Happy Birthday!

Photo by her stepdad

1. Why do you like being a kid? Because you don’t have as much responsibility as you do as an adult.

2. What is your happiest memory? Thanksgiving, being with my family.

3. What do you like to do for fun? Ride horses and go scuba diving.

4. What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone else? I went to a church camp one summer and everyday we did charity for elderly people.

5. What do you think you’ll be doing 10 years from now? I think I’ll still be in college.

6. What do you think your mom & dad do for jobs? My mom goes to school and my dad is a computer tech guy. My other mom is a nurse and my other dad works for an eye doctor.


Sunday Afternoons are Made for….

Wow, November 1st is pretty awesome as of yesterday. First and foremost, hubby turned 33. Yup, 33 years ago yesterday his momma brought him into this world. And knowing him, she probably had her hands full at times. I know I sure do… whew :).

When we woke up yesterday morning, and remember yesterday morning we hit standard time so we gained an hour, hubby looked at me and said he was hungry. I told him I had the stuff to make pancakes or waffles, which did he want. He chose waffles. And here is the only picture I took of breakfast…. (homemade Vanilla that I sent a picture of to Karen asking her a question….)

From there we headed to my parents. Mom and dad’s fireplace was messed up and Hubby said he could fix it for them. We also did his birthday presents. No pictures, we did it in a hurry. And the most wrapping he got was in plastic bags. Yeah we went all out. Hey I mentioned yesterday that one of his presents is still in the trunk of my car.


Dad’s Birthday

My dad’s birthday was Friday. Does it seems sad that all I have are stories and pictures of food? Just a thought….

Yup, dad’s birthday was Friday. Dad had to work. Hubby had to work. And if you want to call what I was doing work, I did too… although I don’t. More on that to come!

Anyway I made plans to get Tbug so she could be there for dad’s birthday dinner. Turns out her mom and {step}dad were eating at the same place we were, Texas Roadhouse, so she just road there with them and I went and got her from inside the restaurant. hehe. Hey don’t knock it, she got to see grandpa on his birthday and that’s what matters.

Abug had stayed with mom on Friday since I had prior plans for the days adventures so she rode over to the restaurant with grandma, grandpa and Grandma J (great grandma). They were there when we got there. I ran in and got Tbug and we were all present and accounted for :).

They had a guy dressed up as an armadillo, he walked up and stood right next to Tbug and scared her. It was funny and cute.

Our number was called and we went in. Mom gave dad his birthday present right then (ours wasn’t here yet to give him so he’s still waiting). It was a photo frame to hang Tbug’s showing picture on the wall with the rest of them. The only thing he’s really said he wanted. Plus he got a new book, but I don’t know which one. I then ran the stuff out to the truck for them so we didn’t have to sit with it at the table all through dinner.

Next, it was time to eat!

Bread and cinnamon butter. What more could you ask for. really? I mean couldn’t you just make a meal out of that? I guess if not, I can still answer, I can.


How to: Throw a Surprise Party

It’s been a few years since I’ve been involved in a surprise party. If you recall, the last one started Tbug pushing/tripping hubby through a door (okay I might have been involved in that part too….) into a room full of people who were waiting to surprise him.

This time around though, hubby was involved in the planning or at least the execution of the party. Let me paint you a picture.

Hubby got off work and headed to Jared & Karen’s house. They were waiting for Grady to leave the shop so that we could start decorating for the party. Grady thought he was teaching a class at 6:30pm, but really we were having a surprise birthday party for his 60th birthday (which is today).

Finally Jared called and said that his truck broke down again and needed to be towed. Grady left the shop in a hurry. Hubby and Karen were in Hubby’s truck headed the long way to the shop. Deb, Chuck, SW, DW & I started prepping with decorations. When hubby got there he started putting Grady’s present together quickly while Karen jumped in and helped us decorate.

Jared sent Karen a text saying that Grady never drives that fast and he was having to ride his brakes to slow him down. Then they got the guy at the shop they were “towing” Jared’s truck to in on helping to stall Grady.


Family Celebrations

Finding pictures of my grandparents seems to not be an easy task. That’s a funny statement for someone who loves photos, but this is also why I say take pictures with your family even if you hate having your picture taken because they’ll cherish them!

Anyway… off that rant… Last Friday would have been my grandpa’s birthday. “Would have been,” past tense, because he passed away Saturday November 13th 2010.

