Week 6

How far along? Looks like we’re at 6 weeks now.  The ER confirmed its between 5 & 6 weeks last Thursday night so that would make 6 & 7 weeks this week.

Total weight gain/loss: It has been up and down and up and down within the same 7 lbs so far…


Week 4

How far along? It looks like 4 weeks…

Total weight gain/loss: a couple pounds gained.  I’m not sure how y’all lose weight in the beginning.  Maybe I still will, but right now I’m starving all the time.  I don’t eat all the time but I’m sure starving all the time.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of Poppyseeds. At 4 weeks your baby, now known as a blastocyst, is practically microscopic – a teeny ball of cells. Baby is busy settling into new home, prepping for all the crucial development it’ll be doing over the next six weeks.


Week 3

How far along? Looks like 3 weeks…

Total weight gain/loss: a couple pounds gained.  I’m not sure how y’all lose weight in the beginning.  Maybe I still will, but right now I’m starving all the time.  I don’t eat all the time but I’m sure starving all the time.

How big is baby? The size of a Poppy Seed.


The Good, Bad & Ugly

***Please don’t judge me… I’m just nervous!***

So here we are, it’s 10:54 at night and I have to type this up.  Not always does our life go as we planned.  Not always do we see the good in all circumstances.  In fact, I have no idea when this will post at this point because I have no idea when hubby and I are going to announce to the world that we’re expecting (heck even typing that freaks me out) but along with all the good in our life comes the bad and sometimes we also just want to remember times like this.  So this may just be for me, but please share with me.

Last night I took the pregnancy test that came back positive.  When I walked out of the bathroom with it in my hand I just showed hubby.  He jumped up off of the love seat throwing his food to the side and bear hugged me.  Not the best move as I was kind of nauseous feeling anyway, but the thought that the test came back positive made me sick as all get out to my stomach.  To say I didn’t react as a normal happy person would is a bit of an understatement.

I went to school today and we’re studying Othello by Shakespeare.  All I could think about was, is my sweatshirt hiding my bloated stomach.  I know, not what most people would be thinking but I kind of feel that 16 year old in me coming out.  No, I never was pregnant at 16 just to clarify.

Most days I see myself as a first time around, traditional college student.  Sadly I see myself in life where most people of that age would find themselves instead of someone who just turned 30 this summer.  That right there is enough to scare me out of my mind.

So anyway after school I usually go hang out in the library, read blogs, study, etc for a bit and then I go home.  Well I wasn’t feeling all that well so I just decided to go ahead and come home.  Poor HickChickBritt, I was bugging the crap out of her today.  I just seriously needed someone to talk to because it helped keep my mind off what was going on.  Sorry I couldn’t tell you at the time HickChickBritt!!


Week 1??

How far along? 1 week…?

Total weight gain/loss: Dunno, guess I’ll do an initial weigh-in…

How big is baby? Your baby is still just a glimmer in your eye.

Maternity Clothes? Nope although I felt kind of bloated and wondered why my clothes felt tight.


Same ol' Same ol'

  September 25, 2013
Friday Nights: 
We haven’t had a normal Friday night in ages!
Hair Style:
I typically wear it down and straight or up in a ponytail.  
Every now and again I curl it with my Chi.  
I have long bangs that are growing into the rest of my hair and I’m in desperate need of a haircut.  
Sadly my roots are growing out again and need to be fixed, so right now I have the whole Ombre look that was (maybe still is?) quite popular but it really wasn’t intentional on my part! 
Favorite place to dine out:
Oh heck, I don’t know…
Favorite Outfit: 
Sadly I’ve gained weight and seems most of my clothes don’t fit anymore.
Love Life:
Our marriage is strong.
Life is too short to argue all the time.
Remember, The first part is exciting, the second part is where the real depth comes in!

Home Life: 
Our life is taking a different turn than we thought it would three years ago when we got married.  
Our dogs still LOVE to litter our yard with their latest finds so we aren’t ever quite sure what we’ll find.

TV shows: 
 The Pioneer Woman’s cooking show on Food Network
Dancing with the Stars
The Middle
Grey’s Anatomy
Friends Reruns
Big Bang Theory

Extra time: 

What extra time?

I got myself a blogging gig for our local dive shop, until they don’t like my posts I guess :). 
I still love to cook but sometimes feel like I have NO time.

What excites me: 
 *Playing with my camera 
*Spending time with my husband
*Riding horses
*Tbug cooking with me

A moment I never want to forget:  
*Just spending time with my family
*Scuba Diving
*Making new friends
*Going back to school and feeling really dumb
*My Morelli Dog, we lost him a few weeks ago 🙁

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The One Where I'm Not a Fashion Blogger

So have you ever wondered why I’m not a fashion blogger?

Exhibit A:

Lately this has been my go-to outfit.  Jeans (in this case some Old Navy pair I found in the closet), a Tshirt I bought in Hawaii (they were like 10 for $20 or something), My bling belt I bought in Branson down on the landing, my belt buckle I won showing horses and my boots that I bought the first year we were married.

Who would want to dress like me?

And then the posing.  Oh the posing.  Someone, please come give me a fashion make-over (but don’t do anything with my belt/buckle!! or boots) and someone please teach me how to pose!

So this weekends plans are to bale hay.  Fun, right?  We’re doing square bales which means I have to get my muscles on!  I went and ran on the treadmill Wednesday at the Y in town and actually enjoyed it.  Holy cow, someone slap me because I really think I’m dreaming.  Must be that runners high or something you hear so much about.

So anyway I’m out!  Have a wonderful weekend!  What are your plans??