Be Alert

Be Alert, Lert’s have more fun 🙂

Good Friday Morning to ya!  Has this short week seemed to have drug on for anyone else?  Oy, I think I need a weekend… oh wait, that starts today!!  My week has consisted of:

Monday we went to Silver Dollar City with the Sunday Night Dinner crowd.  Tbug got to go because since it was Labor Day weekend, cheer was cancelled, yey!  Once we got home I started studying.  I couldn’t focus on what I was reading, I kept reading the same paragraph over and over so finally I started reading it out loud.  Hey whatever works I guess.

Tuesday, does anyone remember Tuesday?  Um….. Oh wait, I think I just might… I went to class, learned more about poetry… came home and made a crockpot dinner.  My mother-in-law came over that evening and ate dinner with us, Earl and TB came by to get money for Shelby’s Dosing Dudes & Divas shirts and I sent food home with them since it was late and TB had just gotten done with football practice.  Then I crapped out. 🙂  Oh somewhere in there I started reading a new book, non school related.  Note to self, don’t do that again because even though the writing isn’t the best, I can’t put the dang thing down.

Wednesday was my anniversary so I got up early and made hubby waffles before he went to school… no wait, I go to school, he goes to work…. or something like that.  I swear this week is screwing with me!  Anyway I made pancakes and we ate breakfast together.  nope, waffles and we ate breakfast together.  And yes my delete key works but why use it?  tooo much extra energy :).  Then I went to school, came home and waited for him to get home.  I read more of my non school book… shame on me, then we went to dinner, came home and I read him Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, that is a school book.

Thursday was, get this… school, again! :).  I went and learned more about poetry.  Wow, those early poets were creative.  And even though I don’t like poetry, it’s still pretty cool/interesting even though.  Then I went home, got annoyed, actually ate lunch (I think that helped me over come my annoyance :)), started mowing the lawn until I ran out of gas, tried to make Peach Crisp, came out more like peach slop, went to dive club meeting and ate said peach slop, it was good and now I’ve created an extremely LONG run on sentence.  Hmmm… maybe it’s because of the peach slop?

It makes me sad I’ve been off my cooking game here lately.  I’ve had quite a few flops this week and it’s really wigging me out.

Now, here we are on Friday and I’m just drained.  Ugh!  This weekend won’t be relaxing either, I mean it will but it won’t but it will but it won’t.  Yeah I hope that makes sense because to me it does but I’m the writer :).

And now, I’m going to leave you with a few random pictures I took this week.  I hope y’all have a wonderful and lovely weekend and remember, Be Alert, Lert’s have more fun! 🙂

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I do!

Three Years ago today I married one of my best friends.

Please play Hank Williams Jr, Blues Man

This photo was symbolic for us for the simple fact that we went to school together.  We met before we got to the high school, but our friendship strengthened once we were sophomores.  At the time our High School was 10-12, now it’s 9-12.  And sadly our high school building has become the junior high, but either way, this building is where we built upon our friendship all those years ago.  And no, sadly we aren’t “high school sweethearts” but that’s okay.  Everyone needs to build their story somehow and this is ours!

Happy Anniversary my sweet husband.  I love you with all my heart!

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Blogtember: Where I came from

Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

Hehe when I first read that, I had to do a double take.  I thought it meant like a rock or something which there have been times I’ve sworn I just might have because I don’t really look like either of my parents, but as the years go by, I’m starting to more and more.  Whew!

I came from a family who believed in hard work, dedication and education.  My dad worked 40-hours per week while farming 250 acres of land and going to school full time.  My parents met on a blind date and it grew from there.  My mom was in college at the time as well and dad wouldn’t marry her until she graduated from college.  My mom learned how to drive a tractor so she could at least spend time with my dad.  Tell me that isn’t dedication and hard work right there!

Throughout the years of being my parents daughter they’ve created a wonderful life not only for themselves but for me too.  There are more times than not, I’d love to give my kid someday the life and experiences that my parents afforded me.  There are days I almost break down and cry because I feel like I can’t live up to the excellentness (hey it’s a word today) of what my life was.

Both my parents have been a GREAT example for me as their parents were to them.  I’m not going to lie, all of my grandparents have been a great influence in my life as well.

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Good Bye St. Louis – I’ll Miss you!!!

Sadly when hubby and I woke up on Saturday morning, we had to pack our belongings and move them all to the car.  Sadly, our time was up on vacation.  This was one of the most relaxing vacations I’ve been on in a while and we still did quite a bit of stuff even.

One thing I wanted to do before we left town was to go to Trader Joe’s.  There was also another grocery store right there across the road and yes, I get my kicks by going to the grocery store and walking the aisles.  I guess I’m deprived of actual grocery stores back home… we have Wal-Mart…

Mac n’ Cheese Puffs, yes, please. (more…)