Would You Change?

Apparently this is the week for pondering thoughts out of yours truly.  Here recently Kenzie and I were discussing if you could change things about your past would you.  Then yesterday I was getting caught up on Rachael Ray’s daytime tv show and The Chew and at the end of one of RR’s segments she did a speed round of audience questions.  A couple different questions came up on if she’d change her past or not.  She said she wouldn’t because even the 2 muggings helped get her to where she is today.

I would like to be confident in the fact that I could say, “No I wouldn’t change anything,” but the fact of the matter is sometimes I wish life could be like a tv show.  The one that comes to mind is the Friends episode where they did the what if episode.  You know what if Chandler would have gone into the comic book industry, what if Monica hadn’t lost all the weight, what if Rachael would have actually married Barry, what if Pheobe would have taken that job on wall street, what if Ross’s marriage hadn’t ended in divorce/his wife hadn’t been a lesbian, and what if Joey hadn’t been fired from Days of Our Lives.  If you don’t watch Friends or know it by heart, there’s the big jest of the episode.

Obviously that’s easy to do with a tv show because first off, {newsflash, lol} these aren’t real people leading real lives.  They go to work every day, read the script, act it out and then go home and lead their lives which sometimes are all over the tabloids, but that’s another story for another time, right?

The fact of the matter is I know that everything that has happened in my life has lead me to where I am today.  And with a few minor details of things that I wish could be changed, it’s a pretty darn good life.  Yes, I’ve hit curve balls and yes, I’ve been thrown for loops.  Yes, I’ve looked back at things I’ve done and called myself an idiot but still, it made me who I am.  I guess for the most part I’m a pretty okay person, right?  (validation please… lol)

So in truth of the matter I guess I wouldn’t change things but I do sometimes wish I could sit down, put my episode of my life on, you know the what if episode and see that I’m sooooooooo totally glad I’m where I am today vs things that could have gone differently.

I can tell you there is a HUGE list of things that better come out the same way if I were to see that episode play out though!!!!  The number one thing would be my husband better be my husband because he is my rock.  He steadies my ship when it starts to rock.  He picks me up and brushes me off when I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom.  I can’t say enough good things about him and yes while it may sound all mushy, he is there for me.  He was that missing link I was looking for in all my struggling years until we met back up!

Okay I’ll stop now, I feel like this is either going mushy or depressing, neither of which I really meant to happen, more just a pondering question.  Would you change anything about your life, all of your life or would you keep every bit of it the exact same way?

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Brain Spew (aka The Random's)

This just must be the week of pondering thoughts.  I swear, this week my brain has been on overload.  I’m not sure if it is due to the fact that school started or pregnancy or what the heck is going on but dang!

++So last night at a Try it Tuesday I said that they wouldn’t allow me to dive.  When asked why I said I had a kid in the oven. ha!  I corrected myself but I have a hard time saying I’m pregnant.  I’m not sure what my deal is with that particular phrase but I have a hard time saying it.  I have a bun in the oven, I have a kid brewing, I’m due in June, none of those bother me but that word pregnant.  I know I’m weird!

++So am I having this kid or is this kid having me?

++Did you hear about the shooting in Roswell, New Mexico yesterday?  Why are these kids turning to that kind of violence?  Things at that age can’t be that bad.  I’ve been through that age.  I never wanted to kill anyone.  How do I know my kid won’t end up either the victim of something like that or worse yet the attacker type person.  Oy things a pregnant lady shouldn’t think about I think.

++I really like going to the movies but seriously you almost have to take out a loan just to go to a movie for a couple hours these days!  Prices are unreal!  But after the incident that happened in Colorado and then sadly here while back in a town VERY close to us another shooting happened.  Yikes.  But better yet, did you hear about the guy who shot a guy in Florida for texting during a movie?  Seriously, killing people isn’t going to solve anything!

++On to something different before I just panic and freak out!

++So it cracks me up all the college students that I hear complaining about classes starting at 8am.  Now granted I remember being a first time through college student thinking ugh but I usually scheduled all my classes I could before noon so I had afternoons free.  Yeah getting up at 8am after going to bed at 3 because I was finishing up a paper sucked, but I sometimes brought that on myself.  I think I might croak now… just saying.  But anyway the real word starts at 8am, sometimes before so it cracks me up when they complain.  My last job I had to be there 8-5 Monday through Friday!

