten up next week, but I wouldn’t totally count on it :).

Earlier this week I was reading Kenzie’s blog and then Emmy’s blog (she stole it from Kenzie, I know, she said so :)) and they did a him vs her post and so now like I told Kenzie earlier this week, I’m stealing this and doing my own. So our version of Him vs Her will now commence:

him: New Balance tennis shoes or my Ostrich Boots || her: Either my Macie Bean boots, my Ariat Fat Babies or my Sperry’s


Week 19

How far along? 19 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I started refusing to look at the scale. I renamed all of them a$$hole 🙂

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Mango. The website says that the baby is 6.0 inches long and 8.5 oz.


Why We Work

So Bonnie introduced this blog topic yesterday and I thought, I should do this… Why We Work. Like every couple, my husband and I have a strange and weird past that included each other as friends for a while, we went our separate ways and made our place in the world and then we came back to each other. I guess what they say is true,

We compliment each other.
We both have our strengths and our weaknesses but we never see them, instead we work with each other to help complete that circle.

We aren’t each others missing half.
Say what? Well think about it, I am a complete person without him. I can function by myself with or without him. He’s the same way, but having each other in our lives just makes life that much more fun and interesting.

We are sooooooo weird, together.
I’m not kidding, we are both weird. We just look at each others weirdness and laugh. We accept each other for everything that we are and everything we aren’t.

We fight.
Come on, every couple fights. We try to fight fair, but not always. Some days we both fall into childish behavior but at the end of the day there is no one else I’d rather fight with.

He is my best friend.
I can’t wait to tell him about my day. Sometimes I have to call him during the day to tell him how frustrated I am or how happy I am. We laugh together, cry together and console each other. That’s what best friends are there for, to help you get through the good times and the bad.

We share everything.
Especially colds but I’m really thinking we could do without sharing colds…. I’m just saying :). We might even be accused of oversharing with each other sometimes but whatever it is what keeps things interesting!

We work really on so many levels that it is hard to single them all out, just know we’re there for each other no matter what. That’s what you need in a spouse (significant other) anyway! Someone you can’t wait to run home and tell everything about your day. Someone you’re willing to be goofy with. Someone who compliments you. I found that in him!

Linking up with: Life of Bon  The Daily Tay

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Drop the ring in the spaghetti plate

Okay so I should come clean about something… I have my moments where I’m sappy! I know fairy-tails don’t exist but that doesn’t keep a girl from still loving the sweet sappy stories. Yep, sometimes it gets me in trouble but whatever, I deal :). So one thing that I’ve always liked was for a guy to be nervous when he proposes. Does that mean I had to have that, no but I soooooo thought it would be awesome if he was :). I also said I didn’t want to know the proposal was coming.

I think what started my obsession (good word) for this whole being nervous was Kenny Chesney. I know there are other artists out there who refer to this, but he has 2 different songs, one refers to dropping the ring in the spaghetti plate and the other talks about being down on one knee on her momma’s front porch.

My husband exceeded all my expectations when it came to proposing to me from throwing me off the night before saying he still hadn’t asked my dad to actually showing up at my work and proposing. It was my fairy-tail.

Now one thing I’ve probably addressed before with our proposal was he bought me flowers even though I’d told him not to. I had to go to the front of my office building to get them which was quite a distance from my desk and that gave my mom time to get him into my cubical to set up. I called him while still up at the front of the building to “grumble” at him for the flowers (not really but we’ll pretend).

He had the ringer turned on on his phone and when it went off he threw the ring while trying to get the ringer turned off on his phone. The ringer was set specifically for me so it would have given him away.

With that knowledge, I realized that he was nervous! I got the nervous part of my fairy-tail. Now if only they would have caught that on film :). How awesome is that though? He was nervous and dropped the ring :).



Whew, what a week last week was. oy! I think I’m still recovering. So sadly we had to bury one of my husband’s cousins. It was just awful! Then add some snow in on the mix and you have yourself a real good time. I also made it from the school to the funeral in 50 minutes when by google maps it says it should have taken me 20 minutes longer. Yikes! I got there in time though. Long story.

So Friday I got a phone call from the specialist doctors and the test results came back in our favor! We wound up in the 1 in 10,000 chances of having Trisomy 18 so technically a risk still is there possibly but it’s less of a risk than an 18 year old has for having a baby with Downs Syndrome so that was good news. They said they could still do an amniocentesis if I’d like but that in itself creates a risk for a miscarriage so I decided with that 1 in 10,000 and a good ultra sound I’ll take my chances.

