Nutrition Chapter 4 Test – Help me!

So the average on the Chapter 3 Test was an 85%.  Teacher said she was ok with that.  Said if the average was a low 90’s number that she’d have to re-write the tests b/c they were too easy.  I’m ok with too easy but she didn’t ask my opinion.  There were in fact people who failed that last test too.  Although on her tests, you’ll never get a F, she’ll round it up to a D as long as you were there the night of the test.  That’s the key, be present the night of the tests and you get to ride the curve grade.  Take it after and well, you’re stuck with what you got.

So here are the Chapter 4 test notes.  I don’t know why I feel like you want to see them.. but I feel like sharing.  This time though I didn’t type them up all neatly, nope, I took a photo of my notes… good luck reading my handwriting especially since they are iPhone photos….  I sometimes question what I wrote…  But there are some good pieces of tidbits here so you might just learn something.  Remember, you should learn something new every day! {and you can click on the photos to make them bigger ;)}

Dang, When did I get so old?

My 10 year Class reunion is this year.  Really?  I’ve been out of high school for 10 years?

Well yeah, I graduated in 2001.  I’ll always remember the year and the number of years out b/c the World Trade Center attack, 9/11 happened the same year I graduated :(.

Anyway my class has become digital I guess b/c we didn’t get paper invitations.  Nope, everything came via facebook.  I guess that’s what happens when you get older, especially moving into the world of technology.

I remember sitting in grade school, probably 4th or 5th grade maybe and the teacher said one day there wouldn’t be such thing as paper money, we’d all be plastic.  Well I don’t think she was far from the truth there.  Yes we still have paper money and people still have checks… checks… you do remember what those are right?  Yeah I write one every once in a great while.  Sometimes I catch myself up though and write it funny and just laugh.

I’ve been writing checks since I was like 8 years old.  My dad taught me how to write them and I’d write them out for him while driving down the road and he’d sign it sitting at a stop light :).  Then in Home Ec or whatever it’s called these days, we had to learn how to write them and balance a checkbook account in that class.

Anyway back to my class reunion…  I live in a fairly small town, population is 12,000 give or take.  There were 214 in my graduating class.  Not small by some standards but when I went to NYC, they said the dog population in one block of registered dogs was more than my hometown or the other comparison was that many people live in one city block… WOW!

So anyway I’ve been following all the “conversations” on our class fb page about the class reunion.  The class president, her parents own a cattle company.   That was their source of income.  But they also have a lodge somewhere on their place.  Our reunion is going to be held there.  Come on, there really aren’t that many places to hold a reunion in our hometown anyway.  Then on top of it, b/c of the Maple Leaf Parade, that is the weekend that pretty much ALL class reunions happen b/c people are already back in town so they don’t have to make special arrangements to come back.

One person is upset about the location of our reunion.  He’s stated it many times.  And I get that.  You aren’t going to please everyone with every decision made, obviously, especially with 214 people to try and please plus spouses, significant others, etc.  But he’s to the point of being an asshole, pardon my language.  I’m sick of him.  He stated his unhappiness.  Ok that’s all that needs to be said but for over a month now almost on a daily basis he either posts something on the wall or puts down one of the planners for their choices.

Ok first off, them holding it where it is, we’re paying $10/person to get in the door.  That’s it!  Last year’s class reunion was at Memorial Hall and it was $50/person.  Bring on the $10!

But he’s just showing that some people haven’t grown up in 10 years.  I wrote one of the gals an email and said,

hey you’re doing a great job.  Sorry some people are being dumb and showing they haven’t grown up yet.  You aren’t going to please everyone so don’t get down! 

It just makes me feel bad for the class officers who are planning it!  I can sure tell you I don’t want to be on the planning committee, EVER!  I think they should make him on the committee for next time and see just how “easy” it is to plan it, like he seems to think it is!

Ok sorry for this session of ranting but I’ve had enough!  I really want to post something on the fb wall that says grow up, but for now, I’ll just tell the planning committee they’re doing great and to ignore that butthead!

