Pretty Woman

Do I have you singing that song now??

Two of my favorite parts of that whole movie is the second day she goes shopping on Rodeo Drive and she walks into the store where the clerk wasn’t nice to her the day before dragging all her bags of shopping and looking smokin in her gorgeous outfit and says:

Big Mistake, Big, Huge, I have to go shopping now

But one of my other favorite parts is when she has to learn Formal Table setting etiquette.

How many people now days know formal table etiquette?

In my part of the country, it’s kind of gone by the wayside.  I happen to know it, but that’s partially because I received an AFA (Agriculture Future of America) scholarship in college and as part of our acceptance we had to go to Kansas City, MO for a 4 day conference.  One of the things we learned: Table Etiquette.

I think since I learned it in November of 2002, I’ve used it once, maybe twice…  Granted in every day situations I’ll incorporate some of it, but to use it all, nope, not really, just the once (since then).

June and October it seems like are heavily occupied with weddings for a lot of people.  I thought since we are approaching wedding season, you may attend a Formal reception.  So maybe this will help, and again, maybe not but hey it’s all good 🙂

(a) Service Plate or Dinner Plate.  If it is the service plate, it will remain in front of you until the dinner plate is brought out at which time the 2 plates will be switched, otherwise, this is your dinner plate.

(b) Bread Plate.  This is where you set your bread. (hahaha… sounds like such a smartallic answer!)  It is placed right above the forks on the left side of the plate.  (take your left hand, index to thumb to make a “b”, this helps you remember that the bread plate goes on your left)

(c) Dinner Fork.  This is the largest of the forks.  It is placed to the left side of the plate.  Other smaller forks are arranged around them depending when they will be used throughout the course of the meal.

(d) Fish Fork.  It is the smaller fork furthest from the plate to the left.  If a fish course is served, this is the first fork used.

(e) Salad Fork.  If the salad is served after the dinner course, then the fork is placed to the right.  If the salad is served first before the fish then it would go left to right, salad fork, fish fork, dinner fork.

(f) Dinner Knife.  The dinner knife is placed to the right of the plate.  The blades should always face the plate.  It will be the largest knife in the place setting.

(g) Fish Knife.  This is usually a specially shaped knife and it goes to the right of the dinner knife.

(h) Salad Knife.  (please note: it is not shown in the above diagram)  It would be placed in the same manner on the right side as the salad fork, so if the salad were served after the meal, the salad knife would be to the left of the dinner knife right next to the plate.  Remember the blade side faces the plate.

(i)  Soup Spoon or Fruit Spoon.  If soup or fruit is served first, then the spoon goes to the right of the knives.

(j)  Oyster Fork: (remember, Slippery Little Suckers, don’t worry miss it happens all the time… yes I have watched Pretty Woman too many times)  If Shellfish is served during the course of dinner, the oyster fork is placed to the right of the spoons.  This is the only fork that ever goes on the right side of the plate.

(k) Butter Knife.  This small spreader knife is placed diagonally across the butter plate with the handle facing toward the right of the plate.  The blade is down.

(l) Glasses.  (take your right hand, index finger to your thumb forming a “d”, this helps you remember that drinks go on the right side of your plate)  You can have up to 5 glasses at one place setting and they are placed smaller to the front, larger toward the back.  The water goblet (la) is placed directly above the knifes.  Then moving to the right you have (lb) Champagne flute then (lc) Red wine glass, (ld) white wine glass, and lastly (le) sherry glass.

(m) Napkin.  The napkin can be placed in a couple places.  You will find it to the left of the forks.  Under the forks.  You can find it laying across your plate.  Or you can find it in the water glass if your water is still empty.

Dessert spoons or forks will generally come out with the course, however if you have a spoon and or fork placed directly above your plate, then you already have your dessert fork/spoon.

If at any time every place setting is missing one fork, the general rule is it will come with the entree that it is served with.

A great tip to remember which side the silverware goes on whether you are doing formal or casual place settings is picture the word “Forks”.  In order from left to right: F=Forks, O=plate (O shape), Throw out the R, K=Knives, S=Spoons.

