Week 13

How far along? 13 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: By my scales I see 11.  I’ve actually had a few people tell me they can’t see that I’ve gained any so that’s a good compliment.  I even had a gal tell me on Wednesday I looked tiny!

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a peach.  2.9 inches long and .81 ounces.  The head is now about 1/3 of the size of babies body.  Baby has vocal cords, teeth and even fingerprints.  {Vocal cords – So it might actually come out talking?  I might be more interested in the whole coming out potty trained… just saying}

  • Can you believe baby’s forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • And even though baby’s still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
  • Baby’s intestines are moving from the umbilical ord to their more permanent place, in the tummy.

Maternity Clothes? Oh I started wearing my stuff from Christmas just because it’s there.

Stretch Marks? I haven’t seen any yet….

Best moment this week? Being told that I looked tiny!  Especially after everyone looks at me weird if I tell them how much I’ve gained….

Movement? I’m not feeling it…

Food Cravings/Aversions? Actually this week we’ve hit a few more that just makes me think ugh! The smell of Taco Soup has about done me in, let alone even wanting to try it.

What I miss: My clothes fitting.  Actually having a lot of clothes that fit.

What I’m looking forward to: Not looking like I have a beer belly 🙁  I have actually caught myself trying to hide my belly like I”m just fat.

Nausea/Vomiting? There’s still some but it has subsided quite a bit this week….

Labor signs? Oh good heavens no.

Gender? Don’t know but I can tell you we’re finding out.

Belly Button in or out? still in…

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Sleep? um… naps are great.

Weekly Wisdom: This week I feel like all I’ve done is talk about being pregnant to the point I’m annoying myself. ha!

Due Date: Thursday June, 26, 2014.  They’re using this as the due date again.

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Exclusive Interview

So today is Tbug’s birthday.  She was with us until 2pm today!!  I spent my morning with her instead of blogging, but it’s okay we can still wish her a Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday this late in the evening.  Last year I asked her a set of questions and finally we get to compare.  Now I used Emmy Mom’s questions as well and added a few more so not all will be comparable, plus I got rid of a few I didn’t care much for.  So I guess for a true comparison we’ll have to wait until next year….

1. Why do you like being a kid? You don’t have to get a job.

2. What is your happiest memory? Laying on the floor with our dog Rio.

3. What do you like to do for fun? I like to read and watch tv.

4. What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone else? I made my mom breakfast in bed with my dad.

5. What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years from now? I’ll be in my 3rd year of college.

6. What do you think your mom & dad do for jobs? My mom goes to school and my dad fixes electronics.

7. What is the grossest thing you can imagine? Dog Poop salad.

8. What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Sit in the living room and watch movies together.

9. What is your favorite color? Blue

10. What is your favorite toy? Barbies

11. What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple

12. What is your favorite tv show? Good Luck Charlie

13. What is your favorite food? Fried Chicken

14. What is your favorite outfit? Jeans, Tshirt and boots.

15. What is your favorite game? Rummy

16. What is your favorite snack? Chips

17. What is your favorite animal? Dogs & Horses

18. What is your favorite song? Whiskey Lullaby

19. What is your favorite book? Si-Cology 101

20. Who is your best friend? Emma

21. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with the dogs.

22. What is your favorite drink? Sweet Tea

23. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

24. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My stuffed animals

25. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Horse Trainer or Lawyer

Compare from last year

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