So this morning I was hunting down photos for a blog post and I actually ran across our wedding video I created. Since I’m feeling all sappy and Friday is Valentine’s Day and tomorrow is the 4 year anniversary of hubby proposing to me, I thought I’d share the video that was played at our wedding. Give me this, it’s been a stressful last couple weeks/almost month!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lydPIzu0dro]

So something that those of you who may have seen this video when I posted it back in 2010 may or may not know is the photos actually go in order of how our relationship went. Does that make sense? Like you are going through our relationship with us in order by pictures.

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Week 18

How far along? 18 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Well I go to the doctor this today so I dunno….

How big is baby? Baby is compared to a Sweet Potato this week. Baby is about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces and growing rapidly. 

  • Baby is yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing
  • Baby is twisting, rolling, punching and kicking too. Big enough you might be able to feel it.


Snow Day

Starting last week they were claiming snow. No one knew exactly when it was supposed to hit so I heard we were in for snow all week. In fact the preacher’s wife does snow dances with their dog. I said that was all well and good as long as it canceled my university classes too because I didn’t want to have to drive through this crap to get to school :).

As this week slowly creeped in I started watching the weather.  Monday’s prediction said that we were in the vicinity of 2-4 inches, the guy on the radio said 1-3 and somewhere else I heard 3-6.  See no one really knows…

The talk all over facebook had different meteorologist predictions…

Even those predictions couldn’t agree.  Like I said, no one knew/knows.

Jump forward to Tuesday morning. My step-daughter’s school calls our phone for lots of reasons. At 5:35am we got a phone call from her school, well they were closed. I drifted back off to sleep though because it was way before I needed to be up. Sometime in the early 6am hour my mom sent a text that she saw the university canceled and she had to let me know. I guess I slept through the text but hubby didn’t so he got up and responded to her.

Wait, what, I didn’t have to go to school today? I woke up long enough for hubby to tell me that news. I asked what the weather looked like outside and he said it was bone dry. Wait, what? Hubby told me to go back to sleep and enjoy the chance to sleep in. Normally I can’t, but I’ve been fighting a cold so I got up, hopped in the shower, took a nice warm shower and went back to sleep. Around 9:30 hubby started texting me because I hadn’t responded to any texts previously and I was like, I did what you told me, I went back to sleep :).

He wanted to know what the weather looked like so I snapped a quick photo and sent it to him.  At that point it had just started snowing and we had a light dusting.

Around noon time he called me. His work is really great about bad weather, they allow you to work from home so he was sent home at lunch to finish out the day at home. This is what it looked like at noonish time.

By around 5pm it had quit snowing and this is what we were left with. It is extremely cold outside, that is what I can tell you :).

Oh and I can tell you I had a snow day, from the comfort of my recliner :). I had to start reading As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. Now who wants to volunteer to take my cold? I’m really sick of it. Get it… lol 🙂

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Baby Reveal #2

We planned on revealing to our Sunday Night Dinner friends what the sex of the baby was as well.  They tried and tried to pry it out of us but neither of us would budge.  Tbug found out Saturday and was sworn to secrecy.  While we were at breakfast on Sunday morning after church the kids and adults were even trying to get it out of Tbug but she didn’t budge.  I think we annoyed people but I wanted to do a cake for them as well!

Hubby decided he didn’t want me to have to stress out to make a second cake so he went to the store and ordered this cake.  This was actually where he and Tbug went Saturday morning while I was decorating the peanut cake.

When he placed the order he showed the lady from their book the exact cake he wanted.  The lady asked what he wanted it to say, he said, exactly what that picture shows.  So he sent Tbug to go look at pizzas and told the lady, she doesn’t know but the baby is going to be a girl.  The lady ignored him.  So a few minutes later he said again, the baby is going to be a girl.  Finally after being ignored that time he was like, are you going to write it down somewhere that the baby is going to be a girl?

When we picked the cake up Sunday hubby was scared one of 2 things… the outside was going to say it’s a girl instead of Open to see…. or else it was going to be blue instead of pink… lol :).  It was a surprise!

So we showed up at the Superbowl party/Sunday Night Dinner with the cake and I kinda guarded it so one of the kids didn’t stick their finger in it…  JT really wanted to stick his finger in it just to be ornery but I wouldn’t let him!

We finally decided that we should open the cake before kick off, plus we’d all eaten before this anyway so it was definitely dessert time!  Earlier in the week Earl really hurt her foot and is on crutches but when I asked who was going to cut into it, she volunteered so she got up and everyone gathered around.  We had bets going as to what everyone thought and I’ll bet it was about half and half maybe.  Anyway some were shocked and some were like, “I knew it!”  

And yey, the lady got it all right!! :).  After we had our two big reveals I put this picture up on facebook with the comment that hubby must have a goal in life to be surrounded by women… lol 🙂
btw, Tbug looks soooo enthused right?  I think she was annoyed with pictures at this point :).

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