Better than Almost Anything Cake

We should add SUPER SIMPLE to that name!   With school and work, I’m sometimes a little busy.  So when my husband’s family reunion came around he said, let’s take something.  Hmmm… ok what is easy that can be made and transported a couple hours away, still stay warm, etc.  I thought, hmmm…. this sounds good, lets try this!

This is easy… try it NOW!

Make your favorite chocolate cake, or a boxed cake mix will do!

Even bake it like normal directions!  See so far so simple 🙂

Next take it out of the oven.  Allow it to cool for about oh 15 minutes or so.

Then pierce the crap out of it with a fork or wooden spoon.

Still with me.  Yup, still that easy!  Now, open a can of sweetened condensed Milk.  Pour it all over the top of the cake.

Now about 15 oz (give or take) of hot fudge or caramel on top of the sweetened condensed milk.

Cover and chill for 2 hrs up to overnight.  As you can tell my plastic wrap clung to the chocolate… next time a pan with a lid or else aluminum foil might be a better route.

Make sure to defrost (put in the fridge) your whipped topping.  1 small tub or half of one large tub of frozen whipped topping is applied after the cake/sweetened condensed milk/fudge has had a chance to chill.

And chop with nuts or mini chocolate chips or mini butterscotch chips or mini caramels or something of the shorts.  We went a combo of mini chocolate chips with mini butterscotch chips.

And that’s it.  Yup, it’s that easy!

My Favorite Things

You will love this and you will find yourself singing it!
(Sing It!)  – If you sing it, its especially hysterical!!!

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and  handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.

The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie – Lindsay's Cookie Porn

So remember back to September when I participated in the Ultimate Mac & Cheese Challenge?  Well I’m at it again this month with the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Challenge!  Yes, you heard it right, Chocolate Chip Cookies!  How can you get much better?

Now the Rules are simple,
1) Join the challenge here:
2) Find Chocolate Chip cookie recipe on a personal blog (not a celeb site or blog)
3) Make said recipe
4) Post about said recipe
5) Link back to said recipe and give them some blog love
6) Schedule your post to post on Oct 7th at 9am PDT (10am MDT, 11am CDT, 12am EDT)
7) Email Tina so she can link you up.

Simple as pie… oo maybe she’ll do pie sometime…


So I’m sharing Lindsay from A Small Town Kind of Life‘s Recipe that she called Cookie Porn when she blogged about them back on 11/10/10.  I’m not real big on keeping sweets around my house (desserts, cookies, pies, etc) b/c let’s face it, Hubby and I don’t need it and with just the two of us, we’d eat it all, but I so was in on this challenge, and better yet, one of these days, I WILL WIN 🙂

I’m not competitive or anything.  So without Further Ado:

Cookie Porn

3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup of butter or margarine
1 egg
2 1/4 cups of flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of coarsely chopped nuts
(I always omit this because I don’t like nuts in my cookies)
2 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Mix sugars, butter and egg in large bowl.{I added Vanilla here too}
btw, I love eating the butter and sugars together, incase you wondered! AND yes I washed my hands after this before proceeding!  And it was late at night, I was studying for a test, leave me alone 🙂
3. Stir in flour, baking soda and salt. (Your dough will be stiff) {Here’s where I tell you I forgot the salt huh?}

4. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips.{I omitted the nuts too like Lindsay!}
I used mini Chocolate Chips

Sit back and enjoy the beautiful dough….
Yes I got fits about “eating” a lot of “cookies”  & yes I washed my hands again.
5. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place onto ungreased cookie sheet.
I used my handy dandy cookie scooper.

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until lighly brown. Centres will be soft and oh so gooey. Leave on pan until lightly cooled before removing.

7. Enjoy!

They were Yummy!!!

Dang, When did I get so old?

My 10 year Class reunion is this year.  Really?  I’ve been out of high school for 10 years?

Well yeah, I graduated in 2001.  I’ll always remember the year and the number of years out b/c the World Trade Center attack, 9/11 happened the same year I graduated :(.

Anyway my class has become digital I guess b/c we didn’t get paper invitations.  Nope, everything came via facebook.  I guess that’s what happens when you get older, especially moving into the world of technology.

I remember sitting in grade school, probably 4th or 5th grade maybe and the teacher said one day there wouldn’t be such thing as paper money, we’d all be plastic.  Well I don’t think she was far from the truth there.  Yes we still have paper money and people still have checks… checks… you do remember what those are right?  Yeah I write one every once in a great while.  Sometimes I catch myself up though and write it funny and just laugh.