Chapter 3 Nutrition Test – Wanna Study with me?

Yes I’m a nerd, It’s ok… I’ve learned to deal with it!
Order of Digestion
1.      1. Mouth (food)
a.       Bolus – swallowed food
2.       2. Epiglottis
3.       3.Esophogus – Allows the bolus to pass through your diaphragm
a.       Cardiac or Esoph sphincter (same thing)
4.        4.Stomach – Goblet cells that protect the lining (secrete Mucus
a.       Strongest muscle in digestion
b.      (chyme) = bolus + gastic juice (acidic)
c.       Pyloric Sphincter
5.        5. Small Intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) {other muscular action – peristalsis & segmentation}
a.       Ileocecal Valve
6.        6. Large Intestine
7.       7. Rectum
a.       Anus
A sphincter allows the passage of food
  4 Sphincters
o   Cardiac or Esoph Sphincter
o   Pyloric Sphincter
o   Ileocecal Valve
o   Anus
Indigestion – force – Sometimes a malfunction
Muscular Actions
Stomach – strongest
Small intestine
  Peristal sisirings & muscles –> move something through the system
o   Tighten & relax –> at times there is momentary reversal
o   “moves”
o   “break up” Chyme
–> example: Snake eating an egg – move through peristalisi no longer looks like egg is segmentation
1.        Saliva – H20; Na; Enzymes – Amylase (starts break down of carbs)
2.       Gastric Juice – Digestive
a.       Secretion in stomach
b.      HCl Acid
c.       Whether something is present in the stomach or not the stomach will be acidic
3.       Pancreatic Juice
a.       Bicarbonate that neutralizes chyme – present in small intestine b/c chyme coming out of stomach is acidic.  Used to help neutralize.
4.        Bile – emulsifies fat
a.       Made in the liver, stored in the gallbladder.
b.      Emulsify the fat so enzymes can break it down
c.       Enzymes break down fat
Bolis –> Stomach –> HCl released
Acidic Chyme –> Small intestine –> Pancreatic Juice
Fat –> Small Intestine –> Bile
Intestinal Fluera (bacteria) – is the bacteria that protects the intestines so absorption can take place
Vitamins + Minerals are absorbed as is
Fiber is not absorbed (fiber carries cholesterol out of your system)*  — {can cause constipation}
(Corn is good and good for you for this reason)
Absorption happens in the small intestine
Small Intestine –> to liver by way of Hapadic Portal Vein
          When it leaves small intestine it goes to the lymph or directly to blood.  Lymph gets large fat molecules & fat soluble minerals (A, D, E, K).  Blood gets water soluble vitamins & everything else.
Function of the rectum – store waste materials prior to evaculation.
Pancreatic juice + chyme together = neutral
Water, bacteria, fiber are present in the stool.
Average length of Small Intestine 10’.  {between basketball rim & floor}
Surface area of the small intestine is length of 25 yards (1-quarter of a football field)

**Now remember in studying that if Liver is an option on this test, it is the answer no matter what!**
**Also know that Question #10 the answer is C**

I could be a Nutritionist & Other random musings.

So did you know that anyone can claim to be a “nutritionist”?


Apparently, that’s true, anyway, that’s what we learned in my nutrition class Wednesday night.

If you or I wanted to write an article claiming to lose {X number of pounds} by doing the {insert your favorite food here} diet and we could get {insert your favorite magazine here} to publish it and we signed it

our name, nutritionist,

that isn’t faulty advertising.

So basically you need to take their advice with a grain of salt and do some research of your own.  For some, heck it might even like it did for them, but in all actuality, you need to follow the words of a Registered Dietitian (Dietician is another acceptable spelling) or RD. (more…)

It is Hard to Fail, but it is Worse to Never to have Tried to Succeed (Teddy Roosevelt)

While making the decision to go back to school or not, I’ve run into a bunch of “road blocks” we’ll call them.  Mainly though it’s brain blocks!

