Rough Night!

Wow, last night was a rough night. Baby girl decided around 2isham that she needed to be fed. No problem, I stumbled out of bed, went and changed her, placed her back in bed with daddy for a few minutes while I made her a bottle and then fed her. Yeah, I should mention here she wouldn’t quit screaming. Hmm… I fed her, changed her, went to burp her (maybe that was the problem) and she threw up on me, my shirt and in my hair. Yey… 2am shower… score! I left her with daddy and went and took a shower.

When I came back in, baby girl was still screaming. Hubby asked if I fed her. I told him yes so I took her out to the living room, made her a second bottle, fed her and got her to sleep on my chest. So I took her back into her pack’n’play (at the foot of our bed) and laid her down. I no more than laid down and she started screaming again. Hubby asked if I should feed her some more. I said I already had so I picked her up and took her into the living room and sat in the recliner with her until hubby got up and left for work this morning.

Then she and I moved back to the bedroom and I finally got her to sleep. Which meant at 8am I got to sleep as well. Woohooo!

So in the Story part 5 I forgot to mention the other day the part of the evening when Nurse Nazi kicked people out… well when Earl and her mom got to come in with us, I was tired of laying in bed so Earl said, lets go walk the halls. It’ll do you some good. I walked out to the nurses desk to ask if they had another gown or something I could cover up my behind with and if we could go walk the halls. When I asked if we could go for a walk, the nurses were like, where do you plan on doing that? I was like walk the halls like when I was in labor…. Then the very next question Nurse Nazi asked me was, Did you leave the baby in the room by herself? I had to laugh because I’m thinking, you were just in there, you kicked people out. I answered though, No her daddy is in there, I’ve just been in that bed for 2 days and I really hurt. They finally allowed me to go walk the halls but dang! I can’t help but wonder if I look dumb… why do I keep getting these weird questions?

Okay so I have screaming baby girl quieted and snoozing right now in her swing. Yey! I think I’ll go snooze now too? No, I won’t leave the baby in the swing while I snooze if anyone was wondering :).

**She’s not sleeping here, but you get the picture :)**

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The Story Part 5

**Part 1**
**Part 2**
**Part 3**
**Part 4**

Since the nurse came in and said that we needed to get breakfast ordered by a certain time I woke hubby up and asked him to call in our order. We both looked at the menu. I ordered Biscuits and Gravy with a side of bacon and peaches with orange juice to drink, he ordered a ham omlet with bacon with orange juice to drink. Our hospital is awesome because they make it so the father’s (and kids) can order off the same menu and it’s one flat price.

Once they brought breakfast and hubby and I ate, the nurse came in to check on baby girl and me and to bring me pain meds and a prenatal vitamin. After that they let us be. Hubby and I started watching Friends and I had baby girl in the bed with me. After my nap with her, hubby took her so I could get up and go to the bathroom and they took a nap together.

At one point that morning a social worker came in to visit with us. Apparently that’s the new common standard, everyone has to talk to a social worker, that’s what she told us anyway. It seems strange to me because none of my friends have experienced this. Anyway she asked us questions and I upset her… note to self, never tell a social worker the carseat is in the trunk. I must clarify that we packed everything for the hospital 2 weeks prior to needing it, just in case so I put it there so I had use of my back seat. She asked if we had a carseat for baby and I said, yes it’s in the trunk. She got on to me for that. I clarified for her that the carseat base was in the back seat, but I carried the carseat in the trunk until it was needed. She yelled at me prior to my clarification and told me Babies NEVER ride in the trunk and I should never tell a social worker that. 

Between naps we had visitors come to see us. We had the preacher, Deb, Michelle & Shaye (they brought cupcakes!!),

my mom and Tbug, my MIL, my FIL and so many more I kind of lost track. It was fun because they came between naps so we got to nap on Friday. Around 4pm just before Doug and Rachele got there to see her the nurse came to take her away and do some testing as well as the hospital photos of her.

