You know Me & Cheese Dip!
Two weeks ago on Rachael Ray they had one of The Doctors on the show and he was discussing food health and reading labels, etc. They picked up a bag of Bacon Bits and read through the ingredients… how scary was it that there was no bacon in Bacon Bits. ACK! So I guess the take home from this boys and girls, read your labels!
Ok now I’ll share a fun recipe with you, hows that for fun?!?! It even contains bacon bits, but the real things… just sayin!
Cheese Dip
1-16oz sour cream
1-8oz cream cheese, softened
2 cups sharp shredded cheddar cheese
1-cup green onion
1-bag real bacon bits
Mix together & bake 400 degrees for 30 minutes.
Serve warm with crackers or chips.