Where were you?

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEX9fFhG6Ew]

If you want to know where I was, go here.  Where were you?

PS I miss my Grandma Smith who died on 9/11/07 and hubbys grandma died on 9/11/09.  Grandma’s, we miss you!

9 thoughts on “Where were you?

  1. Running around to all my seniors that I cared for trying not to cry and scare them more. Just sat quietly with each as long as I could , then home to my own families personal catastrophe. My heart goes out to all of the souls lost and prayers for all

  2. My mom was cooking for the cowboys that day, and I was helping her and doing my school work. I'll never forget how we all just sat and watched the tv when they came in to eat.

  3. I remember hearing that song for the first time – it gave me goosebumps. Still does. I remember people being mad over singers “cashing in” on the tragedy, but somehow, Alan Jackson's song never felt that way to me…

  4. That's ironic that you guys lost grandma's on the same exact day. 11 years ago, I was getting ready for a couple of college classes and I heard what happened on the Today show. It still makes me sick. I feel sorry for the people that have birthday's today. =(

    Thanks for linking up!! =)

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