
Sorry, I try to keep my work life out of my blog life because well for one… no one wants to hear about work, for two this is my space and three… my job sucks.

I hate getting up in the morning to have to come to work.  I hate sitting here all day.

Why you might ask?

Because, like a lot of people, I’m  underpaid, under appreciated actually just unappreciated and they don’t give a rats ass about what I do or if I’m here.  If it wasn’t me, they’d find someone else in a heart beat.

A year ago I went to my boss and told him I wanted more.  In fact I applied for another position within our department.  Well, truthfully, that was my first mistake.  No one wants to move someone in their department because then they have to hire for the position you’re leaving.

In the end they told me I couldn’t have the job because of what I currently make, this position pays way hirer and our company doesn’t allow that kind of pay increase so I’d have to take this high demand job for lower pay.  I was told that they’d get me into a different position and work me up so eventually I could have this job.  Plus, they quit hiring for it because there was no money.

The guy who left, the job I applied for, I’ve wound up taking up the slack on that job.  I do a lot, not all albeit but a lot of what he did for absolutely NO pay increase.  Keep in mind, there is no money, right?!?!

That was a year ago… ask me if my job or pay has changed.  The answer to that is no, btw.  So in the last 6 months probably things have really upset me.

I was put under the supervision of another guy as opposed to our big boss, yet no where is it written that way and my big boss still has to approve all my paychecks/vacation/etc so I don’t quite understand, but whatever.

One lady in our department decided she only wanted to work 4 days per week having Friday’s off.  They approved that but made her take a 20% cut in pay.  I guess that’s only warranted.  oh by the way, that frees up money, why don’t you give me a pay increase because on Friday’s, when she’s out, I have to pick up her slack too.

But get this… about 2-3 weeks after she got the 4 days per week granted, she got a job promotion.  With a job promotion comes more money.  Maybe it’s just the 20% she took, or… maybe not, I don’t know.  Plus she and 2 other guys got iPhones.  But remember our department doesn’t have any money.

Then… they’ve hired on half of 2 individuals.  Our department pays half of their salary and another department covers the other half.  I’m sure their half we pay is more than what I make… and that wasn’t already spoken for, so obviously the “We don’t have any money” is a line of bullshit, pardon my language.

So in August I noticed they were hiring for the position again I applied for last summer.  They were trying to do it secretly obviously, but I found out.

So back in August I was sent on my first company trip.  The week before I was to go out a lot of crap went down and so I went in to the guy I’m supposed to report to and asked him just what was the purpose of me going on this trip.  They’ve made it obvious that week I wasn’t going to get promoted and I’ve been treated more and more like pond scum as this last year has progressed.

When I brought this up, I was told that I had a sucky attitude.  That I needed to do all the work that was presented to me, which by the way I do, and in a timely manner, which I do.  All this stuff I “need to work on” is weird.  They couldn’t give me examples of where I fail and then they proceeded to tell me that they’ll be watching me the next several months.  Not for a promotion, no just so I can keep my job the way it is.

I’m extremely confused by all of this to say the least.  I have basically been spit on by everyone in my department.  They treat me like I am to do all their grunt work and that I’m dumb.  That’s what upsets me the most.  There hasn’t been anything I’ve been asked to do that I haven’t figured out if I didn’t know immediately.  You don’t realize how bad I just want to cry!

And what really gets to me is I’ve been complimented on all these things I’ve done, all these things I’ve figured out, etc, yet what I do isn’t good enough.  What I do, that they couldn’t do, isn’t good enough.  You have no idea how upset and confused I am by all of this.

I came here from a department in the company that was extremely trying.  When I left it was referred to as the Shark Tank for good reasons.  That’s why most people leave that department.

I think the real icing on the cake for today’s post though, was when I got here, first one here btw, there was a paper sitting on the fax.  One someone in our department sent out.  And you know what it said?  A person’s name and new employee forms.  So there you have it, they’ve hired a new employee.

If you stuck it out with me to this point, I’m sorry.  I’m sorry for ragging or being a debby downer or whatever… You have no idea how sick to my stomach I am about all of this.  I was told in that meeting back in August that I was “Just paying my dues.”  I’ve worked for this company 6 years in October and 3 years in this department and I’m still at “just paying my dues”, really?  That’s all they think of me?

I know that there are a lot of people out there who feel the way I do.  Under or un appreciated.  over worked.  And that makes me sad.  For what it’s worth, I’m sorry!  I know your pain!

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings Horses and all the Kings men,
Couldn’t put Humpty back together again.

So one of my friends from College, Doti, lives here in my hometown.  How awesome is that?  I don’t think she and I take as much advantage of that as we should, but it’s still really cool!

Now Doti collects Salt and Pepper Shakers.

