Opening Back Up… Slowly… Day 51

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I want to add a precursor that I didn’t write this. Gosh, I wish I had because do you know how many times I’ve seen this going around on Facebook? But… there is a lot of truth held in these words. Be Kind. Everyone is fighting their own battle. I won’t sit here and blow smoke up your skirt and say it is right or wrong to open back up. I don’t know the answer. What I do know is you are smart and you can make decisions for yourself. Do what is right for you and your family. Just don’t get upset for someone who is doing what is right for theirs.

What I can tell you is that the governors are basing their recommendations off a lot of information from a lot of highly paid people who should be experts in their field. Sometimes you or I may not agree with it, but you do have to consider that. Now, I think if they are making it based on political standpoints, I believe that is wrong. If you disagree with me, that’s okay. We can agree to disagree. I think this should be about the people, not a political standpoint. That’s my 2 cents worth. 

Now I present you… your dinner… oh wait, no… something to keep in mind.

As governors are trying to figure out how to ease back in to a new normal, please remember:

🛑 Some people don’t agree with the state opening…. that’s okay. Be kind.

🏡 Some people are still planning to stay home…. that’s okay. Be kind.

🦠 Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening….that’s okay. Be kind.

💰 Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes….that’s okay. Be kind.

👩🏾‍⚕️Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off….that’s okay. Be kind.

📝 Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job….that’s okay. Be kind.

😷 Some will wear masks for weeks….that’s okay. Be kind.

💅🏻 Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done…. that’s okay. Be kind.

❤️ The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay. Be kind.

We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind .

If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!

Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.


Please SHARE this reminder for kindness.

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