Doti’s Deal
So as you’ve heard throughout the weeks, my friend Doti got married! Woohooo. I thought I’d share some of her wedding pictures… well pictures I took at her wedding anyway :). PC and I were able to attend this beautiful wedding on Saturday 🙂
This is the church, Friendship Baptist Church. It was so cute!
Here’s PC and me entertaining ourselves before the service 🙂 ewwww I’m pasty white!!! I need a tan or at least some sun!
I love to see the look on the grooms face as his bride is entering the church. It’s even crazier that I got Doti’s mom in the shot too 🙂
I couldn’t see around people so I had to pass the camera off to PC. They look so happy!
I think this is while the vocalist was singing Kenny Chesney’s “You Saved Me.”
They were both beaming so big. It was spectacular!
Wade, you may kiss your bride!
May I present to you for the first time, Mr. & Mrs. Wade
I was disappointed some of my photos turned out blurry… oh well you get the idea 🙂
PC while we were waiting trying to decide if we could go to the reception (time wise)
I got my white balance set correctly…. and PC, If I had a tongue like that I wouldn’t want it in my mouth either… LOL
It’s not a wedding until someone shows up with a stock trailer either. I love it 🙂 (and for clarification not making fun At ALL)
We’re also getting closer to our date! 81 more days and I’ll be Mrs. PC 🙂
Peace, Love, & a Lifetime of happiness!
Nicole 🙂