++These last few weeks I keep waking up between 5 and 6am.  I’m soooo not digging it because I’m not a morning person.  I’d rather sleep in… lol.  Maybe I’m still a college student.  Oh wait I am… lol.

++My classes this semester are morning (one afternoon).  All last semester were mainly late morning to all afternoon so this is a change.  I’m having to get to the school earlier.  But so far it has made finding a parking spot earlier.  Plus the library is almost dead silent.  But I guess it is still the first week of the semester so people don’t have craptons of homework yet.  btw, my homework (looking at syllabus) is freaking me out!

++I’m sorry for all the random thoughts.  My brain has been on overload today for some reason.  My first time through college I watched the Today show a lot.  Then came the first election for President Obama when he ran against McCain and I got sick of listening to all the one sided stuff.  Seriously so I quit watching all together.  Here lately I’ve caught myself watching a bit more.  Today I turned on because someone posted about the shooting in NM and I wanted to know what the deal was and figured they’d talk about it.  Yup, they did.

++Here it is 9am, I ate Honey Nut Cheerio’s for breakfast and I’m hungry.  Oh well lunch is only 3ish or so hours away, right?

++Oh and then they were talking about something about watching your every move and putting spy pieces on USB drives and stuff like that.  Wait, what?!?!  So nothing is safe these days.  GREAT.  If you’re reading my blog post today, hope you enjoy… I swear I was only googling those incidents to include for people who didn’t know what I was referring to… lol 🙂

++And finally they were talking about the affair that the President of France is having?  Comparing it to Clinton’s fiasco.  They interviewed a British lady who said that in Britain and the US, lying is considered really bad.  In France it’s bad but not nearly as bad as it is here.  I’m not sure what she meant by that.  Heck I didn’t even know he was having an affair.  Guess that shows you how much I pay attention.  Really all I’ve heard them rant and rave about lately is the Christie scandal that they’re calling Bridgegate?  Interesting.

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Pondering Question of the Day

There are days when I wake up and I wonder if I’ve lost my mind.  This week feels like a repeat of those days.  Kind of like Ground Hog Day except for me and well it’s obviously only January 14 instead of February 2nd.  Just pointing out the obvious.

Why do I feel like I’ve lost my mind?  Well some say I have pregnancy brain which is very possible.  I think some days I just forget a lot of things.  It could be in part to here lately I can’t sleep much past 4 or 5am.  Yikes, what’s happening to me?  I’m not a morning person!  But really where I’m going with this is a new semester has begun.  I’m not going to lie, right now I’m so overwhelmed as it seems I was at this point last semester!

This semester I have a class based solely on Faulkner.  I don’t know who he is other than he’s an author.  I did go google him the other day so I’d have at least some what of an understanding on who this class was about.  He kind of has a shady past from what I read but that probably has nothing to do with the actual class and his writings… or maybe it does?  I have a class on Technical/Professional Editing which is actually the emphasis of my Master’s Degree.  Then I still have a “deficiency” class I’m picking up, British Literature II.

Today is the second day of the semester so obviously the professors are going over what is to be expected of the class, etc.  That’s always sooooooo overwhelming.

In my Tech Writing class today I learned that if you want the highest paying technical job, get a job working for a Pharmaceutical company. You may sell your sole to them, but you’ll make dang good money!  I learned that the 2013 word of the year was Because.  Not that it was a new word or anything but just the way you can use it changes it and it has made it the word of the year.  It had to contend with Slash (we couldn’t decide if people said this or wrote this or just did the /… the article didn’t say), Selfie, Twerk, and Obamacare.  Interesting!

I learned that a bitcoin is a currency used for the internet and a lot of people are investing in this because they think it will be safer than using your own accounts and that people think it will actually become its own currency.

And I got homework.  I’ve done one chapter of the homework reading, now just need to read chapter 2 and do both homework assignments.  The first will be easy, I’m not sure what the second consists of just yet.  Heck I haven’t read the second chapter yet…

Now I’m sitting here thinking about this Faulkner class and almost freaking out.  I am a bit worried.  I had this professor last semester.  His class freaked me out but I was happy, oh so happy with my grade I got in his class.  I earned that grade.  I’ve always kind of liked the teachers that expect a lot of you even though they are quite intimidating!

