Nicknames to haunt you…

So sometimes it is fun to use my blog as a place to remember events. One so event that hasn’t been blogged about yet is my football jersey.

A couple years ago hubby and I were able to attend our first KC Chiefs game together. Not long after that hubby and I got our own jersey’s to wear.

So one night I receive this picture from our friend who picked our jersey’s up for us:

along with a text asking me what was wrong with this jersey.

My first response was it was supposed to say Boobger. Why boobger I have no earthly idea and from then on, I have termed myself the nickname Boobger.

What does it say? Blogger.

Yup, one wrong letter and I replaced the wrong letter. oy!

Guard Days

Recently my husband became a member of the Missouri Governor’s Mounted Guard. During the winter months they really just have meetings so this was the first real big event for the season, or so we’re going to call it 🙂

The guard had a Cowboy Trade and Play Day!! It was an event to bring your horses out and ride, look at tack and other things people were selling, get your horses checked out by a vet and soooo much more.

Now the day before it rained, all. day. long. so it was a muddy mess and the weather cooled off a bit so it was a bit chilly but it was still a lot of fun.

When they got to the shack that morning a water pipe had busted or something. I don’t know I wasn’t there yet. Baby Squirrel and I slept in, got dressed and then headed over. by the way this picture was taken on horse back 🙂

I sent this picture to my dad asking him if he was jealous. He asked me if he should be and I said yeah I was riding a horse. He was actually at a horse show, sitting on the bench, but still having just as much fun watching.

So later I sent him this picture and said are you jealous grandpa. That got a reaction. Yey :). Yup Squirrely girly was riding.  You really can’t tell here but she enjoyed it.

The best conversation of the day though… out of the mouths of babes, remember that!

I was riding KG (horse pictured) around and Lane wanted to ride. He’s a friend of ours son who is around 3 so I put him up on the saddle in front of me. We were riding around and KG had to poop so he slowed down. Lane asked me why we were slowing down and I told him that KG had to poop. He asked me why and I said I dunno and it was left at that.

The next lap around I pointed out KG’s poop to him (come on he’s a boy, haha). a little ways up was another pile of poop and he asked me whose poop that was. I told him I didn’t know and he asked me if it was Jared’s.

I should clarify that Jared is NOT a horse, nope, he’s one of the guard members.

I tried my hardest not to die laughing.

So later I went into the shack where Steph was (Lane’s mom) and told her the story. She laughed and when Lane walked in she asked if the poop in the driveway was Uncle Jared’s and Lane said Yup.

Later when we told Jared he was like, well sometimes when you have to go you have to go.

And that’s all she wrote ladies and gentlemen!

Baby Squirrely girly and I left and when I got home, this is how I found her. If any of us slept like that we’d have cricks in our neck!


Wall, South Dakota circa 2000

Did I always know I was going to be a Gorilla someday? Makes you wonder huh? (That’s our school’s mascot if you didn’t know…) So while it’s Spring Break and we’re supposed to be blowing off steam… I’m stuck in doors in 75 and Sunny weather working on a Midterm. I think I might just go bask in the front yard and work on that midterm. Then I’ll work on my 18-20 page paper and finally my project proposal. ugh! I’m ready for a vacation. Some beach and water and maybe even some sand in places I didn’t know existed… wait did I really just say that. Maybe nix the sand comment but I’m ready for some relaxation… instead I’ll work on my midterm so I’m not stuck in doors all week! Wish me luck!

Something in the air

Last fall we were walking through the toy section at the Wonderful World of Wal (aka Walmart) and I saw a swing. It said 6+ months. Baby girl was right around 3 months or so so definitely not where she could use the swing and I told hubby we should get her one for Christmas. Then Christmas came and went and I totally forgot. Come January I now had a 6 month old and we were having an extremely warm winter and no swing for the baby. Dang it!

So we went to 3 different Walmarts in search of a baby swing to no avail. Dang it!

Finally I went online, found one on, paid a few dollars more for the pink one and ordered her a swing. Then February rolled around and it was cold and snowy. Dang it!

I have been waiting for WEEKS now to bring her swing out. FINALLY it was warm enough last night, 70 degrees people, 70 degrees! Woop! and so it was time to bring the swing out and let the baby girl swing for the first time.

We stopped and got dinner on the way home at Jimmy Johns so hubby took his outside to eat in the nice weather, I just grabbed my camera and knew that this was all I needed to have a fun evening outdoors! Well that and the swing and the baby! duh :).

I was so excited and she absolutely loved it! Score one for the outdoors and Spring’s a comin!!

Life and Kitchens and Pipes oh my

 Redemption Brownies

Have you ever been just totally sucked into a persons blog and just wished you lived in their house, or something like that? Don’t worry, I don’t see that around these parts. Oh well I like my little house. Some days it can be trying. And some day you get water pipes breaking the day before you have family over (twice, read that, twice) but that’s part of the fun of home ownership right?