I’ve been frustrated because I’m 28 years old, and while that doesn’t seem, THAT old… I sure feel old.  Luckily going to some of my classes, there are older ladies than me.  Sorry I have to tell myself my age is ok for college somehow 🙂

Then the fact that I’ve already been to college once, why am I going back? 6 years later in fact?  Why couldn’t I have taken these classes the first time around?  Why why why???  Yes I drive myself crazy sometimes with questions that can’t be answered, why do you ask?

Anyway I’ve expressed this fear to my dad, I’ve expressed this fear to my mom, poor hubby has heard nothing but this fear for the last probably month & a half.

But then my dad sent me this quote at work one day after back and forth emails about me being scared.

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it.  The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.    
~Earl Nightingale

Well duh! was my first thought, but then I thought bout it some more and it really makes sense.  Time is going to pass no matter what.  (The question in class last night was, “At what point do you realize your parents really do know things?”  I think I realized this right after high school (18-19 y/o) but this quote just reinforced that thought)

One of my fears about going back to school now is I’m older.  If I want to have kids, I’ll be an older parent.  But what happens if I were to wind up pregnant while going through this program… but duh, you cope and go on.  A lot of gals do that and more so what is the big deal?  Finances scare me.  Failing scares me.  Rejection scares me.  A lot of things scare me unfortunately and a lot of those things aren’t things I can control.

Tonight is my first test of the semester.  Yes we only started last week.  I’ve been doing a lot of studying.  In fact, truth be known, I’ve done more studying in these last 2 weeks I think than I did my whole first 4 years of college & high school years put together.  Maybe I shouldn’t say that because if I fail this test, I’ll in fact be a failure….


Hubs keeps getting on to me and saying I’m putting to much pressure on myself.  We’ll see how it turns out.

Boy I wish A&P was as easy as my nutrition class!  Last nights assignment was to bring a bottle of water to class, 10 points.  Write down what you ate for 3 days, one of those days being a weekend, 25 points.  And answer 2 questions out of the book, the answers were on the next page… shhhhh, 25 points.  But sadly A&P Causes a lot of frustration on my part and figuring out the 9 regions of the Abdominopelvic Region (which are Right Hypochondriac Region, Epigastric Region, Left Hypochondriac Region, Right Lumbar Region, The umbilical Region, the Left Lumbar Region, the Right Inguinal region, hypogastric region, & last but not least the left inguinal region.) or the 4 quadratic regions of the Abdominopelvic Region (Right upper, Left upper, right lower, left lower) and yes I’m doing these from memory 🙂  aren’t you proud.  Hey I have to get my studying in somehow!  I also have to know where some of the organs such as the liver, small intestine, etc are located in these 9 regional and 4 quadratic regions.  Does anyone even know where your liver is… kidding, I think.

Anyway now that I have bored you to tears I’ll go study the 11 Body systems and get ready for work (yes I can multi-task, I even tell my hubby these terms on the phone on my drive in to work…. I need a life).  I’ve even started referring to directions as the A&P terms so just remember, your humerus hooks into your elbow proximally 😉 (or proximal) anyway that’s what the book tells me :).

Many Hats

People in general wear many hats.

  • Teacher, educator, mom, dad, grandma, uncle, niece, nephew, worker, taxi driver (haha), animal provider, the list is infinite!

Some days it almost seems like we have to wear too many hats.  I’m not sure about you, but at times not even one “hat” looks good on my head, little lone stacking up 5 or 6 🙂

That is Tbug’s Hat, my sunglasses were holding it on.

Ok so I kind of ran a different direction, it’s my blog and my blog post, I can if I want to 🙂 

But it’s the whole hat thing (brought to you by Rachael on Friends)

C’mon Daddy, listen to me! It’s like, it’s like, all of my life, everyone has always told me, ‘You’re a shoe! You’re a shoe, you’re a shoe, you’re a shoe!’. And today I just stopped and I said, ‘What if I don’t wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a- a purse, y’know? Or a- or a hat! No, I’m not saying I want you to buy me a hat, I’m saying I am a ha- It’s a metaphor, Daddy!

haha sorry, I know it’s my 2nd Friends reference this week, but I really like/liked the show!!

