10 Things to Smile About August

Saturday evening I was sitting at my grandma’s table playing Aggravation with my grandma, dad, husband, and Tbug, Abug was switching laps she sat on. I received a text from my mom saying that a girl that I grew up showing horses with had been killed in a head-on collision Friday night. It hit me hard. Yes, we’ve drifted off through the years but still, I grew up with her competitively showing horses against her, yet we’re still a close family!

I hated to say anything on Facebook as well as on here simply because I asked for prayers for her family. I was not trying to make this about me in any way, shape, or form. I ask for prayers for her family. They’re the ones suffering. Yes, I was heartbroken to hear the news, but it isn’t about me, it’s about healing for her family. I wanted to make that clear.

I get accused sometimes of living in my own world. Usually, it is when someone is trying to get under my skin… especially if I’m ticked off already… fight fair, what’s that? But there is a lot of heartache in the world. That’s why it is always fun to participate in Emmy Mom‘s 10 Things to Smile About Memoir. Life is difficult, so any reason to smile is a good thing. And if you can laugh, that’s even better. Plus as an added bonus you burn 5 calories every time you laugh.

So now… 10 Reasons why I smiled in the month of August.
1. I’m really thinking that this post could be summed up by Vacation!

2. Parasailing!!! (more…)

Random Smathering of Crap… aka… Brain dump ha!

I swear, there are days when I can’t get my brain to shut down. I’m not sure what was up this morning but I woke up with all these random thoughts and decided I needed to try and get them out of my head so here I am, writing them down. That means you get a random Tuesday post courtesy of yours truly :).

  • So in the last week I’ve made 2 really dumb comments. I really wanted to question myself how I got out of bed that morning without hurting myself but whatever….
    • Comment one… I went to the lake over the weekend and got pink on my shoulders, AGAIN! I was like geez wouldn’t you think eventually this would quit happening. Well yes, it might but really… I guess that Greek blood didn’t come through on me because I’m fairly fair complected :(.
    • Comment two… This was a real doozy… Benjamin Franklin was a president. Yes, yes I said that even though I knew it wasn’t true. I did however find out he was the president of Pennsylvania which is basically like a governor. But whatever, it slipped out of my mouth and I felt like an idiot the minute I said it. Oy!
      • Hmmm maybe I shouldn’t have shared those…. I swear I have a brain!
  • For some reason I have the song “Kiss from a Rose” stuck in my head. I have no idea why. I don’t really listen to that song but there is a part of that song that is playing over and over and over and over in my head and it’s about to drive me nuts. I was hoping that putting that out in writing would MAKE. IT. GO. AWAY. NOW!!!!!  :).
  • So here’s a good random one… Few weeks ago a guy I went to school from 2nd grade on had a post on his facebook page that said tell me your earliest memory of me. Mine actually went back to 2nd grade. He sat behind me in class and one day I was being ornery and kept taking his pencil away from him. Don’t remember why or what was provoking me to do that but I did. I had like 10 of his pencils lined up in a row on my desk. Every time I took his away, he’d get another one out.
  • Speaking of 2nd grade, Mrs. McCune called me up to her desk one day. She told me that she knew that I was the instagator for all the kids around me talking but she couldn’t catch me in the act. I spoke to quietly and I was too quick for her to catch me, so I needed to quit getting everyone around me in trouble. ha!
    • I’ve always said you need to watch out for the quiet ones…..
    • And I don’t remember anything… Although this proves that hubby might be right. ugh!


10 Things to Smile About June

Man this summer is flying by way to fast. It makes me sad really! So I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do this blog post or if I wanted to blog about Abug’s birthday. I’m not going to lie, Abug’s birthday still has me a little distraught. I can’t believe I have a 1 year old now… So because of that… Here’s 10 Things to Smile About June Mem with EmmyMom.

So in no particular order…

3. My baby turned 1 year old. I’m still in denial about this… How do I have a toddler?

5. We finally got some new family photos. I was excited and LOVE them. Yes I took them. I put my mom behind the camera to help get Addison to look at the camera and smile… we got the look at least.

9. Tbug participated in the Underwater Safari Hunt. She found an animal too!!

1. Father’s Day! Any day to celebrate dad’s is a good day in my book!

4. Taco Tuesday. That’s all 🙂

2. I had fun answering questions with song titles. I’m not going to lie, some didn’t make sense but some cracked me up for the way they actually answered the question.

10. This picture although it really has nothing to do with anything other than I had my sleeping baby in my arms. She was sure lovey that night.

6. So I might as well put my bad luck of hitting red stoplights to find fun things!

8. I made it through my blog crisis.

7. I finally had time to sit down with my dad and find out why our family had Santa Gertrudis cattle.

Lost in This Moment

Someone had a little to much fun at the lake this weekend. I had to pick her up so we could make the bed and I tried to keep her as much in the sleeping position as she was in as to not disturb her. So while I sit here and go through the 347.2566 pictures I took this weekend, I’ll leave you with this fun gem.


  1. Put your iPod on shuffle
  2. Put the song titles to answer the questions.

Some of these were hilarious! And now I have a baby clawing at my sunburn so I’m outtie….

Can’t Help Falling in Love – Michael Bublé

The Cricket Song – Rich O’Toole


Blog Crisis

Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why does anyone blog?

Lots of questions with lots of different answers depending on who is answering the question. There is no black and white to the answer, it’s all gray.