Circa September 2006

I was a lucky kid though… While my mom didn’t get to be a stay at home mom, I got to spend a lot of time with my grandparents. I even was lucky enough to have my great grandparents in my life (My great grandpa passed away in 1998 at 108 and my great grandpa passed away in 2002 at 101). But I got to spend a lot of quality time with my grandparents, something not everyone gets to claim. I definitely wouldn’t have traded that time for the world!

And one thing that we do in my family, which might be a little bit crazy to some people… We still celebrate their birthday. I’m sorry, these people lived and we’re extremely happy that we had them in our lives, so why not celebrate their birthday?!?! They are every bit a part of the reason I’m here today!


32 Years Young

I’m sorry, but how did I turn 32?

I was actually reading a blog post last week or maybe even the week before by Jillian and she made the comment that 32 was stupid. We’re 2 days from being the exact same age so I’m not going to lie… I think I feel the same way. Most days I wake up thinking I’m about 20 but my body feels like I’m 50ish. I’m totally cool though that I’m still having birthday’s because that means I’m on the right side of the ground.

Anyway last Thursday was my 32nd birthday!

Normally Tbug is at Cheer on Thursday nights but because it was my birthday her mom let her skip cheer to celebrate with me (and my grandma. We have the same birthday!!). So we actually picked Tbug up Wednesday evening to go to camp and then she stayed with us through Sunday. That gave us the opportunity to go meet hubby for lunch on Thursday.

As we were driving to meet him for lunch we got caught up in road construction so while we were waiting for the Pace car to come get us, we sooooo needed to take a selfie.

Just to prove I was being healthy on my birthday. Salad (with ranch dressing… yup!).


DWTS live Perfect 10 Tour, Springfield, MO

So let’s take a little trip back in time… say what? Well, it kind of is the back story to today’s story. :). Back on Cinco de Mayo, I actually got out of class sort of early, went and got myself dinner (tacos! yum) and came home to watch Dancing with the Stars. Was it the final Results Show? I can’t remember, I just know partial details here.

I had recorded the show since I had night class so I was passing through commercials, however I got caught on commercials once and saw that they were getting ready to do the Dancing with the Stars Live Perfect 10 Tour and they said at a city near you. I live in SW MO… seriously… a City near me, I figured maybe Kansas City, St. Louis, Tulsa, Fayetteville, maybe OKC… so I jumped over to the website and checked it out. And that’s when I saw Springfield, MO! WAIT WHAT?!?!

I was so excited I quickly emailed my mom to tell her. She then got on line, looked, asked if I wanted that for my birthday present, and Bam, that’s how I wound up going to Dancing with the Stars Live on Sunday!

We had all the cast listed below except Rumor. She was actually supposed to be with our stop but she hurt her ankle prior to the performance and wasn’t able to make it.


Mom, Dad, Hubby, Abug and I headed to Springfield Sunday evening to go to dinner at Springfield Brewing Company and then we were off to Juanita K Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts to watch the show!!!! The show started at 7:30pm so it was perfect amount of time to drive to Springfield, eat, and then the show!!!


Birthday Party Take 2

My baby is already a year and a week old. Holy cow! So it’s time to suck it up and do the rest of her birthday and quit dragging my feet at admitting she’s a toddler. <sigh>. So we planned baby girl’s family birthday on her birthday at my parents house. Hubby’s grill was already over there and hey I didn’t have to clean my house while I felt horrible. I have caught something and it won’t let loose… a cold, the flu, something. Yuck!

Baby girl loves hamburgers and since it is her birthday we chose to make her favorite foods. She also likes Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips so my father in law brought those. My grandma made her baked beans. I requested potato salad because she doesn’t care for that. My MIL made her birthday Cheesecake, strawberry and cherry. And we were set. Mom bought some cute/fun table clothes for $.97 and bam, the table was set. Again #pinterestfail but oh well


Birthday Party Take 1

Okay, I finally sucked it up, and decided it was time to admit that we had Abug’s first birthday party. Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor because my baby is 1. Okay… so… we had her first birthday party. Originally we were going to have a family party on her birthday and then a party the next day at a friends house for all her friends.

In a change of events, we had her friends birthday party at the lake. Hey that’s one of the great things about summer birthdays!

Sadly I was sick for most of this birthday. Ugh! So I didn’t help much in food prep other than doing her birthday cake. So while everyone else was preparing dinner, Tbug and I took Abug down to the water for a little photo shoot in her 1 year old birthday dress.

These two have the most unique bond and I absolutely LOVE it. I was always worried, especially after a conversation Tbug and I had when her dad and I were first married, but these two absolutely LOVE each other.