But some days I don’t want to be that shoe anymore.  Quit walking all over me, hahaha!  Ok I really don’t think this blog post has a point or a purpose so maybe I should just quit and leave you with pictures of actual hats, all courtesy of my iPhone and Bass Pro:

Oh wait, that isn’t a hat, it’s sunglasses, but it’s my typical sunglasses photo 🙂

Maybe school has already scrambled my brain!  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it 🙂

What Teacher's Make

When I was in college, I had days that were hard.  Now that I’m back in college, I feel I have more of that ahead.  My first time around I went to be a High School Agriculture Teacher.  Maybe not the same as a grade school teacher but still I had the power to make kids wonder and learn and question.  My dad sent this email to me one day my Freshman year and I printed it out and taped it to the wall next to my computer.  Any hard days I faced, I made sure to read this to myself.  In fact the next 3 years, everywhere I lived I made sure to take this to the wall next to my computer.  So I thought I would share to you what got me through my first 4 years of college.  Now I hope I can find something just as profound to get me through again.


A poem by: Taylor Mali

The dinner guests were sitting around the table
discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain
the problem with education. He argued:
“What’s a kid going to learn from someone who decided
his best option in life was to become a teacher?”

He reminded the other dinner guests that it’s true
what they say about teachers: “Those who can…do.
Those who can’t … teach.”

To corroborate, he said to another guest: “You’re a
teacher, Susan,” he said. “Be honest. What do you

Susan, who had a reputation of honesty and frankness,
replied, “You want to know what I make?”

I make kids work harder than they ever thought they
could. I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional Medal
of Honor and an A- feel like a slap in the face if the
student did not do his or her very best.”

“I can make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall
in absolute silence.”

“I can make parents tremble in fear when I call home”

“You want to know what I make?”

“I make kids wonder.”
“I make them question.”
“I make them criticize.”

“I make them apologize and mean it.”

“I make them write.”

“I make them read, read, read.”

“I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely
beautiful, and definitely beautiful over and over and
over again, until they will never misspell either one
of those words again.”

“I make them show all their work in math and hide it
all on their final drafts in English.”

“I make them understand that if you have the brains,
then follow your heart…and if someone ever tries to
judge you by what you make, you pay them no

“You want to know what I make?”

“I make a difference.”

“And you? What do you make?”

And because I like pictures,  Here are some photos of me my first 4 years of college.  Looks wise, I really haven’t changed except my hair is shorter and I’m about 15-20lbs heavier.

Sorry, right now I can’t seem to find many actual school pictures, but these were all college aged photos.  The first was when I studied abroad in Costa Rica,  the second was in 2002 while I was home one weekend and my dad’s mare had a baby, and the third is the summer of 2002 when I babysat for a lady who worked with my mom.  Good times, Good times. 🙂

Today I start school again, what ever possessed me to do this??!!??!!

Wish me luck!

Geez Louise…….

You know, Poor Louise, she gets her name used a lot when people aren’t happy… LOL

I have been so dadgum frustrated lately I don’t know what to do… I’ll get over it, I always do…

In fact my dad always told me growing up… You’ll get glad in the same pants you got mad in, or you’ll change them…

That’s just what I’m going to do.  I feel a change on the horizon!

You can be a very smart person without a college education.

You can be a very dumb person with a college education.

Well I have the college education… So I’m not the first statement… And you’ll have to take my word for it, but I’m not the second statement either….

I came to work for the company I am employed by 4 years ago October.  In fact I started on my dad’s birthday in 2006.  I worked at that particular job for 2 years.  I took the job because at the time I needed a job and I didn’t want to substitute teach another year.  Was this what my college ed was for… NOPE!  I got mad and frustrated on a daily basis.  My boss was a very nice lady, but extremely wishy washy.  Basically if you asked her a question today and you didn’t like her answer, wait 3-4 days and ask again and you’d get a different answer.  Very seldom did you get the same answer.  Toward the end of working at that job everyday I left work I would crank the radio up so loud I couldn’t think and drive with my windows down trying to blow that terrible day out of my head and out the window.  I’m surprised I’m not deaf!