I’ve been debating why I blog a lot here lately. At one time I had a lot of followers and commenters but that has drifted by the wayside. Because of that I’ve even thought about closing up shop. Apparently I don’t have anything to offer anyone anymore… Or do I?

Why do I blog? Well one reason is to have a scrapbook so to say of my life. I mean life is busy and hectic. I’m now approaching the 1 year mark to having my beautiful baby girl and I can’t remember her birth story nearly like I did when it happened and I typed it out. I do wish I’d have done it in one post and not 5 or 6 or however many I wound up with, but that’s besides the point.

I have the timehop app on my cell phone and I absolutely LOVE when it reminds me of things that happened a year, two years, three years, and beyond ago. I just sit in awe and think, really, has it been that long?

In fact I was talking to Lourie yesterday and we were talking about her daughter’s boyfriend. I recalled a past boyfriend and she informed me it wasn’t a year ago (like I initially thought) but two years ago. Again, how did that happen?

April of 2013 my world got tipped upside down on it’s head and landed with a pretty hard thud, but you know what… I enjoy this life a whole lot better than what was happening prior to that. I don’t think I’d have some of the same experiences I had back then… so this blog is a great reminder. There are still days I cry that things happened the way they did but then when I start feeling sorry for myself I remember everything that was going on and bam, I smile. I mean had I not lost my job, I wouldn’t be back in school working on my Master’s which is something I always wanted to do.

Had I not lost my job I might not have my baby girl… not that work hindered that, so maybe I would have… I guess God is the only one who knows that.

So yes, I tend to think that I might close up shop on this blog and then I can’t wait to come back to this place. I know posts have been a little more scattered these last few months, School demanded a lot from me toward the end of the semester. And now it’s summer and I sometimes don’t realize my day is gone until it’s 11pm and I’m laying in bed trying to go to sleep between the baby girl kicking me and the husband snoring. Yes, we co-sleep right now, something I swore I’d never do. I guess I like the taste of crow :(.

So anyway if you’ve stuck through all the brain splatters I’ve had through the years. All the joys and trials I’ve face, I just want to say thank you! And if you’re new, please stick around, the best is yet to come!

I don’t plan on quitting this blogging gig anytime soon even though some days I think Yes I will. I won’t. So thank you for sticking around. I love ya!

10 Things (plus 1) to smile about May

Some days I’m late to the game, this week/month/day is one of those but I wanted to smile about the Month of May so please indulge me 🙂 I’m linking up with Emmy Mom! Guess I better hurry, my baby girl is emptying my bag. :). I love this life!

1. We spent the day helping with the Missouri Governor’s Mounted Guard. It was a great learning experience for Tbug.

2. School’s out for Summer. Anyone else singing that song? I’m quite scared because I have a lot of books to read. If you’ve read these, please help me!!!


Complete Strangers

Buffalo and his brother… Long story

Lately I have been going through old photos and scanning them in to my computer. Wow, how did we survive before digital? I swear!

Anyway I scanned in photos a couple weeks ago from my trip to Washington D.C. with FFA the summer before my junior year of high school. Now this story could be about all the complete strangers I met because I met a lot. We all left friends but this is about one stranger I met in particular.

My aunt and uncle live in southern Oklahoma and at the time had a set of twin boys that were working for them. My aunt had told the one brother about me and possibly even showed him a picture, I can’t remember. Anyway then she told me about him. She said he was cute and we were the same age.

When she found out he was attending the Washington Leadership Conference and so was I, she checked with each of us as to what week (there are multiple weeks). Turns out we were going the same week. My aunt told us that we should look each other up.


10 Things to Smile About April

This month has been a bit of a struggle, I’m not going to lie. It’s always fun to see how everyone’s life in blog land is always butterflies and kittens, but in reality I’m pretty sure it isn’t, we just don’t typically tend to focus on the bad and that’s maybe a good thing.

Add the stress that next week is finals… NEXT. WEEK. and I’m kind of freaking out. So in the next few days I need to finish my portfolio, write a school blog post, finish a rough draft and then a final draft of a paper (yes both, grades on both) and a final. This semester I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I have in the past and I don’t know why… Now let’s hope I didn’t just jinx myself… but in the mean time, let’s find 10 things to Smile About so I can link up with Emmymom.

4. My baby girl turned 10 Months Old. OMG, how did that happen?

7. We helped/attended Trails for Kids to raise money for the local CP Center. As a whole, over $31,000 was raised! woohooo!

2. He has risen! Easter came!

5. You got to spend a day in Baby Girl’s life – Work edition. That was followed up by a day in baby girl’s life Church edition.

3. Armadillo Eggs, need I say more?

1. The last of our 3 babies hit the ground.

10. Tbug has been so busy with cheer these last few weeks and really even months. We finally saw her for the first time in over a month for a day. One day in April we saw her. Yup, you read that right. Not our choice but it is what it is.

6. I finally got new windshield wipers. Yes that makes me smile. Look how awful that one was!

9. Squirrelly girly has hit a bunch of milestones this month and while it makes this momma sad, it makes her happy too. And one day she wasn’t having a nap but was tired and actually curled up on momma’s chest and slept for 2 hours.

8. I attended the 2nd SW MO Blogger Meet up.

And on a sad note, do you watch Dancing with the Stars? Can you believe Willow went home… SERIOUSLY! And sadly no I didn’t vote for her but I don’t vote for anyone because I don’t get to watch the show until later in the week. I have Monday night classes. And by the time I finally get home the voting poles for my time zone are closed. So no I didn’t vote for her, but why didn’t the rest of America.