Looking Back

Have you ever used the app Timehop? No one is telling me to tell you about this… I just am because… It’s a lot of fun to look back and see everything you’ve been through. I have mine hooked up with my Instagram account, Twitter account and Facebook account. Now there are parts of my life it reminds me of that are less than steller (like the excoworker talking about my boobs in a picture.. don’t ask) but for the most part it’s a great reminder of the past. So here was my June 9 for the past few years…

The weather 1 Year ago was 70˚F and it was a Monday.

Abug baby loves cheeseburgers!! #junebaby

So I spent a lot of time pinning stuff last year, mainly for maternity photoshoots. I was soooooo into them and yet I didn’t get much of one because of problems in the hayfield :(. Oh well. I’m over it!
So if you want to see all the maternity shots I pinned, go here and here.


Hay Season 2014

No, that 2014 wasn’t a mistake… I’m talking about last year… finally.

Last year’s hay season sucked. I’ve grown up on a farm and I know that farm life throws curve balls at you all the time. I guess if you add in the fact that going into haying season I was 9+ months pregnant and had hormones running through my body, well maybe that made it suck worse… but our hay season started out like this last year…

Now you might be looking at this picture and thinking… what’s so weird with that. Well, first off notice there is no driver… which means the tractor isn’t moving. If you caught on to that, good job :).

So the tractor broke down on our way from my parent’s house to my mother-in-law’s house where the mower was sitting. Like it died… dead… no more moving. I was supposed to meet my dad and hubby at my MIL’s house so when I get there, they call me and tell me to come meet them on the road and bring tools. Not a good sign.

They beat and twist and cuss and discuss and whatever it takes to try and get it to run and it was a no go. So we had to call a tow truck. Again, NOT. A. GOOD. SIGN.


I Like to Eat

Hahaha that title really explains it all I think. I guess there are those out there who don’t like to eat or don’t like food, but I’m not one of them. I’m not sure how you forget to eat a meal. I’ve not had time before but I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten…

Anyway last weekend my parents asked if we had any plans for dinner. We said no not really so they told us to meet at their house and we’d go to dinner.

The roadways were flooded around here due to all the rain so early afternoon when we all got tired of sitting in the house, we loaded up in the car and went driving around admiring all the flooding. No we didn’t drive through… We aren’t those people, but I saw some of those people.

Toward the end of our drive we planned on driving over to my parents house a bit early when my mom sent me a text and said we should come a few minutes early because dad had something to show us.

Hubby and I looked at each other and said, Dad got a new truck. Yup, sure enough he bought a new truck. And Abug just HAD to drive it…

I took her picture in the front seat and sent that upstairs to dad in a text. He laughed.

Hubby programmed a few things into the truck for dad while I went out and helped mom do chores. (Dad normally does them and I’d have helped him but he’s hurt his leg, please pray it isn’t anything too bad!!). Once we were finished dad, hubby and Tbug got in the truck while mom, Abug and I followed in my car and we headed to the Red Barn Cafe. We’d never eaten there and mom was looking for some place new to try. Hey blog post for me, right?


Blog Crisis

Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why does anyone blog?

Lots of questions with lots of different answers depending on who is answering the question. There is no black and white to the answer, it’s all gray.

I’ve been debating why I blog a lot here lately. At one time I had a lot of followers and commenters but that has drifted by the wayside. Because of that I’ve even thought about closing up shop. Apparently I don’t have anything to offer anyone anymore… Or do I?

Why do I blog? Well one reason is to have a scrapbook so to say of my life. I mean life is busy and hectic. I’m now approaching the 1 year mark to having my beautiful baby girl and I can’t remember her birth story nearly like I did when it happened and I typed it out. I do wish I’d have done it in one post and not 5 or 6 or however many I wound up with, but that’s besides the point.

I have the timehop app on my cell phone and I absolutely LOVE when it reminds me of things that happened a year, two years, three years, and beyond ago. I just sit in awe and think, really, has it been that long?

In fact I was talking to Lourie yesterday and we were talking about her daughter’s boyfriend. I recalled a past boyfriend and she informed me it wasn’t a year ago (like I initially thought) but two years ago. Again, how did that happen?

April of 2013 my world got tipped upside down on it’s head and landed with a pretty hard thud, but you know what… I enjoy this life a whole lot better than what was happening prior to that. I don’t think I’d have some of the same experiences I had back then… so this blog is a great reminder. There are still days I cry that things happened the way they did but then when I start feeling sorry for myself I remember everything that was going on and bam, I smile. I mean had I not lost my job, I wouldn’t be back in school working on my Master’s which is something I always wanted to do.

Had I not lost my job I might not have my baby girl… not that work hindered that, so maybe I would have… I guess God is the only one who knows that.

So yes, I tend to think that I might close up shop on this blog and then I can’t wait to come back to this place. I know posts have been a little more scattered these last few months, School demanded a lot from me toward the end of the semester. And now it’s summer and I sometimes don’t realize my day is gone until it’s 11pm and I’m laying in bed trying to go to sleep between the baby girl kicking me and the husband snoring. Yes, we co-sleep right now, something I swore I’d never do. I guess I like the taste of crow :(.

So anyway if you’ve stuck through all the brain splatters I’ve had through the years. All the joys and trials I’ve face, I just want to say thank you! And if you’re new, please stick around, the best is yet to come!

I don’t plan on quitting this blogging gig anytime soon even though some days I think Yes I will. I won’t. So thank you for sticking around. I love ya!

10 Things (plus 1) to smile about May

Some days I’m late to the game, this week/month/day is one of those but I wanted to smile about the Month of May so please indulge me 🙂 I’m linking up with Emmy Mom! Guess I better hurry, my baby girl is emptying my bag. :). I love this life!

1. We spent the day helping with the Missouri Governor’s Mounted Guard. It was a great learning experience for Tbug.

2. School’s out for Summer. Anyone else singing that song? I’m quite scared because I have a lot of books to read. If you’ve read these, please help me!!!