In fall of 2008 the job I currently have was a newly created position.  I applied for it, was offered the job and in November I accepted it.  This job has been a good fit for me up until recently… Something has happened though and my co-workers treat me like I’m a flipping idiot.  Knowing full and well that I’M NOT I get pissed off.  There are 11 people in my department, I do hold the ranking of the youngest… I also hold the ranking of having a college education… (and no I’m not bragging or belittleing or anything… just stating the fact)… There are 2 in my department that do not… again, smart people who don’t have them: Point in Case… but… that all being said… being the youngest, I am the closest to my college education days…

Yes a lot has changed in the computer world!  When I was in college the 2 main Windows operating systems were ’98 and ME.  Then XP came out toward my later years in college.  Now we are running Vista and the latest was Window’s 7.  They function very much the same but there are still changes to all of them…  Same way with Office… We’re up to Office ’10… which my work computer has… Can I get around in it, you betcha.  Can others… well some are afraid of Office ’07 but yeah they can if they’d sit down and try.

Yes I have a point with all of this… I think….

When someone asks me to do something and I say yes, very seldom do I have to ask them what they asked me.  So far (knock on wood) very seldom do I forget even… So this one person at work will walk up and ask me to do something for them, I say yes and then they proceed to write it down on a piece of paper, the EXACT same way they asked me.  Seriously?  I’m not a flippin idiot!  If I have questions… that note isn’t going to answer them… so you are wasting paper and my time and yours by writing it all out.

Ok moving on….  New example.  This person proceeds to email me this statement the other day…

Hi Nicole, {Insert boss’ name here} has an instructional CD on Excel and he said that we could borrow it anytime to upgrade our expertise.
When you have some down time, you could use it to take advantage of learning more on Excel. 
It will show him you have incentive and motivation.
What do you think?

I seriously thought I was going to SCREAM!  I’ve never had to ask this person how to do anything in Excel.  NEVER!  Of course there was a pre-cursor to all of this but I don’t remember what she did to me before this… but that caused me to start cussing.  Ok so I cuss… I can cuss like a sailor… I can hold a whole conversation with NOTHING but cuss words… but I’ve been working on it.  I’ve tried to get a few words completely out of my vocabulary (well until this person starts in on me lately and they slip out… dang it!!) and cutting way back on others to eventually get them out of my vocab too.  Baby steps!

So part of borrowing his CD, I’m one of 2 people in our department who are running Office ’10.  I’ll bet his program is either geared for the old version or ’07 at the newest… That will be more of a headache to try… because well… they aren’t quite the same.  Same functions, little different set up.

Plus she doesn’t know that my husband had an Office class last semester and I did a lot of his work with him to brush up on my knowledge.  His class was Office ’10 and that’s what’s on my laptop…. it only made sense!  It taught me more about ’10.

Ok so my point of this post was I’m bitching so hopefully I won’t start cussing again…. no wait that’s not quite it… Oh I know what it is… (p.s. I’m finally to the point if you lasted through this whole post… sorry!!!)

You are now reading the blog of a transfer college student.

Transfer you ask??  Don’t you already have a Bachelor’s Degree?

I’m so glad you decided to ask me that… Yes I’m a transfer student because I’m going to a different college than my previous degree, and working on a second Bachelor’s degree so that means I had to send them my previous transcript so they could keep me from taking all that freshman weed out mumbo jumbo.  I have to sometimes wonder what the heck I’m thinking…  10 years out of high school and 5 years out of college… oh no wait… I’m 6 years out of college this spring… where has the time gone?

So I go from this:

To this:

To now this:

Am I an idiot for going back to school?  So far everyone tells me No….