I’ve been writing checks since I was like 8 years old.  My dad taught me how to write them and I’d write them out for him while driving down the road and he’d sign it sitting at a stop light :).  Then in Home Ec or whatever it’s called these days, we had to learn how to write them and balance a checkbook account in that class.

Anyway back to my class reunion…  I live in a fairly small town, population is 12,000 give or take.  There were 214 in my graduating class.  Not small by some standards but when I went to NYC, they said the dog population in one block of registered dogs was more than my hometown or the other comparison was that many people live in one city block… WOW!

So anyway I’ve been following all the “conversations” on our class fb page about the class reunion.  The class president, her parents own a cattle company.   That was their source of income.  But they also have a lodge somewhere on their place.  Our reunion is going to be held there.  Come on, there really aren’t that many places to hold a reunion in our hometown anyway.  Then on top of it, b/c of the Maple Leaf Parade, that is the weekend that pretty much ALL class reunions happen b/c people are already back in town so they don’t have to make special arrangements to come back.

One person is upset about the location of our reunion.  He’s stated it many times.  And I get that.  You aren’t going to please everyone with every decision made, obviously, especially with 214 people to try and please plus spouses, significant others, etc.  But he’s to the point of being an asshole, pardon my language.  I’m sick of him.  He stated his unhappiness.  Ok that’s all that needs to be said but for over a month now almost on a daily basis he either posts something on the wall or puts down one of the planners for their choices.

Ok first off, them holding it where it is, we’re paying $10/person to get in the door.  That’s it!  Last year’s class reunion was at Memorial Hall and it was $50/person.  Bring on the $10!

But he’s just showing that some people haven’t grown up in 10 years.  I wrote one of the gals an email and said,

hey you’re doing a great job.  Sorry some people are being dumb and showing they haven’t grown up yet.  You aren’t going to please everyone so don’t get down! 

It just makes me feel bad for the class officers who are planning it!  I can sure tell you I don’t want to be on the planning committee, EVER!  I think they should make him on the committee for next time and see just how “easy” it is to plan it, like he seems to think it is!

Ok sorry for this session of ranting but I’ve had enough!  I really want to post something on the fb wall that says grow up, but for now, I’ll just tell the planning committee they’re doing great and to ignore that butthead!

Crappy Portraits… I think not!

You Know you’re getting old when:

You light the candles on your birthday cake and a group of campers form a circle and start singing Kumbaya

Haha, my dad’s 60th birthday is on Sunday.  My mom is throwing him a surprise birthday party today at work (don’t tell!) — my luck this’ll be the day he reads my blog!  This is one of the quotes off the invitation 🙂

I might just have to make my dad some apple dentures…. what do ya think?  Truthfully they’re fast and why not?  right?

So a while back I was reading the blog Story of My Life when she had this post about Free Crappy Portraits.  I was like huh?  You paid money for a crappy portrait??  But no…. quite the contrary!  You send them a photo, a little blurb about yourself and they send you back actually a pretty cool portrait 🙂

So since my dad’s birthday was coming up, I knew he needed a Free Crappy Portrait too.  I sent them a photo of my dad on a horse.  And this is what I got back 🙂

hahahahaha!  Isn’t it cute?  I think I mentioned something about burning feed sacks or being a pyro or something which is what we often tease my dad about.  But I love it.  Now my mom was like, that looks like something I would draw, but me, heck I couldn’t draw that well 🙂 {truth be told… neither can she… I got her drawing abilities!}

Now I want one of hubs, {step}daughter, pups and me 🙂

Happy Thursday!

Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole

So I was sick yesterday!  Blech!  No Fun!  And on top of being sick, I had an A&P Test last night.  Our teacher can be rather difficult!  She said that basically if you don’t show up for the tests, you can make them up, but it might be in December the same night as finals.  No Thank you!

On Tuesday nights Hubby & I both have a night class, so after work he drove home and picked me up (I was throwing up sick, sorry TMI) and drove me to class so that late at night I wasn’t driving myself home, sick!

I pretty much slept my day away too.  At one point I fell back asleep around 1pm and the sun was shining in my room and my room was bright, even with the shades drawn, but it was nice.  When I woke up around 4ish to start getting ready, my room was dark.  Isn’t it crazy how the world just goes on without you even when you’re sick?

My foods yesterday consisted of mints, about 4 bites of pineapple, and a Sprite.  Then last night I was starving… ok not starving maybe, but I was really hungry so I got a Nestle Crunch Concrete (ice cream) and then ate half of hubby’s fries.  I was doin good!  And just a TMI FYI it all stayed down!  Score!

