German Chocolate Cake Cookies
If anyone knows me, they know I’m a huge Friends… freak? Fanatic. That’s a better word for sure. But lately, I’ve been watching one of my hubby’s favorite shows… Gilmore Girls. I kid you not. I had watched episodes here and there, but he made me watch it start to finish. I’m now watching it a second time. Catching bits and pieces I missed the first time around.
One of which caught me off guard this morning and I laughed. It is in Season 5 Episode 2, I think (maybe episode 1… but I think 2), Luke was off helping his sister and brother-in-law at a renaissance fair. Lorelei called him, stating he was supposed to already be home. Then she started saying you’ll be home when this happens or that happens or this happens. Those this and that’s were things that may or may not happen but the time frame kept getting pushed further out. Then she said, “See you when Hilary is president.” Now, this episode aired in 2004. Hilary actually ran in 2016 presidential election.
Now, the whole world knows she didn’t win, but I still couldn’t help but giggle when Lorelei said that. I guess because prior to the 2016 election there was always speculation she may run for president, but she never had. So it was funny to me that had Luke not come back until she at least ran, that would have been 12 years he was away.
Oy, such trivial stuff… haha. That has nothing to do with anything. And to add to that… November 2016 is when Netflix released the Gilmore Girls: Year in the Life. Hey… Luke came back then… obviously, he came back from the renaissance fair long before that but still. Okay, I’ll get off the coinkidinks for now… At least I’m not quoting Friends… yet… but…..
With that thought, here’s another one. Lately, I’ve either been channeling my inner Monica or my inner Suki. Baking makes me happy. I mentioned that yesterday I think. I think I want to be Suki or Monica but dress like Lorelei because heck, that woman can dress. I know, I know, it’s all tv, but still… she can dress. (more…)