Tbug's Birthday

In a weird turn of events for us, we were able to see/have Tbug on her birthday. Long story short, the night before her mom asked what the plan was for us getting her the next day so we picked her up at noon. Hubby and I let her pick where she wanted to eat lunch, she chose Logan’s Roadhouse. Then we headed home for the afternoon.

The last weekend she was at our house, we took her around looking for new boots. Her current ones fit her still and are in really good condition (she takes good care of them!!) but it is usually a tradition that for her birthday she gets new boots. We took her to Cavenders, The Justin Boot Outlet and then to White’s Feed & Tack looking for boots. She’s a smart girl, so obviously she probably guessed that she’d get boots but we never let on. We just told her we were looking to try and see what was out there, what size she needed and what she liked. She picked 3 pairs, one at the Justin Boot Outlet and 2 at Whites. Then I sent pictures to my mom, sent her back to pick them up for me once we left their house and BAM, she got her boots. They are Macie Beans and she loves them, although sadly she hasn’t gotten to wear them yet. This weekend!

Then she loves to read and she loves Duck Dynasty. While watching Dancing with the Stars this season they mentioned that Sadie Robertson wrote a book so I figured that Tbug would love reading it so we ordered the book. She was so excited about the book she wanted to take it to her mom’s, which we told her she could but then she decided to send it to our house and she’d read it here.

Since we didn’t think we were going to get her for her birthday, we didn’t have a game plan on where we were going to eat. Once we picked her up she chose HuHot. No problem :). And it just so lucked out that my Mother-in-Law had taken that day off so she was able to go to dinner with us as well as my parents.

My only complaint about the night, the waitress sucked. She totally ignored our table and kissed up to the table next to us. Our table, yeah we didn’t get any refills on drinks or any plates taken away.

But all-in-all, we had a great day/evening with Tbug and no we have one more year before we have a teenager on our hands! Oh heaven help us :). Although she’s a GREAT kid!


I swear this girl cracks me up!

Tbug: Some people think that Kansas City is in Kansas.
Me: It is.
Tbug: Oh I thought it was in Joplin.
Hubby: Doh!
I was dying laughing and explained that it is on the border and there is part of KC in Kansas, just like St. Louis.

So for Candlelight service this year I thought we should dress up as a family. Church is really laid back and normally we all just wear jeans and a t-shirt (the whole church almost… some dress up though) but last year for Easter they dressed up while we didn’t. Now I didn’t have any dress up clothes that fit as you’ll remember I was pregnant. Anyway she came to me just as we were leaving my mom and dad’s house and asked if she could wear jeans and a nice shirt. I was like, no I told you I wanted us to dress up. Turns out her dad told her to come ask me… and when we got to church, a lot of people were there in jeans. Oh well as a family we looked nice!

1. Why do you like being a kid? Because you have some privileges that adults don’t.

2. What is your happiest memory? When my little sister was born.

3. What do you like to do for fun? Ride horses and go scuba diving.

4. What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone else? I helped my grandma move out of her house.

5. What do you think you’ll be doing 10 years from now? I’ll be 22 and in Vet School at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

6. What do you think your mom & dad do for jobs? My mom goes to school and my dad fixes computers.

7. What is the grossest thing you can imagine? A cowpoop pie with bleu cheese on it.

8. What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Watch a movie.

9. What is your favorite color? Blue

10. What is your favorite toy? The thing I use to make pot holders.

11. What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple

12. What is your favorite tv show? Girl Meets World

13. What is your favorite food? Calf Fries

14. What is your favorite outfit? Jeans, Tshirt and boots.

15. What is your favorite game? Monopoly

16. What is your favorite snack? BBQ Chips

17. What is your favorite animal? Aloha (horse) or is it dog?

18. What is your favorite song? Country Man by Luke Bryan

19. What is your favorite book? Spirit Animals 

20. Who is your best friend? Aspyn

21. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride horses

22. What is your favorite drink? Pepsi

23. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

24. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? All my stuffed animals

25. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Small Animal Vet

By the way, Happy 12th Birthday Tbug!!

