Funny Moments in Life

So we all have funny moments in our life growing up.  I’m not going to lie, I’m scared to death about getting Alzheimer’s and forgetting those moments.  Those OH CRAP moments when you were a kid that now bring tears to your eyes laughing about it 10, 15, 20 years later.  So I’m going to share a few of my moments with you.  You’re welcome.  And maybe they’re funnier to me than you, but please feel free to laugh!

When I was about 7 years old or so my dad was pouring concrete in his hay barn floor.  Oddly enough I can remember I was wearing purple shorts and a matching shirt and some kind of summer sandals.  I thought it would be fun to get out and help all the men spread and smooth out the concrete so dad told me to put on his mud boots.  Well I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried walking in concrete but the minute I stepped in it (which I probably shouldn’t have done) I fell over backwards and landed butt first in the concrete.  I was so embarrassed that I bawled my eyes out and ran to the house crying.  I ran in the house and changed clothes, in fact I left my shorts outside and then went back out and tried to wash the concrete off with a water hose.
How about this one on for size.  I grew up showing horses.  I was on a horse before I could even walk.  In fact there is a photo of me in my daddy’s arms when I was one month old on the back of a horse.  So when I was 16, the month I turned 17, I was at the county fair horse show.  Those really weren’t my thing but I was in FFA and got points for showing so I went and participated.  I was trotting and loping around the arena warming my horse up and kind of being a show-off.  Yeah, that was me, haha!  There was a burger stand on the south side of the arena and when China (the horse) and I got over there something spooked her.  Well I wasn’t paying any attention, probably looking backwards talking or something and when she spooked, she went one way and I didn’t.  I wound up on my butt in front of all my friends, people I didn’t know and the judge even.  Yeah I even lost my boot in the process.  Again, I was humiliated.
Or what about the time I was warming sheep colostrum (the babies first milk with all the good antibodies) up in the house on the stove.  I had a huge 60cc syringe that we used to tube the baby lambs with so I filled it up with milk and got a silly air bubble in it.  So I tipped the syringe up and went to slowly push the air bubble out of the tube.  Now every time I washed those syringes the rubber stopper got stickier and stickier (to the inside of the syringe).  So it stuck.  I applied just a little bit of force and the thing unstuck and shot colostrum up in my mom’s kitchen light.  So not only did I have to clean up the mess, I had to warm more milk up for the baby lambs.
Or how about that time when I was in band (yes I was a band geek) that we were somewhere on a trip.  I was trying to change shirts on a school bus (as we all were) with boys and girls on the bus.  I was trying to be modest b/c I am, but I got hung up in 2 shirts and couldn’t get out.  I finally said awe screw it my bra covers more than my swimsuit top and came out of both shirts.  My friends couldn’t believe I did that.  To be honest, neither could I.  But I was sitting on the seat so I had protection around me and I quickly recovered the correct shirt!
My birthday is in July, the end of July to be exact.  From the time I was 15 until I was 21 I was always at the Ozark Empire Fair or getting ready for it to go show sheep.  The summer I turned 16, my birthday was on a Friday.  I went and showed that morning and then conned my dad into driving me back home (1 hr) to go take my driver’s test.  Well then he decided that if I could pass it in my hometown, why couldn’t I pass it in Springfield, so if I was going to take it, I had to take it there or I couldn’t take it that day.  I agreed.  So I went, waited my turn and when the police officer came to give me the test we did the inspection of dad’s truck and then proceeded on the test route.  The officer I had was super nice and started asking me questions about where I was from, why I was there taking my test, etc.  When I told him I’d been showing sheep he looked at me and said, I thought it smelled rank in here.  ha!  I just laughed.  He of course was teasing me but still.
I truthfully could go on and on but I won’t.  I’ll quit bothering you with my awkwardness!  So do you have any fun awkward stories like that?  I want to know I’m not in this boat alone!

Beat the Heat, We’re Scorching in the Midwest

With the temperatures scorching us here in the Midwest (We’re supposed to see 100 today!), I wanted to share this great little Ice Cream place that’s just around the corner (You know, depending on where you live…).
A few weekends ago we went out to lunch with my parents.  When we were leaving the restaurant my dad asked me if I liked Anderson’s Ice Cream.  I told him I didn’t know what that was.  He said, Ok we’ll go.

So we all hopped in the truck and headed toward Redings Mill.  I must admit, I didn’t know there was an ice cream shop in Redings Mill, but it is located in the same building as The Candy House.