We had exceptional nurses our whole stay at the hospital. The last night there though (Friday night) we had nurse Nazi as we affectionately referred to her. There was a standing rule that we were only allowed 5 people in the room, including hubby (guests, not Peanut or me in that 5). All during our stay there were a few times we had a few more but people came and left so it wasn’t like I was over the limit long. That night though Earl and her mom walked in on 5 people already in the room and nurse Nazi kicked them out. Told them they were not allowed in until 2 people left.

Okay that was the rules but dang, the director of obstetrics never got on to us about that… but okay. Then that night she yelled at hubby for dozing off with baby girl in his arms. If he was going to sleep, she had to be in the bassinet. Again, we’d taken naps with her all day but okay. I was in the shower when that happened. Then later in the night hubby was asking the nurse about feedings and it took forever to get an answer out of her. Oy! Luckily that was the only night we had to deal with nurse Nazi.

So there is no nursery. The babies stay in the room with the parents at all times unless the nurses take the baby out to the nurses station. They offered that night to take her but I figured she’d be okay with us. Then around 2am when she wouldn’t quit crying and hubby and I were exhausted, we asked the nurses if they’d be able to watch her for a couple hours so we could get some sleep. They came in and took her so they could give her a bath and kept her until around 5am when they brought her back in the room. They took my vitals and we all went back to sleep.

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Blogging on a Monday

Have I completely lost my mind? I’m actually blogging on a Monday. Is the world about to end? Please don’t answer that… you might scare me!

But on a positive note… I’m alive and kicking. That’s good, right? So I’m kind of at a loss for what to blog about. Last week was a very trying week… but don’t worry, Peanut didn’t add to that really and Hubby and my relationship is doing just fine… it was just a trying week that ended with a really hot day in the hayfield yesterday. I’m still on weight restrictions from the doctor for another like 4 weeks so I was the driver but still, I was in the 90+ degree heat with them. And along with the weight restriction, no pool/hot tub so I came home and jumped in a nice shower while everyone else enjoyed our pool :). No grudges though… I think… ha!

Today was the first day hubby has been back at work. He saved up vacation so that he would be able to take 2 weeks off to spend with baby girl and me. I should mention that he spent most of that in the hayfield… either that or putting machinery back together after it was broken. In the last month (or less) we’ve had to do a complete engine overhaul on the big tractor, had flat tires (both tractor and truck), broken the hay mower multiple times, broken the baler, caught the baler on fire (twice) and so much more. Oy! This has not been a good hay season, plus throw baby girl being born right in the middle of all of this and you have yourself fun in the sun! Literally!

and all of that wore baby girl out… can you tell?

She seemed to be wide awake at 1 and 4 this morning though. And then she introduced me to this unknown hour of 8am (haha j/k… I think). Now she is napping with her arm over her eyes… she gets her sleeping habits from mommy I’m pretty sure.

So I realized I need to finish our hospital story (I don’t think I have anyway). There’s 4th of July still to talk about. I really could use this time to repaint my toenails. A nap is calling my name. But what I want to do is pick up baby girl and snuggle with her! She’s soooo stinking cute. Why ever did I think I wasn’t a baby person… maybe instead I’m a my baby person? Who knows, we shall see. A friend of mine is pregnant and due later this year… she had her gender reveal party on Saturday night… it’s a girl. Our girls can be best friends.

Oh and the county fair was going on last week. We reminisced about showing and how we want our babies to grow up showing. Hubby never got to show and my friend’s husband and I used to show sheep against each other. The friend showed cattle in another county. But the 4 of us really want the girls to be involved in showing… how fun is that!?!? We shall see!

So peace out. Have a fabulous Monday. Just think, if you’re in some part of the country getting ready to be affected by the Polar Vortex, this should be much nicer than winter, right? I’m ready for some 70 degree weather!

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Hello, is this thing on?

I promise, I haven’t forgotten about this little place… this has been a pretty rough week… but It’s Friday… I’m not sure how I feel about this…

Emmy Mom

1. The Peanut got to experience the county fair this week. This is pretty much where her mommy grew up during the summers so she got to meet some of mommy’s friends. It’s crazy that we’re all growing up!