One night when the washer started flooding the laundry room (blocked water pipe, not busted) I went walking through the house grumbling about home ownership and I told Tbug NEVER OWN YOUR OWN HOUSE, it sucks! She was like so do I get to live with you the rest of my life? I told her only if you want to live in a box because that’s where I’m moving next. Over dramatic much?!?!

Truthfully when I was around 15 my family went to Ft. Worth, Texas for the AQHYA Worldshow for me to compete and I saw a family living under a bridge. I started crying and saying I never wanted to live under a bridge. To this day I still wonder about that family and whatever happened to them.

That’s kind of one of my fears, not going to lie. And I’m really not sure any of this has to do with the pictures above other than it is of my kitchen. I went on a cleaning spree the other day, just the kitchen, but one room at a time. The next day I tackled our bedroom. Baby steps, right? And by the time I get all the rooms clean it will be time to start all over again, right?

And I may just have eaten that salad and then had a brownie… or two or three… I’ll never tell!

Happy Hump Day because I guess you need to know what day it is in case you live under a rock or in a box or maybe with a pet fox.

Hug your families tighter

Last night while I was on break during my night class I got on facebook (big time drainer) but it was meant to be. A friend of mine who never posts, a girl I became friends with in college, had a post that really hit me. She said that if she hadn’t called you, she wanted you to know that she had lost her best friend, her husband last Thursday. I’m pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. In fact typing this is giving me those cold ice running through your veins goosebumps. I want to cry for her.

I don’t know any of the details but the details don’t matter. They don’t matter just like the trivial things in life really don’t matter. Some days we get caught up in I don’t have this or I can’t do that or yada yada yada but when it is all said and done, the most important thing is family followed closely by friends.

So the words that I can pass on is hug your close ones tighter and longer, put down the phone and spend time with family and friends, be there in the moment because you truly never know when that last moment will be. And don’t worry, I have to tell myself to put the phone and computer down more often than not, sadly!

It seems like in this day in age everyone has their phone up checking this social media outlet or that, texting and just being in the know about everything. What was life like before phones? I somewhat remember that because I was old enough to know. iPhones didn’t come out until the late 2000’s which I was already out of college by then, so life is different for our kids than it was even for me.

If you are the praying type, please pray for my friend and her little boy as well as their whole family. And just go and hug your family a little tighter and a little longer.

Monday Blog Post Round Up

Has anyone else’s day been totally thrown off by this whole Daylights Savings Time going into effect over the weekend? I can’t explain it! I woke up this morning at 8 (what would be 7 on standard time) totally dazed and confused realizing that I had to get baby girl up and get her to eating breakfast or I’d really throw her day off as well! oy! I’ve never had one of these throw me off so bad that I can remember I guess. I mean yeah, every year I grumble I have to get up because I’m not a morning person anyway but dang! Here it is 4pm and I’m still tired!

So today I want to do something a little different… I’ve been getting caught up on reading blog posts because, dang, being sick for what feels like a week will really throw your game off! So today I want to share with you some awesome blog posts I read because, well I feel like sharing because sharing is caring!

  • Kenzie wrote a Post, 1989 Inspired “Ask Me Anything” Tag that I really wanted to steal, however I don’t really care for Taylor Swift (please don’t stone me!) but either way it was a really cute post! I may still steal it….
  • There’s these Mint Chocolate Chip Brownie Bites and this Snickers Cheesecake Recipe… need I say more?
  • I’m pretty upset to find out I missed National Oreo Cookie Day! Carissa, you need to let me know in advance next time 😉
  • Sherry has a new baby! Woot woot, congratulations guys!!! I’m sooooo happy for you!
  • Here’s a great post on breaking Scuba Diving Myths!
  • And I just love a good love story, thanks Lindsay for providing me with that today!
  • And finally I absolutely LOVE going to Hawaii… since I can’t hop on a plane over there, I love that Katie takes me there whenever I need my Hawaii fix!

Now I’m going to go off and cry that it’s Monday and I have a night class and I’m tired and I need to pee (sorry tmi?).

Happy Monday!

I took a Sick Day

To say this has been an interesting week… well….

So the cold bug has hit my house. We’ve all been dealing with that for a few weeks now. It might just be breaking up and finally leaving!

We’ve had snow… TWICE this week. See that? TWICE! It’s March….

Then the 24 hour flu bug hit the house. Oy! Baby girl got it first, then I got it. I didn’t get out of bed for 24 hours other than to go to the kitchen twice and go to the bathroom… I did research for my internship though… and apparently even made contact with the outside world but the next day when Dan talked to me about what I said, I really didn’t have much recollection of that conversation. Woops!

And that is the way our week has gone. Welcome to the weekend!