Pumpkin Carving #1

Holy cow, this weekend was one heck of a weekend. We haven’t had a busy weekend that was this much fun in a long time. So… I’m not doing this post in any kind of order because this was Saturday night after we had done sooooo many things Saturday alone. But it’s the best thing about my bloggy here because it records life 🙂

Saturday night Tbug carved her pumpkin! Now it is a tradition obviously to carve pumpkins around this part of the year… but we also wanted her to carve a pumpkin because Sunday she was going to carve a pumpkin underwater.


Your biggest fear | Blogtober ’14

When it comes to fears, I have a lot of them, not going to lie. I have a fear of snakes. I have a fear of dying and no one remembering me. But one fear of mine kind of became a reality a couple of weeks ago. Wait, what?

I’m afraid of my house catching on fire. Now let me stop you there… My house did not catch on fire! No, the house that I grew up in caught on fire.

My parents were building this house before I was even born and we moved into it when I was 4 months old. There are a lot of great memories in this house.

About the time I was 10 my parents put this house up for sale and no biters. Then a while after that a couple came up from Dallas and offered more for it than what my parent’s original asking price was so they put it up for 30 days so that they could see it to this couple.

I used to show sheep against this couples kids who were a couple of years younger than me. I eventually went on to working with one of the kids for a bit. They eventually sold the house and moved back to Dallas (returning to this area a few years after that but to a different house). And a family friend’s daughter and her family bought the house. Do you follow? I know the owners of the house, let’s put it that way.

A couple of weeks ago (Oct 7th) they were woke up by their dogs barking and their house on fire. Just typing that gives me chills. Everyone got out of the house safely except for one dog (I’m not sure how many dogs were in the house), but the house was completely gone.

I saw a post on Facebook the next morning and wondered what happened so my husband and I drove by to check on them and things. I had to get to school though and there were a lot of people there but I know that they were all safe and that’s what matters.


What makes you happy | Blogtober '14

What makes me happy? Good question… All while I was thinking about this question last night I was thinking of the Julie Andrews Song from the Sound of Music when she’s thinking “These are a few of my favorite things.” I tried long and hard to figure out how to get my happy things into those song lyrics. Then I started thinking of the “If you’re happy and you know it” song and well…. that probably suites this better… happy versus favorite but either way I’ll save you and just tell you my happy things which include but are not limited to:

  • My husband
  • The Tbug and Baby Girl
  • My family
  • New Pens (so trivial but….)
  • My camera (again trivial)
  • My new camera bag
  • Riding and showing horses
  • My dogs
  • Cooking
  • Blogging
  • Traveling
  • Snuggling on cold/cooler days

And there are a lot of other things… but here are just a few of my favorite… I mean happy things 🙂

Happy Sunday! Look at the beautiful sky that God painted for us this week! 🙂

Helene in Between

Share A Secret About You | Blogtober '14

Shhhh don’t tell anyone, but babies used to scare me! I’m not kidding. I am an only child and was the youngest on both sides of the family. My parents were a bit older when I was born so all their friends had older children so I wasn’t raised around babies… I was raised around adults or older kids who wanted to be adults. So babies scared the crap out of me. I think I’ve only held like a handful or 2 of babies in my life prior to my own baby and she only adds 1 to that number. I’d never changed a diaper until I was in the hospital having baby girl… never been spit up on, pooped on by babies (animals yes)… babies scared the crap out of me.

There I told you my secret. Can we still be friends?

Helene in Between

I'm an expert at… | Blogtober '14

Procrastinating 🙂

Does that count? I swear, I am the worlds worst, maybe not the worst but I’m fairly bad about it.

When I asked my husband his first answer was Blogging and second kissing your husband. Think he was looking for a kiss? Don’t worry I gave him one.

Baby girl says I’m an expert at feeding her and changing her diaper… ha!

My husband always claims that he’s a Jack of all Trade, master of None. At work they used to tease me because I’ve dove into learning a bunch of different things. Maybe that’s why he and I are so perfect for each other 🙂

I don’t know… btw, let me point out that I wrote a guest post over at the Missouri Women Bloggers

Helene in Between

Fall fashion | Blogtober ’14

Truthfully when it comes to fashion at all I’m so far out of the loop it isn’t even funny. I doubt anyone wants to dress like me especially right now while I’m in weird sizes trying to drop the last of this baby weight. I sure hope if I ever do that my favorite clothes I had still fit…. I’m scared!

So seasonal fashion means nothing to me either… I typically wear jeans all year round and boots. Now in the summer you may catch me in shorts or capri’s but usually it’s boots and jeans. So here’s my style…



Favorite quote and why | Blogtober ’14

Hmmm… my favorite quote. Are you read to laugh? My favorite quote comes from the movie “Fool’s Rush In,” with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayak.

You are everything I never knew I always wanted.

I watched this movie for the first time when I was a freshman in college. One of my dorm friends had it and she told me to watch it. In fact I think I watched it just after I’d been dumped, but I can’t guarantee that one. Anyway she made a sign on her wall with this quote and I absolutely Loved it! So she printed me one off as well and it stuck on my wall every room I lived in since then until I was married.

Not only does the way that Matthew Perry delivers that speech (quote) make it awesome but the thing that it really implies/says makes it even better.

Helene in Between


What a difference a year makes….

So one year ago today my life changed… more so than I realized. First I realized I don’t know how to pee on a stick… How hard can it be? Oh, I messed it up…

So hubby went and got the kind that I couldn’t screw up, then read the directions and told me how to do it just so I didn’t screw it up the second time… I didn’t screw it up this time. We also knew I was pregnant way early! It might have had something to do with cussing and screaming in a cabbed tractor at full throttle with the baler running and hubby heard me outside the tractor about 15 feet behind me… maybe… (more…)

Funniest memory from childhood | Blogtober '14

So when I was a little kid my dad built a hay barn on our place. It had dirt floors and it sucked when it rained. So Dad finally decided to put concrete in the floors to avoid moldy bales that were against the dirt floor. The concrete truck came to pour the concrete and then dad and a couple others were going to spread it out. I went to help my dad spread it out with the boys and I had on my dad’s mudboots. My boots got stuck in the concrete and I fell backwards on my butt in the concrete. All the guys laughed and I was embarrassed. I was only like 6 or 7 at the time. I ran to the house crying my eyes out.

Too bad I don’t have any pictures of that…

Or how about the time we were in Duncan Oklahoma at a horse show and I was trying to qualify for the AQHA World Show.  This was the last weekend to be able to qualify so I had a lot riding on this.  I went out to show and won. When I heard that I won my dad said something to me and as I went to crawl off China (my horse) I fell off. Yup, it happened.

Helene in Between