
This last weekend I was in Ft. Worth Texas at our yearly pilgrimage. haha. No, the NCHA Futurity was going on. This is the big time where you go to show 3 year old horses who have never been shown in front of a judge for their debut.

Over in the Trade Show at the Quarter Horse News booth they had a scavenger hunt going on. My dad said I should enter. I went on to Facebook and Instagram to look up the #QHNHunt hastag to see how many people had participated already since it’s been going on since November 15 and there were like 13 responses.

Only 13? That’s madness!

There’s 10 items on this paper. I read the rules and it said that they were going to randomly select people throughout for prizes as well as 2 grand prize winners for completing all 10 items. This was for both the NCHA Futurity and the National Reining Horse World Finals. It was going on from November 15-December 10, 2016. Now maybe, just maybe, I’m the uncool one for participating and if that’s the case, I can deal with that I guess…. but I jumped in and started participating. Although I must admit I felt like an idiot….
