{Gluten Free} Pancakes

2 cups Oat flour, stirred or sifted before measuring
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 1/2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter

Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl, combine egg and milk; add to flour mixture, stirring only until smooth. Blend in melted butter.

Cook on a hot, greased griddle, using about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. Cook until brown on one side and around edge; turn and brown the other side.

Recipe for pancakes serves 4.

Then you need to find your toppings!  And enjoy

Revolt & PMM All in One!

Last Friday night we picked Tbug up from cheer practice and then ran to the store looking for heavier weights.  I’ve been doing this Revolt Fitness workout and so far all I had were 5lb weights.  That will get you a little feeling but some of the workouts I felt like I needed some heavier weights so we went for 10lb weights.  I also wanted a Kettlebell but they didn’t have 2 in the same weight class.  shucks!

Anyway then I went home and told Tbug to take a shower while I got started on my workout (I didn’t tell her that though).  So I went on about my workout and when she got out of the shower I was in the middle of doing pushups and she joined in with me.  Then a few minutes later she ran to her room and put on some workout clothes and then continued doing the workout with me.

I had a cute and fun workout buddy.  And I’m not gonna lie, she showed me up on a few of the exercises.  Ah to be a kid again!

And after the workout she put all my weights up for me, lined them up in a row.  How cute!

The Shack: Breakfast

Hubby and I were actually able to make it to a Tuesday night dinner up at the shack this week.  It cracks me up because the theme was Breakfast which was what the theme for our Sunday Night Dinner was.  Great Minds think a like.  There was some fabulous food there too I must say!

These biscuits were out of this world good.  Supposedly there was heavy cream involved, how can you go wrong there?!?!  Just don’t tell the scales in the morning!

I can’t remember if my Sister in law brought this or her mother in law made this but YUM!  That’s all!

My mother-in-law made cinnamon rolls.  One side (I think the left) were chocolate and the other were regular.

And then we had another breakfast casserole that either my SIL or her MIL brought.

And NO dinner is complete without a singing/walking turtle!  Heck yeah!  We know how to bring it here in MO!

The Weather & Fat Free Banana Muffins

Happy First day of Spring!  What’s the weather like where you are?  We’re looking at a high of 47 degrees today and a low of 29.  Not quite Spring weather huh?  Then to top it off, they’re predicting rain and snow showers this weekend.  Hey sure why not! :).  I say right now, any form of precipitation we can get is great.  I think they said we’re finally starting to catch up, but we’re still behind in the precipitation department.

Anyway I guess I didn’t totally come here to talk about precipitation and weather… Nope, check these out!

Who knew you could have a banana muffin that was fat free.  I’m really not sure why they are because you don’t give up any of the good stuff like flour or sugar.  It’s fabulous!  And they’re yummy.  A little bit heavy but I used 4 bananas because I would have had a leftover banana otherwise, not sure if that’s what did it or not, but these were sooooo yummy!

found here
2 eggs, beaten
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease or line 10 muffin cups.

In a medium bowl, combine eggs and bananas.

In a separate bowl, mix together flour, salt, sugar and baking soda.

Stir banana mixture into flour mixture.

Pour batter into prepared muffin cups.

Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

And while Tbug and I were in the kitchen, hubby was doing this…

And the yummy finished product!

Welcome to Sunday Night Dinner

Welcome to our Sunday Night Dinner.  This weeks theme was Breakfast so that made for a bit of a crowded kitchen, because really, if you think about it not much can be done ahead of time for breakfast foods.

While everyone was hustling and bustling around, I tried to stay out of the road.

Pokey & TB were finishing up a movie while the girls played in Moo’s room, without her of course and making it the messier the better, right?  Why not leave it for Moo to clean up… lol, j/k… I think.

Hubby was making our contribution which were Gluten Free Pancakes.  And might I say, they were tasty.  We made the batter from scratch.  Moo and A can’t have gluten so we usually try to at least somewhat accommodate although that doesn’t always happen.  Moo liked them, in fact she ate 3, which is a bunch for her.

Side note, Tbug calls them Pantcakes.  I’m not sure why…

Anyway, truthfully you can’t have breakfast without Bacon & Eggs!

Now the star of the show.  The whole reason why we had Breakfast as a theme, was because of Earl’s Chocolate Gravy.  No not chocolate sauce, not pudding, not anything else chocolate you can think of, we’re talking chocolate gravy that goes on biscuits.  Something she and her family grew up with but a lot of people aren’t sure what she’s talking about.  I’d heard of it before, back in college, but never tried it until Sunday night.  It was definitely different than I expected but really good.  There was also sausage gravy as well as grape and homemade strawberry jelly in case you didn’t want gravy.

And since we’re all trying to be healthy and are in a contest to be the “biggest loser” Divergirl brought some oranges.  They were good too!  Very sweet and juicy, just the way you’d like in an orange.  And I didn’t have to peel them, makes them even better!

Mr. T made an awesome egg breakfast casserole.

The two things that showed up but I didn’t ever see anyone touch were the Cinnamon swirl bread

and the desserts, because of course you have to have desserts even if its breakfast food.

So finally when all the food was done, Earl called everyone to eat.  Now, you can call these girls lots of things, but late for dinner… er breakfast isn’t one of them!

And to end the night we had a nice “friendly” game of Taboo.  Sad to say the guys won 94 to 77.  We will get our revenge though!

Not Yo Mamma’s Burgers – Five Guys Burgers {Restaurant Review}

So last weekend we went to Rogers, AR.  My mom is getting ready for a trip to China (no she’s not excited) and she wanted to go shopping.