2. Naps are GREAT! That’s all :). Baby girl has enjoyed sleeping on my chest for naptime 🙂

3. All the hay is finally mowed. We still have to bale some but it’s all mowed! Whew!

4. Hubby took 2 weeks vacation to spend time with the Peanut and me after she was born. He’s spent most of his time in the hayfield and sadly today is his last day of vacation. I’m not sure I’m excited it’s Friday… He goes back to work on Monday.

5. I have the most awesome family. They’ve helped hubby and me out this week way beyond what I would have ever expected we might need. Wow! My family is awesome!

And now for 5 pictures 🙂

Family 4th of July Picture

Naptimes are the best!

She got her horse sslurry (whatever that is…) in the mail this week!

Name twinkies 🙂

Big sis even got a present! 🙂

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Our 1st 4th of July Celebration

Our first 4th of July celebration was at Dive club meeting on July 3rd. When we got to Grandeb’s and Grady’s Sysco and Pete were already in the pool enjoying!

The food was pulled pork with sides brought by everyone. We brought Blackberry cobbler. I didn’t come home with any leftovers. Kinda cool, kinda sad….

Kimmy had her cousin there and she was trying scuba for the first time.

Mini Lee collapsed on the ground and refused to walk. It was kinda cute! Okay, no it was really cute, especially since it didn’t happen to me.

Peanut was passed around. Momma Bear though knew where she was at all times… lol. I didn’t let her get far out of my sight.

They finally let Leo off his leash. There were a couple times we had to chase him down because he fit through the slats of the fence.

Eventually they saddled up the horses.

Say, mommy made me wear ear protection. I’m still looking for better ear protection for her but this worked fairly well. Although she wasn’t dealing with it so well… but then she went to sleep so she didn’t care.

And a family photo.

Then it was time for the fireworks. She only jumped a couple times…

And that was our 1st 4th of July adventure (outing).

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The Story Part 4

**Part 1**
**Part 2** 
**Part 3**

After they had her all cleaned up and gave her to hubby and me, they asked if we planned on bottle feeding or breast feeding. Said that if we planned on breast feeding we needed to try within 1 hour after birth. Finally once the nurse had all of her information/procedure done including removing the IV’s and the catheter from my epidural, she said we were allowed to have 5 (including hubby) visitors in the room. I honestly can’t tell you the order anyone came in. And I was having a hay day because I still couldn’t feel my legs.

They told us that they had a bet going on in the waiting room on how much she would weigh. Tbug came in with the most accurate at 7lb 9oz. Then Memaw, Grandma J and Earl guessed 8lb 2oz. Mom guessed 8lb 1oz, my FIL guessed 8lb 6oz and my dad guessed 11lb 2oz so that when she came out at 6lb 9oz we could laugh.

Earlier that morning I woke up sooooo thirsty but watching all the tv shows where people have babies, you’re not supposed to drink anything so when this was all said and done the first thing I requested was water. Yup, water. I could have had anything I wanted to drink (obviously within reason… lol), the nurse offered and all I wanted was water. Then we also ordered suckers that said It’s a Girl for everyone since it’s no longer cool to give out cigars… lol :).

We chose to use the pediatrician that Earl uses for her kids which just so happens to be one of the two who comes into the hospital and also happened to be the on call pediatrician this week. She came in to check on Peanut and said all looked well. Yey :).

We had lots of visitors. In fact later on the next couple of days I started listing the visitors and can’t remember them all I’m afraid. I have a huge list though!

Then our nurse came back in to give Peanut her bath. She wasn’t so crazy about the sponge bath.

Finally they released me to eat. Thank goodness! I was hungry. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. YUM! I woofed my food down. Mom and dad went home to do chores and eat dinner and then came back to pick up Tbug since she wanted to eat dinner with us.

The nurse got tickled at me because as my legs were waking up I kept commenting on how they felt. For the most part my right leg was completely back awake other than a few spots here and there still felt asleep but my left leg… that was another story. I could feel from my knee down but from my knee to my hip still was out of it come around 7-8pm. I had asked at 4 how long it would take to come back and they said about an hour. By the 7-8 time I really needed to go to the bathroom. The nurse was afraid to let me walk to the bathroom though because she figured since my leg was still like it was I would wind up on the floor.