So now, which direction do you pass the food?
Food is passed Counter Clockwise or to your right.  That way you allow people time to pass one plate before receiving a second and there is no jam points.

How do I cut my food?
One bite at a time.

How do I excuse myself to go to the restroom?
Place your napkin in your chair.  This signals to waiters that you are not finished and you will be back.

How do I know when to start eating?
When the head of the table starts eating, you are free to eat.

How do I know who is “head of the table”?
Whoever called the dinner to order is the head of the table.  If it is a more casual setting, whoever is setting at the end of the table is Head of the Table.

If ordering from a menu, how do I know the price range to stick to?
The general rule is to stay similar to the price that the “head of the table” is choosing from.

If the head of the table suggests a food….
Unless you are opposed to eating what they have suggested, generally in a more formal setting you order what they suggest.  (ie they suggest seafood and you don’t like seafood, politely decline and pick an entree similar in price).

How do I signal I’m finished to the waiter?
Picture your plate as a clock.  You place your eating utensil(s) handles facing the 4.  (now I’ve also heard you turn them upside down, but I’ve also heard you don’t… if you don’t know, watch others ;)) and place your napkin to the left side of your plate (if you are through with the entire meal).  Leave your plate where it sits, never push it away from you and if you place your napkin on the plate, that signals to the chef that you did not like their food.

Also if you are a man at the table and a lady excuses herself to the restroom, you stand both when she leaves and when she returns.

There’s oh so much more, but I guess I’ll let you digest this all for now and have a fabulous Thursday!


So this morning my husband and I were driving to work and got stuck at a stop light.  The car beside us was a Volvo.  When the light turned green we all proceeded to drive forward again and my husband kept saying “Wolwo” to which I was making fun of him for saying it wrong… when all of the sudden it hit me like a freight train… Now you have to remember my husband and I went to school together back in the day… A memory from 9th grade hit me.  I just looked at him and said, “It was YOU!”  To which he replied “huh?”

Back in 9th grade we had Animal Science I together and had been talking about reproductive parts of a female animal and the word vulva came up… yeah every time I’d try to tell him that a truck was a Volvo he and I think his friends would just laugh their heads off at me.

He claims now it was a form of flirting….

Isn’t it strange how one little thing like your husband mispronouncing (intentionally) Volvo brings back memories….

Anyway moving on!!

A while back I was perusing my favorite blogs when I came across Sara’s Stromboli Heaven recipe.  Well as I always do when I find something that catches my eye, I sent an email to my husband to tell him about it.  He read the post or at least looked at the photos/ingredients (dunno, I wasn’t around him) and he came back with that sounds good.

So one night we decided to try it and OH. MY. GOSH. is it awesome!  Of course we’ve played around with it and made it ours, but I don’t think we ever make it the same way twice.

Thanks for the great recipe Sara!!!

Now Sunday night dinners have 2 requested recipes: Mozzarella Cheese Dip & Stromboli.

I now present you with:


Refrigerator Pizza crust (or we like to use the refrigerator French Bread dough)
Your toppings (we chose this time hamburger, bacon, onions & mushrooms)
Pizza sauce
Mozzarella Cheese


 Make sure your hamburger is thawed… if not (my case) thaw it!

Slice up your onions.  I think we wound up using the whole onion.
(remember Shrek says Onions have layers… LOL)

Cook up your bacon.  Drain the grease.

Then check out the poor beggers… LOL

Brown up your hamburger.

Now mix all toppings together.

Make sure your counter is clean, you’ll be using it!!

Spread out flour and flour up your rolling pin too!

Then roll out your French bread dough (or pizza crust) thin.

Add your pizza sauce.

 Once pizza sauce is spread out, add your toppings.

And then top with the Mozzarella cheese.

When you are done, it should look like this.

 Now start at the far side and roll up toward you, pinching the seam together when it’s completely rolled up.

You should be left with this.  Now sometimes we roll the ends in and pinch, sometimes we don’t.

This time we tried a new method, once transferred to the baking pan, we covered it with some EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

And some Italian Seasoning.

Place in a 350 degree oven and bake for package time. 
I think our French bread said 24 minutes….

When it’s all cooked and golden on top, you are finished.

Dig in!!