Ok so I’d never been to the Candy House either.  Yeah I’m cool like that :).

We entered through the Candy House and oh my goodness, if you are a chocolate lover, this is your paradise!  I’m not kidding they had tons of chocolate in there as well as a few sweets too.  We were greeted by a sweet lady who offered us a sample.  We were all so stuffed from lunch that all but my dad turned her down and then my mom, husband and I decided we needed a piece too.


Moose McGillycuddy’s Pub {Honolulu, HI} & Cafe & a Recipe

When I was a little kid my dad called me McGillycuddy.  I have no idea why.  I have no idea where the name came from.  I don’t know anything about the name other than he called me that and I answered.  It was one of the very few nicknames I’ve been given.  Normally my parents just called me Nicole or shortened it to Cole every now and again.
Anyway, last September my family (husband, mom, dad, & grandma) went to Honolulu, Hawaii.  My grandma had always wanted to go and never got the chance.  My husband and I always wanted to go and when we heard my parents were taking my grandma, we piped in, got them to wait until September, and we went.

We stayed at a hotel on Waikiki Beach, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach, which pretty much had us right down in the hustle and bustle of Kalakaua Avenue.  One of the days we were there we happened to be walking down the road, from visiting Tiffany’s {Remember Everything’s better at Tiffanys ~Holly Golightly} and I saw this pub on a side street.  I made my dad get his photo taken with me, no if’s and’s or but’s about it; you can tell he’s thrilled!

What was to be the last day we were in Hawaii (long story, go here if you want details) we were looking for a place to eat.  I suggested Moose McGillycuddy’s.  Oh my goodness, I want one in SWMO Stat!  It was friggin awesome! (more…)

Photography Lesson – dSLR's

So I have been wanting to write one of these posts for a long time.  But really, who am I to try and teach someone else about photography? So if you know more than me, please share some tips for me 🙂

So let’s start with the camera history, shall we?  I know I’ve already shared the history of all the camera’s I have owned however, why did I buy a dSLR?  That’s a REALLY good question!

In early 2009 a couple friends and I started shooting photos.  As the year progressed the other two decided to start up a photography business; I didn’t know about any of this at the time.  One evening I overheard them talking about taking a photography class together.  I like pictures, I like photography, I wanted to take better photos, so I wanted to join in.  So Evelyn asked me if I would be willing to buy a dSLR for the class.  Ok, I must confess, at the time I had no clue what a dSLR was; that’s when google became my friend. So just what does dSLR stand for?  Digital Single Lens Reflex.  What the heck does that mean?

A single-lens reflex (SLR) camera is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system (hence “reflex”, from the mirror’s reflection) that permits the photographer to view through the lens and hence see exactly what will be captured, contrary to viewfinder cameras where the image could be significantly different from what will be captured. (Found here in more detail)

WOW!  She wanted me to buy a “big girl” camera?  When I got to looking at the class, I saw I could use my point & shoot I had which had “big girl camera” settings on it, plus you actually could buy changeable lenses for it, even though it wasn’t a true dSLR.

I decided to start with my P&S before spending that much money on something I might not even like.  After the first night of class I wanted a dSLR so bad I couldn’t stand myself, so I started researching camera’s in my price range and asking friends who had them what they had, what they liked, what they didn’t, etc.  The Professional photographer at work recommended I get the Canon Rebel XS.  I figured if that’s what he recommended, that’s what I’d get.  That camera and I became really good friends until a year later when hubby convinced me to switch to a Nikon D5000; I haven’t looked back, yet :). 
Both camera’s came with an 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 kit lens.  The 3.5-5.6 are your F-stops but we’ll discuss that in another post. It’s a good little lens and it has taken some wonderful pictures for me, but with my canon I also had a telephoto lens. 
Generally Nikon and Canon lenses won’t interchange between the two brands, therefore when I sold my Canon I sold it as a whole package selling the kit lens that came with it as well as the telephoto lens that I had acquired for it. When we switched to the Nikon we saved our money and bought a 50-200mm 1:4-5.6G telephoto lens.
Since the purchase of the first Nikon, we’ve saved up our money for a second Nikon, the hubby and I don’t share so well; so I would say that we are a Nikon family.  So let’s ask the ever controversial question (kind of like saying Ford vs Chevy or PC vs Mac… LOL), Do you like Nikon or Canon or something else better?

Should I be concerned – or not??

So I’m completely torn if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  Let me explain…

As I’ve pointed out many times I started dating my husband in late July 2009.  He proposed in February of 2010.  We bought our first house in (well started) April (finished in June).