I so stole this from her blog… just sayin 🙂

When I saw this I knew I had a set at my parents house that I would give her to add to her collection, not really knowing if they would fit into her collection or not, but thought it was worth a shot.  I was so excited although I kept leaving them at my parents house.

Sunday I called my momma up and asked her if she’d bring them to me at work (we work at the same place) and then I made arrangements with Doti to take them to her house after I got off work.

Sad to say one of them didn’t make the trip to work :(.

My mom felt bad.  I told her it was ok.  I hunted down some super glue and tried to piece it back together but for whatever reason the super glue wouldn’t hold it together.  I’m not going to lie, I was sad, especially after I made arrangements with Doti to get it to her.

So I sent her a message with this sad photo… the loner.

I don’t know why it is discolored there….

I guess now I’ll just be on the lookout to find her an even better one. 

Springfield Brewing Company – Springfield, MO

**Pulled off my Recipe Blog**

Saturday we headed to Springfield to go see the PBR, Live!  You want to talk about AWESOME!  I’ve watched local rodeo’s and of course on tv, but never seen the PBR Live.  It makes all the difference in the world!

My mom suggested we go eat somewhere close to the MSU campus and hubby asked me of somewhere close since that’s where I went to school.  I suggested a few places, then finally said, what about Springfield Brewing Company?  I’d eaten there one time before, back when I was in college, and have been telling my hubby about it since.  I really was looking for a reason to go eat there and finally was presented one.

Even more exciting, my parents had never eaten there either.

Located in Downtown just off the square.  Very easy to find really.  Especially when your phone isn’t acting up and will actually give you directions 🙂
The bar area was cool.  I’m not sure I’d want to have to restock all those glasses!
The Vats where they made the beer are behind glass windows and some tables are right there to enjoy the view
The decor though was awesome
and Just so you know I really was there 😉


Picture Frame Chalkboard

A while back I was perusing some of my blogs I read and stumbled across Sarah’s blog where she shared a Picture Fame Chalkboard. It was such a cute idea and the teacher inside me really, really wanted one.

Recently my mother-in-law gave me a bunch of photo frames from an auction she went to and I knew I could sacrifice one just for this project.

What you need for this project:

A Photo Frame
Chalkboard Paint
A well vented area to use your spray paint

First things first, clean the glass out of the photo frame.  That’s what I used to put my spray paint on.

They have stuff you can put on with a paint brush but really I think the spray paint was the best option here.  It was fairly in expensive and I could spray a lot more things with this before running out.

And spray the glass.  I did this outside in our yard and placed cardboard under my glass so that I wouldn’t contaminate my glass or spray my yard up too much.

I put 4 coats on my glass.  Remember with spray paint to do very thin coats so that it doesn’t clump or run.  And give it a chance to dry between coats.  Also remember to stay about 8-10 inches away from the glass.

The spray paint can says to allow 24 hours for it to set up.  I let it set about 40 hours.  Life kind of got in my way, but I was super excited to pick it up yesterday morning.

Now Sarah’s instructions said to cover it in chalk and wipe it off.  If that’s what I’m to do, that’s what I did :).

Then I put it all together and here we are, a great place to leave a sweet note for my husband.  You could also use it at a dinner to let guests know what the menu is, what the dessert is, the entertainment, oh the possibilities are endless.  I’m super excited!

And just one blooper shot for your enjoyment.  The problem with taking photos outside at my house are the pooches are trying to get my attention.  What you can’t see is Marlie’s face is in my face and I wound up with a kiss planted on my cheek.  Yey 🙂

Happy Monday!

Linked up here:
Busy Monday 
Creative Thursdays
Friday Favorites
Get your craft on
Made by you Monday
Mix it up Monday
Say G’Day Linky Party 
Say G’Day Linky Party (b/c I forgot I linked this up with last weeks, sorry!)
Shine on Fridays 
Show me what ya got 
Show off your Stuff
Showcase Your Talent Thursdays
Take a look Tuesday
Trick or Treat Tuesday 
Tuesday Confessional
Tuesday Talent Show

Real Heart to Heart

Let’s talk seriously today ok?

My life hasn’t panned out the way I always thought it would.  Are you raising your eyebrows at me a bit?  Let me explain…

When I was 17, I knew I wasn’t ready to be married, that’s for sure.  I was way way way toooooo immature.  Now I was 17 when I graduated, I turned 18 that following Summer.  At that time I was getting ready to go off to college.  I had applied for a few schools and been accepted to every one of them.  I wanted like anything to go to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK, but something held me back.

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

I’m an only child so there was that factor.  My dad got sick my sophomore year of high school and OSU was far away, there was that factor.  I was dating a guy, we were just at a year of dating, there was that factor.  And I was flat out scared.  I didn’t know anyone who went to OSU although I had my heart set on going there.