She wound up changing the bedding so she agreed to let me move from the bed to a chair she sat next to the bed. Since I did so well moving there she grabbed my left side and made hubby grab my right side and they walked me to the bathroom in case my leg gave out. I had no problems though :).

Earl had gone home earlier that evening but somehow (whether she offered or hubby asked) she went to our house to pick up some things we left earlier that morning. One of the things hubby had her pick up for us were seasons of Friends since that’s what we normally go to sleep watching anyway. We were trying to create a sense of normalcy in all this chaoticness.

Everyone left us around 11pm that night. Hubby and I were exhausted.

The nurses came in around 2am (Friday morning) or so and took the Peanut off for a bath and to run the hearing test on her which she passed with flying colors. Then when they brought her back, they took my vitals and asked when the last time she had been fed was. The funny thing about these nurses were they were the same ones that checked me in at 2am (Thursday morning). I told them we’d tried feeding her but I was afraid that she wasn’t getting anything so we decided to give her a bottle to make sure she was at least getting something in her tummy. So we had our first of many of 3am feedings.

Then we went back to sleep. Hubby kept the bassinet next to him since he was able to get up easier than I was. She would make noises in her sleep so I’d wake him up, he’d check on her and we’d go back to sleep. Around 7am Becca came in to check on us and take my vitals. She asked how I was feeling and I replied, Exhausted. She said, okay well I’ll come back later to do more. Just to let you know it’s almost 7 and if you want breakfast you need to order it by 8am or so to get it down here.

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The Story Part 3

**Part 1**
**Part 2**

When we left the triage room I left my phone sitting on the table. Hubby and the nurse were great because they grabbed everything I walked off without and placed in our room for me.

When I got back to our room around 9 the nurse told me that the doctor would be around soon and told hubby that I could have one other person back there with me while we waited. He asked me if it was okay to go out and eat his breakfast and he’d send someone in to sit with me. I told him that was fine. My mom and father-in-law came back to talk to me. I was nervous so I was really jumping around on topics and just talking to keep my mind off of things, especially the small amounts of pain that were going with the contractions. My mom timed the amount of time between contractions and said we were about a minute apart.

Then mom and my FIL decided to give others a chance back with me so hubby came back in and my grandma came with him. Grandma kept saying how excited she was for the little one to come and how she couldn’t wait.

Eventually my mom came back in with me and sat while I waited. The doctor came and gave the okay to give me the Pitocin which would make the contractions stronger and more regular. The nurse gave that as well as some fluids because I requested to have an epidural because truthfully I was so scared I didn’t need to feel all that pain doing it all natural.

Just before the lady came to do the epidural all the sudden I broke out into a huge sweat and thought I was going to be sick. I knew the lady had been called but she wasn’t there yet so I’m not exactly sure what took over, my nerves possibly.

Once the epidural showed mom was asked to leave the room for about 30 minutes. They ran through the procedure and asked a bunch of medical history questions, told me the complications and said that I would actually have to sit still during a few contractions while she was performing the epidural itself. I started shaking and kept complaining about being hot.

The nurse started fanning me while she was holding my left shoulder and hubby was holding my right. As long as the nurse fanned me I was doing better, I think I focused on that, but when she’d quit I’d start saying I’m HOT! They kept telling me I had to arch my back like a mad cat and stick my spine out. All I could think of was I thought I was and boy it’s hot in here. The shot to actually numb my back hurt like the dickens when it went in. The best comparison I can give was when a red wasp stings you, but maybe multiply that just a tad. It hurt. But I sat still like they told me I had to do.

Then they put the catheter in my back and told me to sit still during anything I felt but to let them know if I felt a zing. I asked what a zing felt like. They said imagine grabbing an electric fence. I was like oh I know what that feels like, I’ve actually done that. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that….

