Last Week of Classes
How on EARTH is this the last week of classes? Dang, I feel like we just came off Spring break. Which in a way we did… This semester was a bit of a weird one. I only had 2 night classes and an internship a week. For my internship I had to put in 120 hours plus write 4 blog posts for the school site. I’ve been a blog writing fool this semester!
Anyway Monday night was the last Monday night of the semester (other than next week which is Finals week and I don’t have to come over on Monday anyway).
We have a final portfolio due next Monday night that is worth 75% of our grade. No pressure or anything!
We did a workshop on our Preface and then when we had an hour left of class Dr. Greene said we could all go to the bar and the first round would be on him. I’m not sure why but everyone looked at me. I’m one of 2 people who have the longest drive home… but whatever I was game. Although I really don’t drink and don’t know Pittsburg all that well. I definitely don’t know where the bars are.
So we got directions and headed off to Lelands. We were told if you hear the Polka music you’re in the right place. I’m sorry, what? Polka music? Apparently Pittsburg city ordinances changed in downtown for music or something. So some guy bought the building next door to the bar because he was annoyed with the new city ordinances so he blares Polka music all night every night. Only reason he bought the bar. I smarted off I wish I had the money to buy a building just to play music like that… although I’d do something more worth my while than blare Polka music.
Being the fact I’m not a big drinker, I only like beer for beer bread and I had to drive an hour home, I opted out for a coke. One other girl did too so I didn’t feel to bad/guilty. But I went to the bar so I was a team player, right? I just don’t drink really, especially not beer. I cook with beer.
Last night was the last night of Medieval British Literature. That’s quite the interesting class that’s for sure! We were discussing Le Morte D’arthur. So it’s basically like the first novel without being an actual novel… yeah go figure. And why they put the Used sticker on the title of the book who the heck knows.
Today is my last day for required internship hours. I need 2 1/2… I wonder if I’ll get those? (I’m being sarcastic… where’s the sarcastic font when you need it?!?!) But you know… my internship was based off the fact I already did this stuff so why not get college credit for it. Score! At the beginning of the year I set a goal of 52 blog posts, one per week about divers who dive with us. So far we’re week 17 divers in which puts me well on my way to making my goal. I also have diver interviews waiting to be published so I might just make my goal. Wish me luck!
Once today is over I have a blog post for the school, a paper (rough draft and final draft), a final, and a portfolio to turn in and I’m done for the semester. Then it’s crack down time on reading 50 books for Comps next fall. Please hold me accountable on my reading this summer, PLEASE!