The Saturday Post {35}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
1. Bacon Wrapped Chicken
4. Pioneer Woman’s Sour Cream Noodle Bake
This Weeks Posts
Baby Reveal Party
Baby Reveal #2
Snow Day
Week 18
Blast from the Past
2013 – Happy Grandma’s Birthday to you!
2012 – Butter Me Up
2011 – Sometimes you feel like a nut…
2010 – Project – Love Postponed
Recipes made from the Blog This Week
Sopapilla Cheesecake
Instagram Lately
I’m not real sure I took much of any pictures this week and yup, I said much of any… that’s right :). ha! But check it out if you want 🙂 **Boomerbear**
Week’s Happenings
++Snow day!!
++We revealed the sex of the baby to family & friends
++I started As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
++We sadly lost a great man this week
++I’m fighting a stupid cold… blech
++Dive Club Meeting
++I got my Valentine’s Day present early – New Sperry shoes which I’ve wanted forever
++I had lunch with my momma and daddy
++I made it from the college to the funeral in 50 minutes when it should have taken longer………. now in my defense I was afraid I couldn’t go because I had a class I couldn’t miss but the professor told me to leave and go so I took off
++Tbug got to attend an ultra sound with us and see the baby