Well all my fears won out and I went to MSU.  (technically SMSU, it changed the August after I graduated but if I tell any high schooler know I went to SMS they look at me like I have a horn growing out my nose.)  To tell you how bad I wanted to go to OSU, when we went to SMS to enroll me, I was crying.  My parents said, fine we’ll head to Stillwater and enroll you there.  I told them no, I’ll stick it out the semester, maybe even the year and transfer.

Well then I made friends and you know the rest of the story… I didn’t transfer.

Skip forward 4 years.  I was about to graduate college, I was 21 years old.  I had dreams.

  • Graduate college.
  • Get a job teaching High School Agriculture.
  • Be married by the time I was 23.
  • Go back and get my Masters.
  • Own a house.
  • Own a new car.

You get the picture.

I did graduate college, 4 years baby!
I finally got a job, but not having anything to do with Agriculture, not that I didn’t try.  I kind of live in a weird area.
I didn’t get married until I was 27.
I still plan on getting my masters but I’m not there yet.
I finally bought a house with my husband when I was 26 almost 27.
I got my new car in 2011.

I swore I’d never marry a guy with a kid or one that had been previously married.  Way toooooo much baggage.  Boy I sure ate crow there.

But boy, did God have a better plan for my life than I did.  Hindsight is 20/20 for sure!

I’m not going to lie to you, our life isn’t perfect.  No one’s is… don’t be fooled!  But, it’s pretty perfect for us.

I have a lot of friends who kind of fall into the same boat I was in… when will he come, will he ever get here, am I being looked over, etc.  Heck at 25 years old, I thought I was broken.  I thought no one would want me.

Basically I say this to tell you that there is a perfect plan for you.  Hang on, enjoy the ride, and we’ll all be here rooting for your great story!

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

Happy Friday.

Mocha Cookie Crumble copycat and rude comments

No, not one I made.  I’m not sure if you’ve ever had a Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble or not, but OH. MY. GOSH. are they excellent!  A couple weeks ago while I was waiting for hubby to get in bed I googled this for a recipe just wondering if there was anything out there and I stumbled across this great youtube video.  Why recreate it when she did such a great job explaining it!

However, if you read down through the comments I wonder what happened to the age old adage, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  Sometimes people can be rude, and Emmymom has pointed that out in a blog post before.

Here is the Youtube video though :).  Enjoy!


And if you want to see the comment I’m referring to, well you can look while watching the video, or I took a screen shot of it because I was in shock.  People, putting others down won’t do anything except show how much of an jerk you really are.  I did notice he’s written more and I’ve removed the bad words.  They were offensive!  And no, this isn’t my youtube video, I was just in shock people do stuff like this, but I guess why should I be sometimes?!?!

Latest & Greatest Blog Tour

Hey y’all!  I have changed my blog around a bit lately.  I’m sure many of you who are long time followers have been watching, wondering what I’ll change next.  Well, I thought today I’d give a short demo {via pictures} of some new things, some moved things, and just some things in general :).

1. I added a button.  Want to make your own?  I’ll show you how! 
2.  Number 2 points out Foto (aka photo) tutorials page & Blogging Tips page.  See, told you I’d show you how to make a bloggy button!
3.  So now you can follow me not only via GFC but RSS, Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Google + and Twitter or email me.

For those of you who already follow, you have no idea how much I truly appreciate it!  I’m so happy you keep coming back!!  That’s what this great blogging community is about!

4.  Have you noticed my “Sponsors”?  I’m not out to get rich, promise!  Nope, this is all about promoting other blogs, as in a button swap.  If you’re interested, let me know and we’ll swap buttons!  I’ll promote yours if you’ll promote mine! 🙂

5.  I also added Linky Followers.  As you can see I don’t have many, but I have high hopes :). haha!

6.  I went on and Copyrighted (weird word) my blog a couple weeks ago when I noticed my photos on another blog.  It’s weird to see your face on a blog it doesn’t belong.  I would suggest it for anyone.  Just my suggestion though.  It’s simple and free.
7.  So the lovely Janna at Perception is Everything‘s husband is in the Army.  My husband is a Veteran plus we have friends who are still in, so when she had that button up, I grabbed it.  If you support, you should grab it too!
8.  I thought it would be fun to see the current popular posts.  Mine is set up for 7 day increments.

    9.  Last but not least, I moved my Labels to the bottom so if you’re looking for something particular, check it out down there.  It looked too cluttered on my side bar.
    10.  And I just wanted an even number so I thought I’d point out I still have my wedding tracker although it has now changed to a marriage tracker!  Woohoooo!

    If you look at my blog and think something looks funny or have a better suggestion about where I could place it, by all means share with me!  I’m still playing around with it.

