Memorial Day Weekend 2018

Better late than never, right? I guess taking a week off from blogging last month didn’t help and then needing to blog like 5 times per day to either keep up or get caught up… whew! So we’re going to learn about Memorial Day Weekend today, the first day of July because that’s how I roll. I also woke up this morning to thunder and rain. OMG, we sooooooooo need the rain!

Memorial Day Weekend 2018

Going into Memorial Day Weekend, we weren’t sure where we’d sleep. Maybe the bed of my truck. Seriously, no idea, but then Jared bought a horse trailer with living quarters and BAM! he let us borrow it and we got to sleep in a bed. Whew!

Like most of our Memorial Day Weekends since 2014, we’ve spent them at the lake. This year was a bit different because Tbug didn’t get to go with us. Bummer! This is our first MDW without her since 2014. She started working on her SCUBA certifications that year. And prior to that year, we were elsewhere. (more…)

#BlogJune 2018

I do have thing to say. I am worried sometimes to write them/publish them. So some days I keep quiet. Other days I don’t. Guess we’ll never know what I keep quiet and what I don’t… lol.

But here we are at the end of another month. Man, this year is just flying by, but it usually does. I can’t believe my baby just turned 4. 4-years-old… Holy cow! Wasn’t I just wadling around in the heat complaining that I now know what it’s like to have cankles instead of ankles? By the way, I did get my ankles back :).

I heard that having ankles is good and bad. Bad because they could potentially break/sprain easier. But that’s more useless information that I heard once upon a time that you probably don’t care about so let’s look at the results from this past month instead. You’re welcome 🙂 (more…)

Festive 4th of July Toes

So a few years ago a friend conned me into getting a pedicure done with her.  No, it didn’t take much convincing!  Anyway, we did “fun” toes.  They were brown with pink polka dots or maybe we did pink with brown polka dots.  I really can’t remember anymore.  Somewhere I have a photo of them… (probably on my server thingy at the house that I can’t get hubby to fire back up so I can get to old photos….)

But when the gal was painting my toes I watched intently.  It was super simple!  So I decided I could do something like that.  Well later that summer I got a second pedicure done, again I got my arm twisted real hard!!  And they were Zebra stripes.  Again, super simple.  By this time I thought, Ok I can save my money and do my own toes.  Although boy do pedicures feel good!

Anyway, enter the 4th of July… I decided I wanted “flag” toes and that’s just what I did.  Super easy, just a little time consuming, you have to let the nail polish dry after all.

Aren’t these super cute? (yes my printer is on the coffee table, ignore it, I was scanning photos… we’re looking at the toes here people!)

I did them last night.  I’ve had flag toes for the last 3 4th of July’s in a row, I can’t disappoint :).  So I thought I’d give you a tutorial so you could have your own 4th of July toes.

What you’ll need: red nail polish, white nail polish, blue nail polish, and either a couple of toothpicks (which I used this year) or a very small paintbrush (which I’ve used in the past).  If you use the paintbrush you’ll also need some nail polish remover and a paper towel to get the nail polish out of the paintbrush. (more…)