Prior years to us dating, his dad’s side of the family used to go to an aunts house at the lake for the Fourth.  Then she sold that house and I guess they didn’t get together, I’m not sure.  So when we bought our house in 2010 he asked if we could host the 4th party.  I said ok.  Since then, it has been at our house every year.

My {step}daughter goes to camp every July since I’ve been around way off on the east coast.  Every year she has missed the party due to driving to camp or actually being at camp, etc, and this upsets her every year.  In fact, last year before camp she said she wasn’t going because she’d miss out on the party.  We told her the party was just one afternoon and she’d probably have way more fun at camp.  {This is a camp her mother sends her too, not sure if that’s relevant, just clarifying :)}  And it’s true, she always comes back from camp talking about stories.

I guess back in January she started hitting her mom up and complaining that she misses our 4th of July party every year because of camp.  Her mom contacted hubby and asked when it would be; she said that if her husband didn’t have to work that they’d try to work it out for Tbug to come out to the house for a bit before they absolutely had to leave for camp.

All things worked out and Tbug got to be at the house for the party until around 9:30.  She was super excited.

Ok so sorry for the lengthy lead up… now to the moment….

People started showing up around 3-3:30 and Tbug put on her swimsuit and jumped in the pool as guests arrived.  By about 7 or so she was complaining about being cold/tired. (Yes, it was 100+ but you have to understand our pool is always freezing.  I think it stays around 65 degrees)  I told her that if she was cold and done swimming to go in the house and put her clothes back on, that her daddy would be getting ready to help her set off some fireworks before long.

So around 8:15 one of her cousins showed up (another split family thing, her dad came to drop her off with her mom) and Tbug decided she wanted to get back in the pool.  She had been waiting on Cass all day so when Tbug asked if she could get back in the pool, I knew her mom would be there sometime between 8 and 9, but I told her that’s fine, you better hurry though.

So around 8:45 hubby got all the fireworks out, said we needed to hurry so she could set some off and said, “Can you get Tbug out of the pool?  Memaw tried and didn’t have any luck, maybe you’ll have better luck.”  I said sure, went and hollered at her to hurry up and change so she could shoot off fireworks and she was up and out of the pool and dressed in record time.

So my concern comes when my MIL couldn’t get Tbug out of the pool, but she did what I said immediately.  I’m not sure if I’m mean or I just explained things differently.  I can sure tell you I don’t want to be known as the Mean ol’ Mom or better yet, the Mean ol’ Step-mom!

July 4th – Independence Day

Place your hand over your heart, face the flag and repeat after me:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic
For Which it Stands
One Nation Under God
With Liberty & Justice for All
There is a reason for this day, other than shopping & spending time with family.  It is called Freedom.  Remember those who have fought for their lives so you may celebrate and have your freedoms.

Pineapple – Cherry Ice Cream {Sherbert}

In 1984 Ronald Reagan declared July as National Ice Cream Month with the 3rd Sunday being National Ice Cream Day.  I just found this out last year in fact.  How did I go 28 years without this knowledge? (I googled this to be sure after I found out!!)…  So since it is the 3rd day of July, You’ve only missed out on this celebration for 2 days really.  You have all day to celebrate for the 3rd day!

For our 4th of July party we made homemade ice cream. It was a lovely reason to try our ice cream maker out once again!

Now I ran across this recipe for homemade ice cream that doesn’t use an ice cream maker if you don’t have one… I’ve never tried it but I thought I’d also share it.  Remember it’s National Ice Cream Month!!

And The Zip Lock baggie Ice Cream… don’t forget it either!

Now on to the recipe!!

Pineapple – Cherry Ice Cream (Sherbet)

1 20 oz can unsweetened crushed pineapple
1 20 oz jar (2-10oz) Marichino Cherries plus juices
Juce of 3 Lemons or 6 tbsp
2 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups water
3 cans Milnot

1.  Boil 2 1/2 cups of sugar & 2 cups water for 5 minutes or until sugar is dissolved.
2.  Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

3.  Place in the fridge to chill.
4.  Once it has had time to chill, add to the ice cream freezer.
5.  Then fill the rest of the way with Milk to fill line.


#Photoadayjune Recap

So do you instagram?  I do.
Do you follow me?  I’m boomerbear.
Do I follow you?  I’m not sure your name {insert here}
Have you ever done one of the challenges @Fatmumslim Photoaday?  I tried 🙂

Now is a linkup from Emmy Mom and Janette of the Johanson Journey

And now, on to the challenge.