If you want to see previous answers check them out here:
10th birthday
11th birthday

Hubby’s Birthday Weekend

I’m not sure if you’ve been around long enough to know or realize this, but hubby usually gets a weekend long celebration for his birthday if not the whole week. It’s quite funny! This year proved no different. Because of the Chili Cook-off being on his birthday (Sat Nov 1) and we were going to the Chiefs game on the 2nd, we had to squeeze his birthday in somehow so we took him to dinner on Friday night, Halloween…

We picked Tbug up at 6 and went to see hubby’s dad and my grandma and then met my parents at Longhorn Steakhouse (hubby’s choice) to eat dinner for his birthday.

They have this thing called a Porterhouse for 2 and that’s what hubby wanted. I was quick to oblige! (Hey I like steak and I’m not pregnant anymore so it doesn’t make me gag… boy I hope baby girl likes steak…)

Now one of the reasons he chose here for his birthday was because he received an email for a free dessert on his birthday. This was the dessert they had pictured and that’s soooo what he wanted. btw, very good choice!


31 Things on the 30th

1. Tbug, Peanut and I spent Monday and Tuesday of this week chillaxing and watching movies. Why? Because we could.

2. There is an 80% chance of rain today. Do you think it will rain?

3. We get Tbug back this afternoon for the evening. She went home yesterday afternoon for cheerleading practice.

4. I’ve been reading the book Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman. It’s about One American Mother discovering the wisdom of French Parenting. I’ll let you know if I learn anything. I’m 2 chapters in.

5. The Peanut loves to sleep on her tummy. That’s how her mommy like to sleep too, however I haven’t been able to since I became pregnant with her although we’re slowly working our way back to that!

6. When I was growing up I loved watching Boy Meets World. I’d heard rumor that they were going to do Girl Meets World which was supposed to be Corey and Topanga’s daughter growing up and they were going to be in it, but I’ve never found where anyone actually carried through with making the tv show.

7. Hubby and I are about ready to close a chapter of our life and start a new one. I can’t quite tell you what’s going on yet, but I will soon.

8. So when I got pregnant, my belly button turned brown/black. I asked the doctor and she said that it had something to do with the way Peanut formed. It’s still brown/black almost like it is bruised and it still hurts. I think I’ll have to ask the doctor about it at my next appointment. This seems soooo weird!

9. I really want to go on a vacation. I know it’s not possible right now for us, but I’d soooo love to. But if we’re being serious, part of me would like to be rich and famous and retire and move to a tropical island somewhere.

Circa 2011 – Hawaii

10. I like watermelon. I also like cherries and grapes and kiwi and strawberries. I think I want fruit right now, what do you think?

11. I really love my husband. That’s all!

Circa 2010 – Chicago Honeymoon

12. I really want to get back to some sort of exercise but I’ve been waiting for the doctor release. We’re getting so close.

13. I also want to go swimming but still waiting for the doctor release for that as well.

14. I’ve tried the Jamberry wraps. My first experience didn’t go very well but a friend of mine sells them and she helped me try them again. So far we’re on day 3 of wearing them and they’re doing much better than that first round. That first round I only lasted 2 days and I was done.

15. My hair was blonde when I was born. It did as my dad’s side of the family does and progressively got darker as I got older until it was a light brown by the time I was in my early 20’s.

See, Blonde.

16. I really want to highlight my hair, the thing is I finally got all the highlights out and I didn’t do anything with it (except cuts) while I was pregnant. Now I’m not sure I want to put color back in it since it’s all my natural color.

17. I like wearing sunglasses whether they are shading my eyes or they become a part of my accessories in my hair :). Currently my sunglasses are red :).

Apparently I’ve had red sunglasses before too…

18. Did you know I’d never changed a diaper until we were in the hospital. I was the youngest person in my family… I obviously wasn’t going to change my own.

19. I have a scar under my bottom lip from biting through it when my mom was pulling up my pants as a kid and I fell forward and bit through my lip.

20. This month I haven’t gotten dressed every day. I have spent some days in just my pj’s. I have changed shirts a lot though because spit up just doesn’t seem like much fun to keep wearing.

21. They’re talking about “Goofy Golf” on the tv. It’s like miniature golf. I think I’m ready to go miniature golfing.

22. I’m still having to wear my maternity clothes. My regular shirts fit but my pants don’t fit just yet and I’m ready to have my clothes back!

23. I’m beginning to understand why new moms cut their hair off. I don’t get along with short hair though so I guess I’ll keep mine. I’ll just keep it back :).

