Chuy’s – Rogers, AR

What is the significance of this picture? To prove that hubby was HOME! Wait, what?

Let’s back up… So 2 weeks ago hubby was in Boston for work. He was supposed to be home Friday, August 3, 2018. I state “was” because his flight got canceled as did every flight Delta had that night within a 150-mile radius of Boston. There was some storm and instead of postponing like Southwest Airlines did, Delta just canceled and apparently that’s what they always do. UGH!

Why did I really care? Well because Sunday, August 5th we were supposed to be leaving on vacation. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right? So hubby and his co-worker who were traveling together looked into multiple routes to get home and both didn’t get home until Sunday. Hubby left out of KCI (Kansas City) and finally found a flight into XNA (Northwest Arkansas) at noon on Sunday. His co-worker got home Sunday at 4 pm into KCI.

Hubby was looking for every route to get home on Saturday and couldn’t do it. Our plans included us leaving between 5 and 6 on Sunday evening. It was a fuster cluck. With him rerouted through XNA, my parents and I drove up to KCI to get his truck because that’s a 2ish hour trip. Then Sunday morning we headed to XNA to pick him up and bring him home, quickly do laundry, finish packing him, and leave here on time. It was stressful! But we accomplished it, even with eating lunch at Chuy’s Tex-Mex.

Chuy’s Tex-Mex – Rogers AR

Chuy’s actually originated in the early 80’s in Austin, Texas. For what feels like months, our friend Jared has been telling us we needed to try this restaurant. A week earlier my parents tried this restaurant and raved about it too. So when they found out we were going to XNA, he suggested going with us and we could try Chuy’s. They raved about it so much they said we needed to find one in San Antonio (which there are like 3 or 4 locations). (more…)

Caramel Apple Cake

It’s no secret, I love Christmas. The last few years they haven’t been quite up to par like normal, but I still love Christmas none the less. Now… I am a true summer girl. But… I love Christmas. I’ve posted quite a few times on Facebook about X number of days until Christmas or X number Monday’s or better yet, It’s August, can I put up my tree yet? I’m only partially joking. In previous years I listened to Christmas music all year long… I’ve kind of broken that habit.

Then I saw another post I shared on Facebook last week that said, does anyone else feel like June and July flew by in like 5 seconds, or something like that… That’s basically the gist of it anyway. And then… I got accused of wishing them away because I love Christmas. Touché… We are none-the-less in August. The commercials are going CRAZY about back to school shopping. CRAZY right? Didn’t the kiddos just get out of school? Tbug starts back the 15th and Abug starts pre-school after Labor Day. Holy crap! Let’s not think about the pre-school thing. It makes me want to burst out crying.

Anyway… Another thing that comes with August is apples. Okay, okay, that’s a fall thing but hello, you give teacher’s apples, right? So for Dive Club Meeting last week I made a Caramel Apple Cake (and German Chocolate Cake Cookies, yum!). Yum! By the way, do you pronounce it Care-a-mel or carmal? I typically go the latter. (more…)

#BlogJuly 2018

I want to name this… “Feed me, Seymore,” I swear, that’s what they are saying to me.

I’ve said this way too much here lately… but I swear… where on earth has this summer gone? It’s like I went to sleep, June 1st and woke up to August 5th. But with that being said, let’s get on with this recap.

Top July Blog Posts 2018

  1. 2012 – Poulet Tchoupitoulas
  2. 2011 – I Like to Dip {No Double Dipping Allowed}
  3. 2017 – Aunt Sandy’s Banana Bread
  4. 2017 – Gus’s Mac and Cheeseburger
  5. 2016 – Stables Casino Restaurant {Miami, Oklahoma}

Honorable Mentions


German Chocolate Cake Cookies

If anyone knows me, they know I’m a huge Friends… freak? Fanatic. That’s a better word for sure. But lately, I’ve been watching one of my hubby’s favorite shows… Gilmore Girls. I kid you not. I had watched episodes here and there, but he made me watch it start to finish. I’m now watching it a second time. Catching bits and pieces I missed the first time around.

