You have to Dance at Dance Class
Wednesday night my baby girl started dance class. Yes, I know, we’re about a month late, but every time we talk about putting her in dance class we forget about the sign-up date. Luckily we found out we could still enroll her, so that’s just what we did. She was officially enrolled in dance class Tuesday and Wednesday night she had her first dance class.
I was in ballet for 10 years while I was growing up and loved it. Although I do remember sitting there at times wishing that the hour dance class would be over because I was bored. Things you remember…
She was quite nervous. So they put the littles in the smallest room. The rooms all have video cameras and so you can watch their lessons on a tv monitor. I saw that the teacher gave them all a circle that they went and placed on the floor. That was where they were supposed to sit. My poor baby must either have extremely good manners or was extremely scared. She sat while the other girls sat, did summersaults, spun around, etc. She just sat there.
After class, the teacher said that there were a few tears. She told the teacher that was her first time being away from mommy, which isn’t totally true, but very close. I think the better statement would have been, her first time away from people she knew. The teacher said that all the little girls were that way their first class and since the other 3 had a month on Abug, the teacher reassured me she’d get better. I wanted to cry for her. Very seldom do I see myself in her, but to see my reservations in her made me sad.
I get called the shyest most outgoing person people know. I take that as I am extremely shy. Small talk doesn’t come easy for me. I’m quiet and reserved… that is until I know you. Or if I’m in a group of people I do know, some of that can be hidden too. Other people don’t believe I have a shy bone in my body. I’m actually a lot better about all of this than I was in my 20’s and I was better in my 20’s than my late teens and better in my late teens than my early teens. Let’s not even discuss my primary years! My primary years I couldn’t even say please or thank you.
So to see these shy tendencies coming out in Abug makes me still want to cry. This kid really isn’t shy. She acts more like her daddy than she does me And she looks more like her daddy than she does me. I sure hope she gets good qualities from me. But this isn’t a post about me and my negatives… this is a post about my baby starting ballet.
To say hubby and I were excited would be a bit of an understatement. I think Abug was pretty excited too. We bought her outfit on Saturday and on Monday when people were asking her about it, she was dancing around like a mad woman. But in dance class, she was shy and reserved. It was funny and cute.
When you ask her if she had fun, she says yes. She’s ready for next week. Gosh, I’m excited too. Where’s my ballet class?
I’m so glad my sister-in-law signed her daughter up the week before (they are in different classes)… it reminded hubby and me we wanted to sign Abug up. So both littles are in dance class. This should make for an interesting year-end performance.
Oh how fun! I am sure that after a few classes she will begin to open up ♥ I always wished that my mom had put me in dance class as a kid.