24. A couple weeks ago I got to take a shower at 2am courtesy of the Peanut. Spit up in my hair just kind of grossed me out.

25. I helped haul hay a few weeks ago. No I didn’t pick up bales because the doctor hasn’t released me so my family hasn’t released me either, but I still helped so I didn’t feel so bad :).

26. I finally got my wedding rings back on. I guess that means I’m still married… haha. That’s the joke anyway. Hubby however had to take his off after Sunday when his tore a big hole in his hand after he met the ground via a horse.

27. Hubby refers to my eyes as either Breen or Grown. They aren’t Green or Brown and I don’t think you really can call them hazel… so they’re either Breen or Grown.

28. Lately my favorite drinks are water, Sweet Tea and Coke.

29. In 1983, the 30th was on a Saturday.

30. It rained that day.

31. Oh and last but not least, Today is my 31st birthday.

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She's Here

Wow, I scheduled yesterday’s post around 11pm on Wednesday night. I had every intension of getting up on Thursday morning, going to American Literature and then taking my American Lit final. Going to the Drs office on Friday morning at 10am and she would be here via C-section Monday sometime…

Plans changed and I’d like to introduce you to our Little Bundle of Joy. She came into the world on 6/26/14 at 2:50pm on her own terms. She weighed in at 7lbs 9.6 ounces and was 20 inches long. And she’s just perfect and beautiful as can be!

Everyone is doing fine. Happy Friday Friends!

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When Real Life Takes Over

Back in 2006 I took cake decorating classes. I’ve been teased for years that when I get bored I learn something new… and that just happen to consume most of the spring/summer of 2006 :). Another day, another time I’ll share all the things I’ve learned throughout the years :), but for now we’ll focus on cake decorating!

I’ve never claimed to be good, but I like to do it (although I’ve been known to get stressed out a few times). Earl asked if I could make a cake for ZebraGirl’s birthday. I said sure. So she brought over the stuff that she had. It was a Chef Duff cake mix for Zebra Stripes and the sugar pages to do designs with. Easy right? Ah, the ever infamous words to set you up for disaster!

I read the directions on the box. Mix the white cake mix with water, oil and eggs in one bowl. Mix the Chocolate cake mix in a separate bowl with water, oil and eggs. Easy peasy!


Exclusive Interview

So today is Tbug’s birthday.  She was with us until 2pm today!!  I spent my morning with her instead of blogging, but it’s okay we can still wish her a Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday this late in the evening.  Last year I asked her a set of questions and finally we get to compare.  Now I used Emmy Mom’s questions as well and added a few more so not all will be comparable, plus I got rid of a few I didn’t care much for.  So I guess for a true comparison we’ll have to wait until next year….

1. Why do you like being a kid? You don’t have to get a job.

2. What is your happiest memory? Laying on the floor with our dog Rio.

3. What do you like to do for fun? I like to read and watch tv.

4. What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone else? I made my mom breakfast in bed with my dad.

5. What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years from now? I’ll be in my 3rd year of college.

6. What do you think your mom & dad do for jobs? My mom goes to school and my dad fixes electronics.

7. What is the grossest thing you can imagine? Dog Poop salad.

8. What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Sit in the living room and watch movies together.

9. What is your favorite color? Blue

10. What is your favorite toy? Barbies

11. What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple

12. What is your favorite tv show? Good Luck Charlie

13. What is your favorite food? Fried Chicken

14. What is your favorite outfit? Jeans, Tshirt and boots.

15. What is your favorite game? Rummy

16. What is your favorite snack? Chips

17. What is your favorite animal? Dogs & Horses

18. What is your favorite song? Whiskey Lullaby

19. What is your favorite book? Si-Cology 101

20. Who is your best friend? Emma

21. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with the dogs.

22. What is your favorite drink? Sweet Tea

23. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

24. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My stuffed animals

25. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Horse Trainer or Lawyer

Compare from last year

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Reese's Cup Cookie Cakes

Have you ever had days where you just feel like if you could go to bed and start all over it might be better?  This morning was a prime example of that for me…

So I had a letter that I needed to mail.  Now someone in our neighborhood hates our mailbox and has bashed it a couple times.  Right now it is standing, but the flag to notify the mail carrier that there is a letter to be mailed is gone.  It’s been gone since 2 days after we put this mailbox up.  So I always put my letters in the mailbox at the post office.  So I put my letter in the envelope, addressed the envelope, drove to the post office and threw it in the mailboxes in the middle of the road and started to drive off.  All sounds good right?  Yeah, well the minute I let go of the envelope I realized I didn’t put a stamp on it.  OY!  Sadly I had a car waiting behind me so I went and turned around and had to go into the post office.  The nice people there went and opened the mailbox for me so I could put my stamp on the letter.  OY.