Today I’m happy to report I’m upward and mobile.  So I’ve had this post sitting in draft form for a while and since I didn’t write up a post for today (gotten in the habit of writing them the day before… but not always :)) I thought I’d share this recipe with you :).

Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole
(adapted from original recipe by Miriam Barton/The Pioneer Cookbook)
Preheat oven to 425ºF.

2 large potatoes, peeled and grated

In a large bowl combine the potatoes, cheese, and onion.

2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated.

1/2 cup onion, finely chopped

Lightly coat an 8 x 8-inch square baking dish with butter.
Spread the potato mixture into the prepared baking dish

In a separate bowl, stir together the remaining ingredients.
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup milk

1/2 cup beef broth (I used Chicken Broth)

1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

then pour the liquid mixture over the potatoes.

Bake for 1 hour, stirring after 30 minutes.

Cool for a couple of minutes to allow potatoes to firm up.

Pickup Trucks

I’m not gonna lie…. There’s Something about a pickup {man}

Tell me you know that song right?  Joe Diffy?  Ringing any bells?

Well anyway… if not, google it!

Over the weekend the hubs, {step}daughter, pups and I had a mini photo shoot.  I just pulled hubby’s truck down in the field, we got the tripod and wireless remote out, set a 2-second delayed timer for the remote so we could hide it and wound up taking 520 photos.  We had a ball!

But there truly is something about a pickup!

I had Tbug jump in the driver’s seat for this photo.

This morning I sent the photo to her mom in a text message and she came back talking about how Tbug has already said when she’s 16 she wants to drive a pickup.  I said yeah, I knew that because she kept telling her daddy he better not get rid of the red truck, that we traded off earlier this year.

Hey diesel prices were eating us alive!  We traded for a Hyundai Tucson, 1 week before the 20 inches of snow we got and got stuck in our driveway for 2 days until my dad brought us the old farm truck.  The old farm truck gets 6mpg.  No bueno, but at least we got out and made it to work!  If the Tucson wouldn’t make it out in the snow, my car definitely wouldn’t!  We high centered in both but that’s beside the point!

But you know, there truly is something about a pickup!

So we contemplated this summer about what we were going to do come this winter if we got into that situation again.  In fact, we still have my dad’s old farm truck sitting at our house.  It is a 1986 3/4 Ton 4×4 with a 460 big block.  She’s a powerful, gas guzzler!

I was the first to throw up in this truck 3 weeks after my dad got it in Sept ’86.  I learned how to drive in this truck when I was 4 years old in a freak lightening storm.  I then turned around and learned how to drive a standard transmission in this same truck when I was 12.  Because of this truck I’ve learned how to add water to the engine when it’s over heated, learned the value of having a cell phone, and even made collect calls home.  She takes a lickin and keeps ona tickin!

But we need to take it back to my dad.  So we debated and contemplated what to do.

And as a side note, I’ve never dated a guy who didn’t drive a pickup :).  It was a little strange to see hubs trade off the big red beast, but it was what we decided to do.  One of our first big decisions as a married couple.  But this summer, we chose to trade off the Tucson and get hubs back in a truck.

And we’ve never looked back… well except to make sure we didn’t back into something ;).

I have to say my heart has always been Ford, but I love this Chevy!  Now the dealership can kiss my a**, they were a**hole’s to deal with and I’ll never deal with them again, but I love this Chevy!

So maybe my {step}daughter is more like me than I thought…  We’ll have to wait and see what the next 8 years brings, but I too wanted a pickup when I got my first vehicle.  My parents came through and got me a 1994 Ford Ranger…  Only time will tell for her though 🙂  A lot can change in 8 years….

Maybe, by then I’ll have a pickup again… hey hubs, wanna drive my car, I’ll take your pickup for a spin!

There truly is something about a pickup truck!!

Apple Dentures

So with all the recaps from Hawaii, I’m behind on other things :).  One of my dad’s bosses celebrated his 60th birthday toward early to mid-September, I’m not exactly sure of the date.  Anyway, last Saturday (September 24, 2011) they had a surprise birthday party for him.  On Friday my dad sent me an email and asked me if I could make these. (this is my picture yes)  So we chatted back and forth to decide when he wanted them by, etc and I told him, yes I could make them for him.

But they are so darn cute, now I’ll share with you how I did them.

Peanut Butter
Couple apples depending on how many dentures you want
Lemon Juice (more…)