I had to tell them which leg and where I felt the zing. Mainly I felt the zing in my left leg between my knee and my hip. Finally once the catheter was in and the epidural started doing its job I couldn’t feel contractions, I couldn’t feel my leg, I couldn’t move my legs or my feet… it was the weirdest feeling. Although my legs did get tired of sitting in one position even though I couldn’t feel them. Hard to explain.

The nurse kept coming in and moving my legs and even though I couldn’t feel them, sometimes the positions were uncomfortable and she’d say, can you at least let them sit that way for 10 minutes? I’d tell her sure… not like I could move them anyway. Now let me tell you, my hands could feel my legs but my legs couldn’t feel my hand sitting on them and they felt like jello. They also felt like they grew about 3 times in size. I even asked if my legs were fat and no one would answer me, they just laughed.

Once I was sitting there not feeling my legs at all and just hanging out and waiting, I finally asked for my phone to help keep my mind off what was coming. I was still nervous even though I couldn’t feel anything. I saw I had a bunch of text messages from friends asking how I was and wishing me luck today. Hubby was like, did you tell people we were at the hospital. I was like, nope, they think I’m taking my final. So I handed him my phone and told him to respond to them. I didn’t know how to respond. Once I handed him my phone, I didn’t care where it went.. ha!

At around 12:50pm the nurse came in and said, okay, we’re doing this. She said take a deep breath, hubby count to 10 for her while she pushes and I needed to grab my legs. I misunderstood and didn’t hold my breath for the 10 but let it out on a count of 10. Finally she told me I was doing it wrong and explained I had to hold it for the entire count of 10. I did this on every contraction (which I couldn’t feel) 3 times and then we’d rest waiting for the next contraction.

My nurse happened to be the Director of Obstetrics so she was constantly being called away. She got a phone call and told us to keep at it. Well I couldn’t feel the contractions and hubby wasn’t sure what she was looking at to tell me when to push so we’d just push when we thought it was time. She was gone for about 10 minutes. Finally she came back and so did the Epidural lady. The nurse asked her to turn the epidural down from a 12 to an 8 because I needed to feel the pressure behind the contractions (just not the pain) so I knew when to help push.

The nurse said that I was lucky because basically I’d feel like a bowel movement and once that happened baby girl would be out. There shouldn’t be any complications.

Once I started feeling the contractions I started nodding at hubby and he’d start counting. The nurse then started moving my legs around with the help of hubby to help try and push her out. About 2:20 or so they brought the doctor in and said, okay we’re ready to really push now. She had me pushing on every contraction for 4 counts of 10 (about 45 seconds or so). Eventually hubby had one leg, the nurse for Peanut had my other leg and the director grabbed my hands while she was standing to the side of the doctor (who was catching :)) and I had to pull against her. I kept yelling my thumbs because I thought they were going to break. 3 times like that and out she came just like the nurse said she would. Her official birth time was 2:50pm.

I took my Nikon underwater point and shoot so that if we got goo on it I could wash it off. Hubby handed the camera to the nurse and she took a picture of him cutting the umbilical cord. Then they placed her up on my chest and I started bawling like a baby.  We got our first official picture as a family.

Then Becca (Peanut’s nurse) took her to weigh, measure, etc. Hubby went over with the camera to get pictures of that while the doctor sewed my little tear up (I got 4 stitches on top of each other which they said was really good). Becca kept yelling out the stats on baby girl, I’m going to claim for me so I knew but possibly for the doctor to know as well??

They did her foot prints and tried to show me what they looked like. I was like I can’t see them because I made hubby take my glasses off while I was pushing because they were driving me nuts so Becca brought her foot prints closer so I could see them and a flood of emotions made me start crying all over again.

In our hospital all is done right there in the room, you never have to leave. So while they cleaned her up and me up hubby took a picture of her and sent a text to mom so she could show everyone. (Mom, dad, MIL, FIL, Grandma & Earl). Earl told me she wished she’d have had her video going because when grandma saw her she said, and I get to hold that bundle of joy come August on Monday’s. (My grandma is watching her on Monday’s while I’m in school!).

Once she was cleaned up and I was they brought her back to me and I (we) got to love on her.

**More to come**

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