So that really has nothing to do with today’s post other than, some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you.

Now if there is one thing I can tell you about my husband, it’s this… he likes Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  With his birthday the day after Halloween, I thought it would be okay to make him a special treat… Enter the Reese’s cup cookie cakes…

It combines lots of loves, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Sugar Cookies!

See, I’m not lying :).

The order of the cookies really doesn’t matter, I just chose to do the chocolate chip on top and the sugar cookie on bottom.  You could definitely reverse it.  Only thing that has to go in a specific spot… the Reese’s.  I’m not sure it’d hold up so well on the top or bottom….

I found it easier to start with the bottom piece first.  Now you could use your own homemade dough obviously, just get yourself out about a tablespoon of each.  The thing with using the store bought is they are already portioned off, which means you’ll get 24 :).  It is best to bring the dough to room temperature as it makes it more pliable. Just cover the Reese’s bottom in the sugar cookie dough.

Then place the chocolate chip cookie dough on top and press over the top.  Where the 2 cookies meet up, just pinch the sides together so that the Reese’s is completely covered.  When the Reese’s gets hot the chocolate will melt and the cookies will make a barrier.

I put mine in cupcake liners so they were easier to handle and move, etc.  Place them in a 350 degree oven for 12-15 minutes.  My oven worked best at 13 minutes.  When they come out of the oven it will be puffed up but as they cool, they will drop.  That’s normal :).  It is also best to leave them in the muffin pan for a small bit (5-10 minutes maybe) just so they solidify their shape and it’s easier to move them out of the pan and handle them.

And that will get you one happy husband.  He might not be as happy about a camera in his face while he’s eating them but he’ll get over it! 🙂

When Pokey heard about them, he wanted me to bring them to Sunday Night Dinner.  Tbug had Zebragirl stay the night Saturday night.  After Tbug went home to her mom’s Zebragirl “had” to hang out with hubby and me for a couple hours before SND so she and I made these desserts just to take for Pokey.  When I walked in, I plopped them down on his lap (don’t worry they were in a carrier)

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The Husbandator’s Birthday

So Friday was hubby’s birthday.  Sadly I had to attend class, especially since I had a test in HEL (History of the English Language) so I didn’t get to spend extra time with him.  I’m glad though that D the Man, JT, CL & AL were able to take him to lunch.  He works from home on Friday’s so he was able to meet up with them for a quick bite.

On top of the test that I had on Friday, I had a paper due by 6pm on Saturday.  No normally we don’t have work due on Saturday’s, the teacher was being nice and gave us an extension.  But the point is, after I got done at school I went and met D the Man so he could help me start writing this paper.  No it isn’t his job or anything to help me, but I was struggling and he offered to help.

Tbug has cheer on Friday nights so I stayed and worked on my paper until it was time to go pick her up.  Toward the end I was talking about having to run to Wal-mart to get a different bag for hubby’s present because the one I got wasn’t big enough for the present.  D the Man gave me some brown paper and said, here will this work?  I said, heck yeah so I wrapped the present in the brown paper.  When I was finished he took it from me and did a wrapping job of his own.



So today is Hubby’s Birthday! I’m stuck at school (paper due today and a test ugh!) and he has to work today, so tonight is the celebration. Nothing like he got last year though. Then Tbug has cheer she can’t  miss so celebrating later at night it is.

Last year – Happy 30th

I did think it would be fun on his birthday to share some of his “sayings” and also a Husband survey.

  • It’s all Urine, PP {ask AL how well that goes over at work, especially when you work for a Kidney doctor:)}
  • When he burps he ribbits…
  • Close only counts in horse shoes, hand grenades and nuclear weapons
  • I’m out like the fat kid in dodgeball
  • I’m on it like a fat kid on a cupcake
  • Shirts and Shoes and Socks

A survey about your husband stolen from HickChickBritt’s blog.

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
If I’m not around, then he has Grown Ups on for background noise.