We went to the Promenade Blvd shopping plaza and it became lunchtime.  We started searching around for places to eat when we decided upon Five Guys Burgers.  Hubby and I neither one had ever had Five Guys Burgers and my mom always raves about them.

When you walk in, you place your order.  Then you go get your drinks while they prepare your food.  Then you pick it up and go eat.


6S – Home Use – Pantry

Ok so I work for a manufacturing company, I do however work in the corporate office, so I’m not out in the plant grinding away.  I actually work in the area of the office that tries to make sure that all employees make it home safely with the same 10 fingers and 10 toes they came to work with, the same arms and legs, the same eyes and nose, you know, keep them safe basically.

Our Continuous Improvement department teaches a lot of different methods to make the company run more efficiently. A concept that is used a lot is the 5S method, although our company has added an additional S which is Safety (other companies may do the same thing…).

Now normally they teach this to the manufacturing side of the business, however they’ve decided to focus on the corporate office.  Not only preach it, but do it.  Sweet!

And I was volunteered from our department to go attend these classes.  I could handle it, I’m was up for the challenge!  So the last few weeks I’ve been in and out of classes learning these different processes to make the company run better as a whole.

But, the cool thing about the 6S concept, you can use it at home.  And seeing as though Spring is right around the corner (although Punxsutawney Phil said it was closer than it was….) and everyone gets in the mood for Spring Cleaning, myself included, I thought I’d show you what’s been going on around my house.

First and foremost… Don’t start on to large of a project.  Instead do smaller projects so that you get quicker results and you’re more apt to stay with it!

So now it’s my duty to tell you this… find your area.  Our first area is my kitchen!  I’m tired of the clutter and not finding things easily.  So identify your safety hazards.

ie if you have a plug in next to the sink/faucet, don’t plug your toaster in right there.  Probably not the best route.  
Or if your paper towels hang from  your top cabinet, don’t plug your toaster in right below that.
This is all pretty common sense 🙂

So I started with a cabinet that you have to put everything in there just right or it all falls out and goes boom and I have no idea what all is in that cabinet to begin with, that’s what started this whole cleaning spree at my house (no pictures, before or after really….).

Turns out all that stuff didn’t need to be there so it was all moved and sorted out into keep piles, get rid of piles, move piles, etc.

But keep in mind, if you don’t know what to do with something… put it in a “holding area” also known kind of as a red tag area so you can sit on it and think about it for a given time (in manufacturing it is 48 hrs) and you can decide if you want to keep it, or if someone else needs to come go through it, etc.

So Sunday I felt so good about cleaning out one cabinet (although I wound up with some things needing homes) that we started working on the pantry & spice cabinet.  I have 2 spice cabinets, one in the kitchen, one in the laundry room.  Then all the dry goods are kept in the laundry room.  Boy was it all a mess:
before photos:

So first identify the safety hazards.
Then Sort.  Does it belong here, do I want it, is it out dated.
Straighten – everything has a place and there is a place for everything.  Label. Make foot prints (you know the lines around it so you can tell at a glance it’s missing)
Shine.  No one wants to put newly sorted things back into a dirty area or on a dirty surface.
Standardize.  Take a picture, use the labels, something to help ensure everything goes back where it belongs.  You spent this time, why not help other people figure out where it goes.
Finally Sustain.  That’s the hardest one.  you spent that time, that effort, maybe even money to make it look pretty.  Now, let’s keep it looking pretty!  A little bit here and there, a walk through once a day, once a week, maybe once a month, fix anything out of place and you’re good to go.  No more spending useless hours working on this…. and there’s always a reward.  Dinner perhaps?

Oh and just so you know, I didn’t mention anything about you having to do this by yourself.  Get yourself a team… have the family help out!

after photo of the pantry:

Now you can find things easily at a glance.  There’s more shelf space & room.  Plus you arrange in the order of use.  Put the more used things at an easier level and the least used things down below.  This didn’t cost me anything except a little time because the cabinets came off the walls in my office where we didn’t want them anymore.

Gluten Free Cooking & Corn Starch

I have two friends who are supposed to eat Gluten Free, so when I cook for them, I try (key word) to adhere to that, but it’s taken a bit of education on my part.  So I thought I’d pass on some knowledge that I’ve learned.

Cornstarch is made from corn kernels, which do not contain the gluten protein that causes problems in people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
Therefore, pure cornstarch is gluten-free. But when you’re eating gluten-free because gluten — even a tiny bit of gluten — makes you sick, you need to consider whether the cornstarch you’re buying has been manufactured in a way that avoids potential sources of gluten cross-contamination.
Many of the brands on the market are made in shared facilities or on equipment shared with wheat products, and so they aren’t considered gluten-free. However, there are a few brands out there that are safe on the gluten-free diet.

Cornstarch Is Extremely Useful for Gluten-Free Cooking

Info found here

Let's Revolt!

So we’re at week 2 of The Revolt!  I’m still doing good, although I have to admit, I missed last Saturday’s workout because I didn’t get on line at all, therefore I didn’t know there was a workout.  I spent the day with my mom and husband in Rogers, AR.  Besides, it was a free day so we were able to “eat whatever we wanted”…  I had my first Five Guys Burger, but shhhhh don’t tell anyone I said that!

So anyway back to the Revolt.  This is awesome.  The workout, while you’re working you don’t think you’re doing much but holy cow.  I have a hard time walking the next day because I find new muscles I didn’t even know existed.  It’s great really!

I still haven’t compared measurements, partially because I don’t want to derail myself if the numbers aren’t going down, but last Saturday my momma said I was starting to look more tone, that’s definitely a start, right?

While we were in Rogers I came up with new exercise clothes.  How sweet is that?

And the best part about the whole thing… I feel better about myself.

So far, must admit… loving Revolt!