Ok now that you are tired of looking at food, Happy Hump Day to you!! 🙂

Try our hand at a Green Thumb

Have you ever heard of people who have a “Green Thumb”?

That means they are good when it comes to plants, gardens, those types of things.

That bypassed me so bad…

I’ve killed Cactus… I’ve killed Bamboo, anything “easy” to keep alive… yeah I wasn’t born to keep it alive apparently.  That’s why in high school Ag classes and in college classes for my Ag degree I stayed more with the animals.  I can keep them alive 🙂

Well, last year PC (then my fiance PC) and I wanted to plant a garden, but with trying to plan a wedding and buying our first house and getting it ready to move into and everything, we just didn’t have enough time.  In fact, we have a cherry tree that we lost a lot of cherries to the birds :(… and apple trees that rotted toward the end and pear trees that toward the end got away from us.  Those latter two ripened about the time we got married/went on our honeymoon.

But this year, we’re bound and determined to not only have those fruit trees, but we’ve gone an extra step and planted a garden… WISH. US. LUCK.


Hey It's Friday!

1.  First and foremost:

I’m not one who is real big on April Fool’s Day or the jokes behind them but still I wanted to wish you one :).  I’ll be good… LOL… I can’t vouch for anyone else!

2.  I absolutely LOVE {please get the sarcasm} dumb people.  Ok maybe I shouldn’t call them dumb, but when they ask you to do something that is your job, that you do on a continuous basis and you tell them what you need to complete the task but they come back and say oh you should already have that and fight you on it… THEN try to go over your head to get around you because obviously you are WRONG and the person over your head tells them the EXACT. SAME. THING. Hello people!  You’d save a whole lot of time and man hours to just do as you were requested the first time.

Ok done venting….

3.  So I think our weather is confused!  First off I don’t think March came in like a lion and went out like a lamb… and secondly… 40’s yesterday, 60’s today, 80’s by Sunday and someone told me a possibility of snow showers the first part of next week.  I sure hope they were pulling my leg (April Fool’s Day) because doesn’t show that….  It shows 60’s next week… Oh well I live in Missouri, don’t like the weather, wait 30 minutes and it’ll change.  Also we’re the Show Me State so I’m waiting for it to Show Me (and no that isn’t a challenge!!)

4.  Speaking of Show Me, when my husband and I started dating I said that to him so much that he gave me a T-shirt that said something about Missouri & the Show Me State.  I think it’s still lost at my parents house.  Probably got mixed in with their clothes 🙁

5.  I’m torn between if I want to learn Italian (dunno why), French (why not), or Greek.  Now my great grandfather was full Greek.  He came to this country with his brothers to make a better life for themselves.  Someday I’ll go to Greece, even if I’m 90 and can’t hear… LOL… but It would be great to know the language!  Luckily I have a while until I’m 90 but every day I get closer and closer! 🙂

6.  Have you ever listened to how people talk now days?  In high school my friend used to always say:

I know, Right

I used to kind of laugh.  I don’t know why… but the funny thing is the joke’s on me.  I say it all the time now :(.  So Urban Dictionary defines it as: A way to express the concept of “yes” if you are not quite articulate enough to say that mighty imposing word.

7.  So a friend baled me out yesterday and had an extra pair of work-out clothes with her so I was able to go to Zumba yesterday.  I took them home, washed them and left them on my bed this morning as opposed to bringing them back to her.  I blame that on still being tired when I left for work!

happy thursday Pictures, Images and Photos

Sorry that made me giggle!

8.  So Wednesday night or should I say Thursday morning about 3am my dog started whining.  I figured she was just whining to be whining.  Nope turns out she needed to go outside so I got to clean up the mess yesterday morning.  Ok no big deal, partially my fault b/c I didn’t get up to check on her.  I woke up at 5am this morning to the same whining.  I decided to learn from my mistakes so the girls (both dogs) immediately went out.  

9.  Believing in yourself is an endless destination.  Believing you have failed is the end of your journey.  As long as you are pursuing and working toward your dream, you are a SUCCESS.  The pace is determined by you.



Hey a Girl can dream right?  LOL… It must be the thought of warm weather this weekend!!!