Now come the middle of the semester, let’s do a post like this again and see if I’m still in the same place or if I’m sunk how many leagues under the sea is it the saying says or if I’m floating on cloud nine because it’s not quite as bad as it seems right now.

And that boys and girls is all she wrote today! 🙂

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Deep Thoughts for a Monday Morning

Saturday hubby, Tbug and I were headed to Springfield for an orientation.  As we were driving of course the radio was playing songs {I know, right… lol}.  The Cricket Song by Rich O’Toole came on the radio and everyone in the car decided to start singing along.  The lyrics in the song came on that said, “me and the crickets sang the same damn song…”

Now first off, a few years ago Tbug was singing Zac Brown Band song Toes. We came upon the part of the song that said, “I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand,” and we heard her actually sing the word ass.  We both immediately turned around with a did you seriously say that look on our face and asked her what the heck she said.  She was like my mom said I can sing the word as long as it’s in a song.  We told her that wasn’t allowed and hubby even talked to her mom about that. She said she didn’t actually tell her that.  So from then on she has been told she needs to change the words she’s not allowed to say.

So back to Saturday while we were all singing The Cricket Song which got me to thinking back to my childhood.  After the song was over I asked hubby if he remembered the song Rodeo by Garth Brooks.  He said yes, with a quizzical look on his face.

We were like in 4th grade maybe when that song came out or at least when it was sang at some music award show like the AMA or the CMA’s or whatever.  The night after that song was played on the award show, that was the first song I can remember when a 4-letter word was said, “It’s that damned old rodeo.”

All the kids at school were discussing how they used a word like that in a song.  There may have been other songs out there but that one had my whole class up in arms.  Now here we are some 20 years later roughly and there are words like that in all kinds of songs.  It’s just mainstream media basically.

You really could say that about a lot of different things truthfully, that’s just what got my mind to thinking.  I feel bad for all the kids who are growing up in this day in age who are getting exposed to things like that/this at such an early age.  Maybe it doesn’t upset a lot of people but it does make me feel sorry for kids these days.

And yes, sadly I cuss.  I’d like to give it up and I do good but then something just really sets me off and I may go off, but I do my best to watch my language when kids are around. So anyway, weird post I’m sure but it was just things that got me to thinking this weekend.

Maybe because I have a little one on the way that I know will be affected by all of this… I’m not really sure and there isn’t anything I can do about it, but just thoughts for a Monday morning.

btw, here are all the songs I was referring to just so you know what I’m talking about if you’ve never heard them 🙂
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqnJbF9Bypo] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB8Nkn3Xjes]

Sadly I can’t find Garth Brooks actually singing Rodeo but this is the song.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YadOEY8k1zM]

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14 Weeks

How far along?14 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I like the drs numbers better.  We’re looking at like 3lbs :). I didn’t actually weigh myself this morning so I’m not sure where I’m at but last I knew 10-11 lbs via my scales.  My scales suck though, long story.

How big is baby? The baby is size of a Lemon this week.  3.4 inches long and weighing in at about 1.5 ounces.

  • Baby is probably sucking its thumb and wiggling its toes in there.
  • Kidneys are making urine and the liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • Baby is also growing lanugo, a thing, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over the body — This will help keep baby warm.

Maternity Clothes? I have them but they aren’t a must right now.  When I first got pregnant we got a couple pair of larger sized jeans to get me through for a while and I can still get them on.

Stretch Marks?Um… I’m not really seeing any but I guess I haven’t looked for a while.

Best moment this week?I got to hear the babies heart beat again.  I know it sounds crazy but with the “fun” scares we’ve had, it is extremely nice to hear the heart beat to know it’s still alive in there.  We also heard it kicking even though I can’t feel it yet.

Movement?I heard the movement on the heart beat monitor.

Food Cravings/Aversions?I’m still not feeling steak.  Sad day.  Also this seasoning we get at our local Amish store that is Bacon and Onion Dip Mix, even the thought of that makes me want to hurl.  I am absolutely LOVING pasta (what’s new) and Alfredo sauce.  My favorite is the store bought Bertolli.

What I miss:My clothes fitting.  Actually having a lot of clothes that fit.

What I’m looking forward to:They’ve scheduled me for an ultra sound in a month.  I’m not sure why but I won’t question it either because yey!  I get to see baby again.