    Where were you?


    If you want to know where I was, go here.  Where were you?

    PS I miss my Grandma Smith who died on 9/11/07 and hubbys grandma died on 9/11/09.  Grandma’s, we miss you!

    Jim Bob’s Steak & Ribs – Joplin, MO

    **Pulled off my Recipe Blog**

    Last Wednesday was my Mother-in-laws birthday.  Since we only have my {step}daughter every other weekend, the Saturday before seemed like a great time to celebrates so Tbug could be included in Memaw’s (my MIL’s nickname via Tbug) Birthday celebration.

    When hubby asked her what she’d like, she said a steak sounded really good so we started listing all kinds of steak places, when my dad brought up the point that Jim Bob’s was re-opened.  (It blew away in the Tornado.)

    My MIL, hubby, Tbug, my parents and I decided to meet at Jim Bob’s for dinner.  If you read my lifestyle blog, you’ll remember that was the same day that Tbug attended her first show, you may also recall it rained the whole day.  I’m not complaining, especially when that evening we got the sight of a double rainbow.  The second one was too faint and I couldn’t capture it.

    Now you’ll notice this photo looks later at night, and that’s because, it was.  I took it as we were exiting the building.


    Weekend in a Nut Shell

    So Friday about 4pm, the special weather announcements went on over the radio and said we were in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning.  I looked out the window and this is the sight I saw.  Then one of my co-workers and I went out the north door (the storm blew in from the North) of our building and the wind was so strong we almost didn’t get out.  It was NUTS!  We went in before the major part hit, don’t worry, we used common sense :). says we got 1.11 inches of rain.  Get this, I actually had to mow my lawn this weekend!  Woohooo my lawnmower didn’t have to feel abandoned anymore.  Praise the Lord!

    When we got home from work we decided to head to my parent’s house since dad said Mini Me hadn’t been doing well that morning.  Luckily, he was chipper when we got there!

    My parents took us out to dinner at Olive Garden and then hubby and I came home and played a round of Rummy.  Sad to say, he kicked my butt.  Don’t worry, I got my revenge on Saturday night.

    Now in small town America we don’t have a Starbucks, not to worry though, a few weeks ago I learned that McDonalds of all places has a Mocca Frappe that is Pretty Darn Good!  When I posed this on Instagram though, I made Lourie want a Chocolate Shake.  Sorry Lourie!!

    Saturday morning I noted that I wasn’t sure what the plans were.  I had the possibility of going to a cattle sale, a horse sale and a wedding.  Well as you can see here, we wound up first off at the Long Horn sale at the MoKan Salebarn in Butler.

    Sadly, we weren’t back in time to see Momma Vix get married, however here’s a gorgeous photo I saw of her on facebook.  Momma Vix is like a second mom to my husband.

    **note I didn’t take this photo, I stole it off her facebook, but being on my blog I tagged it so it wouldn’t get stolen :)**
    You’ll note on my facebook page that I had someone stealing blog posts of mine and claiming them as theirs.  It may have been spam blog but when I saw my photos on another blog, it was quite scary!

    After Dad, hubby and I grabbed lunch at Iguana Azul on our way home, we ran down to the sale barn where the horse sale was that night.  There at the sale barn they also have a Tack & Feed Store so dad ran in and bought shavings for the horses stalls and then we went to the tack portion and looked at boots.  I saw these two pair and posted on instagram which ones? 

    Well luckily everyone said right because those are the ones I wound up with :).  Some have a weakness for fancy stiletto’s and I like them too, but I have a weakness for boots!  Just sayin!

    After we looked at all the horses for sale we went home, cleaned stalls and fed our current horses.  And shhhhh don’t tell Tbug but I rode Aloha without her.

    Then we decided if nothing else we’d head to the colt sale for Saturday night entertainment.    What’s really awesome is the owner of all the colts that sold, donates one sale of one colt every year to a local school district.  Since his daughter is a senior this year he allowed her to choose the horse and then decided if she wanted it to go toward Graduation or the FFA chapter.  She chose the FFA chapter so they got $600 donated to them.

    Sunday was a day to recoup, or so I thought… Dad had a shock break on his truck so hubby took the tractor to my parents house, then dad and hubby went to town to get a shock and replace it for dad.  After they were finished we ran into town and while there went to the farm store and I saw these cute little girls boots!  Makes me want to be a kid again.  LOL.  or maybe not but still, very cute!

    Then we came home, watched the Lorax, went to Sunday Night Dinner, went home and crashed.  I swear we should get Monday’s off just to recoup from our weekends!

    Oh and get this… my photo was featured here:

    Sarah B Texas @ City Girl Gone Country

    So, how was your weekend?