One of which caught me off guard this morning and I laughed. It is in Season 5 Episode 2, I think (maybe episode 1… but I think 2), Luke was off helping his sister and brother-in-law at a renaissance fair. Lorelei called him, stating he was supposed to already be home. Then she started saying you’ll be home when this happens or that happens or this happens. Those this and that’s were things that may or may not happen but the time frame kept getting pushed further out. Then she said, “See you when Hilary is president.” Now, this episode aired in 2004. Hilary actually ran in 2016 presidential election.

Now, the whole world knows she didn’t win, but I still couldn’t help but giggle when Lorelei said that. I guess because prior to the 2016 election there was always speculation she may run for president, but she never had. So it was funny to me that had Luke not come back until she at least ran, that would have been 12 years he was away.

Oy, such trivial stuff… haha. That has nothing to do with anything. And to add to that… November 2016 is when Netflix released the Gilmore Girls: Year in the Life. Hey… Luke came back then… obviously, he came back from the renaissance fair long before that but still. Okay, I’ll get off the coinkidinks for now… At least I’m not quoting Friends… yet… but…..

With that thought, here’s another one. Lately, I’ve either been channeling my inner Monica or my inner Suki. Baking makes me happy. I mentioned that yesterday I think. I think I want to be Suki or Monica but dress like Lorelei because heck, that woman can dress. I know, I know, it’s all tv, but still… she can dress. (more…)

Strawberry Basil Cupcakes

Guys, I have the BEST family and friends. They spoiled me like I can’t even begin to tell you for my birthday! I think I mentioned the other day that if there weren’t tears involved in my birthday, it probably wasn’t my birthday. Well, I’m here to tell you, it was probably Christmas or something like that. I was a little sad because hubby had to leave town on my Birthday, but he even made me feel special, especially since he wouldn’t be here on my actual birthday.

I’m telling you… THE. BEST. family and friends. Last year for my birthday, Deb got me a cupcake carrier (seen in these photos). Remember all those cupcakes I did last year? Anyway, this year since I’ve been really into cakes, she got me a cake stand and cake server. I laughed and joked, “what will it be next year? haha. Pies maybe?” Who knows, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

My aunt fed my cookbook addiction. More good yummies to come. I soooooooooo badly want to write a cookbook. You have no idea. I’d also love to be a YouTube personality, but I don’t see the later one happening probably, but nothing says I can’t aspire to that one day. My aunt said she expects some good yummies. You betcha! First up for me to make for her though are Strawberry Lemonade French Macarons. That was a promise!!

That’s not to say all my other presents weren’t great, because I’m not joking, I. GOT. SPOILED. Thank you thank you! (more…)

Recipe: Frrrozen Hot Chocolate

This weather lately has been crazy. One day it’s so hot you can’t stand it, the next it’s cloudy and nice. Then it’s sunny and nice and then it’s cloudy and hot. I’m so confused. I think my cough is too. I’m not sick but I can’t get this dadgum cough to go away. I’ve had it for almost a month. A few years ago someone made me take a shot of whiskey and it cleared it up. I’m almost that desperate right now. I must also admit that shot knocked me on my butt and I slept for 10 hours straight. #lightweight

Anyway, with the thought that fall is coming, but it is still in fact summer, why not enjoy a fun treat right now… one that makes you think of fall but really screams summer. What is this treat you ask? Well a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate, duh! Um… that might be an oxymoron but it’s oh so good you can just easily overlook that fact!


Wedding ABC’s

The count down is on… I’m officially 5 days away from being married for 1 year.  Oh. Holy. Cow.  Someone pinch me, make sure I’m not dreaming because seriously, where has this year gone?!?!

I would guess we had between 100 and 150 attendees
I’m not really sure, that day was a whirlwind!

2 of my favorite gals!