Nausea/Vomiting?It comes and goes right now.  Now that I’m in the 2nd Trimester (wait when did that happen) they say it should let up.  We’ll see.  This week has been touch and go.

Labor signs?Let’s sure hope not!  Way to early!

Gender?Don’t know we’re still a few weeks away from knowing 🙁

Belly Button in or out?still in…

Wedding rings on or off?On.

Sleep?I hurt most mornings that I have woken up this week 🙁

Weekly Wisdom:So weirdness, I sometimes have a shy bladder I guess.  Anyway the last time I went to the doctor I couldn’t pee in the cup to save my life so they didn’t get a sample.  This time I woke up at 7:30 and had to go but refused since my appointment was at 8:20 and I was afraid that I wouldn’t have to go then.  Yeah I almost filled that cup this time where as the last time I actually did get them some I got them very little.  Hahaha!  And while we’re talking about pee cause why not… I keep waking myself up at night with dreams of someone peeing in my sleep, I guess that’s how I know that I need to go.  Ok out of the TMI area now 🙂

Due Date: Thursday June, 26, 2014.  They’re using this as the due date again.

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The Tops of 2013

I’ll have you know this post is all EmmyMom’s fault!  Wow, seems like I blame my posts on all kinds of people every now and again… EmmyMom, Kenzie, etc.  Anyway yesterday I read one of Emmy’s posts where she did her Top 10 posts from 2013.  I thought it sounded like so much fun I decided to figure out what my top 10 posts of 2013 were as well.  So see, it’s her fault, right?

Life’s a Beach Top 10 Posts from 2013:
1. Pioneer Woman’s Sour Cream Noodle Bake posted April 2, 2013

2. Bacon Wrapped Chicken posted on February 19, 2013

3. Stuffed Jalapeno {with cream cheese, bacon & cheddar} Stuffed Chicken Breast posted April 3rd, 2013

4. Jalapeno Popper Dip posted on February 23, 2013

5. Now Bake This: Low Fat Banana Bread posted on January 28, 2013.

6. Newest addition posted on March 15, 2013

7. Things I’ve learned…. School Edition posted on October 8, 2013

8. Girls Cookie Day, Part 2 Posted on February 28, 2013

9. Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes {Lowfat/Low Calorie} posted on September 30, 2013

10. One last 4th Post posted on July 9, 2013

In a way it surprised me how many of these posts were recipe related posts, but at the same time I guess the posts that weren’t recipe related surprised me more.  It’s soooo much fun to sit back and relive some of these posts.  I can’t wait to see what the top posts will be come 2014.

My top referring sites:
1. pinterest.com
2. http://www.google.com
3. http://crazymranch.blogspot.com/
4. http://donna-justme.blogspot.com/
5. http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/
6. www.bloglovin.com
7. http://farmgirlchaos.blogspot.com/

Top Word Searches:
1. 50 Reasons why I love you
2. Camera
3. 4th of July toes
4. Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies
5. happy Friday the 13th
6. Puppy Eyes

Some of those surprise me… um… okay whatever :).

I had a total of 408 posts this year.

The least viewed post of the year was with a whoppin’ 2 views:
French Onion Soup posted on April 12, 2013

I guess Martha Stuart let me down there… lol :).  This was out of Martha Stuart’s Cooking school Cookbook.

So there you have it, the good, the bad and the ugly from 2013 :).  Happy Wednesday!

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The Playoff Game

If you watch football any at all, you’ll know the last few years haven’t really been good for the Kansas City Chiefs.  In fact they were 2-14 last year and this year they made the playoffs.  Hubby and I were invited to some friend’s house to watch the playoffs, KC Chiefs against the Indianapolis Colts.

Don’t worry there is only Coke in my Red Solo Cup :).

There was lots and lots of great food!  I made Pepperoni Rolls.  Dani got back from Germany and brought French and German Chocolate.  There was salsa, chips, salami, pepperoni, cheese, crackers, cinnamon rolls, and oh goodness much more.

The game may not have turned out the way we wanted, they lost to the Colts by 1 point, 44-45. We still had a lot of fun with friends while yelling at the tv.  At one point Deb was grounded to the kitchen to eat because every time she went in there they did good.  I got grounded to the bathroom at the end because same thing, they did good when I left.  One TV kept blacking out so at halftime 2 went into the bedroom to watch so we blamed it all on them.  It was a great evening is all I have to say!

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