Here are the challenge words/phrases for June.

1.  Morning – This is what my mornings look like…
2.  Empty – At a horse show, they were changing the cattle out.
3.  On Your Plate – Dinner
4.  Close-up – Yikes 🙂
5.  Sign – This is the detour sign I’ll be looking at until at least October… blech!
6.  Hat – I look cute eh?
7.  Drink – This was right after getting home from my trip and being addicted to Coffee
8.  Six o’clock – ha
9.  Your View Today – Tire shop for a tractor tire. yey :).

10.  Best Bit of Your Weekend – Sitting on the couch with hubby
11.  Door – The doors I stare at all day long.
12.  From a low angle – Squirty during feeding time.
13.  Art – That is a drawing, I swear!
14.  Time – Time to edit photos
15.  Yellow – Stress Hard hat
16.  Out and About – Moving farm machinery
17.  In your bag – my camera bag… it was surprisingly empty
18.  Something we don’t know about you – I had 6 moles removed as a freshman because they were afraid they might be cancerous.  They weren’t luckily.  2 on my forehead (right side), in my hair line on my left side of my head, on the back of my neck, on my back (in picture – scar) and on my waist.

19.  Imperfect – My house is imperfect but it’s mine!
20.  Fave Photo You’ve ever taken – it’s way better than this picture shows!!
21.  Where you slept
22.  From a high angle – sitting on the hill in the hayfield
23.  Movement – Cookies
24.  On your mind – The tv show I was watching
25.  Something cute – Aren’t they!?!?
26.  Where you shop – I didn’t go anywhere that day.
27.  Bathroom – I don’t like those… haha
28.  On the shelf – ran out of time I guess… I didn’t get this one done either.
29.  Soft – The bed is definitely soft!
30.  A Friend – or two!  I actually had a Lab as a lap dog for a bit too.

I think I’m going to attempt July as well.  Wish me luck!

Stolen Borrowed from CA Girl b/c I was lazy to upload mine 🙂

Canter’s Delicatessen – Las Vegas

My mom’s job takes her all over the US and really the world.  She’s traveled abroad to Canada, Mexico, Brazil, England, Germany & China along with many states here in the US.  With that being said, she’s eaten at a lot of good and not so good restaurants along the way.
When I started dating my husband in 2009, mom found out he loved Ruben Sandwiches.  Since then, anytime she would go to Las Vegas she was always talking about the Ruben’s at Canter’s Deli and telling my husband he needed to go there someday and try them.



A Little Husband Q&A Time

I saw a few of my fellow bloggy friends doing this and thought it looked like fun.  Yes, I became a follower, LOL.  Just so you know I was asking him through gtalk.  It probably would have made more sense to sit there and ask him, but I wasn’t around him at the time I wanted to conduct this survey so I had to make due 🙂  He was such a good sport about playing along, I think he shall get a reward, what do you think? 😉 haha :).  

Are you willing to answer questions for the ol’ blog?

I suppose so!!! XD

Ok what was the first thing you noticed about me?  Whether we were 15 or 26? (remember we went to school together)
You have a beautiful face!

A little bit of time lapsed here…

Is that the only question?
No, I got side tracked doing something… I’m back now

What is your favorite memory of us?

You giggling at me while getting married… We watched our wedding video the other night… whew! did I giggle.

What song best describes me?
She is Everything by Brad Paisley…. Good Choice baby 😉

What is my best feature?
You have Great legs!!!!!!
Wow, so not what I thought you were going to say
What did you think I would say?
I don’t know but not my legs, you never comment on my legs
I have too before!!!!!!

Ok moving on… Do you like my blog?
As a matter of fact….. YES I do!

Complete this sentence: I make you laugh when….
You get tongue tied!…. I’ve said some pretty strange things unfortunately.  I still think the best was I may have been born last night but it wasn’t at night.  When it should have been, I may have been born at night but it wasn’t last night.  Maybe I should have asked him what his favorite was.

What would you miss most about me had we never met {back up after 10 years}?
How you make me feel complete!

What would you miss most about me had we NEVER met?
Okay was that not a correct answer?

One was the second time we met (the first question, remember there was 10 years between the last time we saw each other and our first date).

The amazing friend I had to walk around with in Florida. (School Band trip our sophomore year of high school)
Anymore questions?

Yes, one more….

When did you know I was “The one”?

On our first date at Touch… by the end of that night I knew it!
**I knew that, but I just had to hear it again**