Newest Family Members

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When our beloved Bear disappeared we were heart broken.  Like I’ve said before, I’ve always had dogs growing up so the husband and I went on a mission to find another dog.  He wanted either another Aussie or a Boxer, I wanted either another Aussie or a Cocker Spaniel.  In the end we wound up with our beautiful Audrey, a now 5 month old Cocker.

The weekend that my grandpa passed away I looked at PC and told him I think I’d like a cat.  I’ve never had the best of luck with cats… but I thought I wanted to give it a go again… see what happened.

Growing up as a kid I went from having 1 cat to at one point I swear 30… maybe not that many because I was a little kid and don’t really remember, but I can remember you’d walk out to the barn and they’d come running from everywhere.  That they started dropping like flies.  We couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  We found out that the particular type of dog food that we fed our dogs was actually killing them, they’d get into it and eat it.  I was sad as any little kid would be so my dad switched dog food and we were good to go again.

I sort of even remember the night that my mom was coming home from work (I don’t think it was a morning when she was leaving but I don’t remember) she accidentally hit one of our all time favorite cats.  She sat in the driveway in her heels and business suit crying.  I walked up and asked her what happened and she told me and I was comforting her.

Then we eventually lost all the cats.  I don’t know what happened to them.  When my parents moved into their current house we got a basement cat.  She was great too until she got older and I swear that cat hated me!  This summer when we moved all of my things out of my parents basement, the cat came up missing.  We have no idea where she went.  She was scared to death of anyone that wasn’t my parents or me… but we never did find her.

So PC kind of looked at me a little weird when I told him I wanted a kitten, just knowing my experience with them.  But we went to my grandma’s house and picked out two tom cats.  I wanted both male cats, I didn’t want 30 cats eventually… I don’t want to be known as the crazy cat lady ;).

We didn’t have any names picked out.  In fact we couldn’t agree on any names that even sounded like cat names so we waited for Tbug to come to the house before we named them.  They went an entire week to, “Here Kitty Kitty.”  We finally decided on Tom and Jerry.  (Yes I know Tom was a cat and Jerry was a mouse but we liked the names (think of the cartoon if you are still lost))

Tom is the black one, Jerry is the Yellow.  Tom has always been the friendlier of the two.  The night we picked Jerry out I scared him trying to catch him and he scratched me.  wow I forgot how dang sharp cat claws are!!!  Then a few days later I was trying to catch him to show him where the cat food was and he bit me… granted I scared him, but it was an accident and at first he didn’t like Audrey.

Since then Jerry has warmed up to us!  Right now he’s eating, I was disturbing him while trying to get some photos.  Tom on the other hand is always willing to get his photo taken. 🙂 As you can see, Tom isn’t completely black, he has some white hairs there right under his chin on his chest.

So now we are a family of three pets :)… oh but wait, remember earlier when I said that PC really wanted a Boxer?  Well let me just state for the record, he still wants a Boxer.  We’d decided to wait until Audrey was house trained so I didn’t completely lose my sanity… but…

That has all changed.

I can now say I’m officially done Christmas shopping for PC.

Her name is Sassy.  She’s 5 and they tell us she’s house trained, we shall see… if not, PC will learn to clean up after her… haha… ok so fine I’ll help too but just be warned… I might grumble 🙂

I have officially decided we are done with the pets for a while now… we have more pets than we do people who live in our house 🙂

Peace, Love & The Love of Pets!!!

Crazy Pet Lady

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0 thoughts on “Newest Family Members

  1. Now I want to come visit your house. Love animals, cats, dogs whatever. Tom/Jerry are great names! One of my fantasies is to own a big farm somewhere and use it as an animal sanctuary for elephants, dogs, birds – whatever.

  2. Howdy! New visiter. All of your new pets look adorable. Wish you had a picture of the cocker spaniel. I lurve them. Had one when I was little. 🙂 It's hit or miss with cats for me, too.

  3. I really don't want to get a pet. My oldest wants a cat so bad. She would probably take decent care of it, but I will still be the one feeding it. It hide from the kids and come to me for love. Hahaha. Not sure I am ready for that commitment. LOL. Good luck with your furry friends.

  4. 2 dogs & 2 cats – wow you go girl. That's a lotta animals to clean up after. I don't prefer cats over dogs – I got my cat 7yrs ago & she found me. I love dogs but I just think cats are easier to care for. Leave em a bowl of food & water and keep their box clean. Done. You can leave them for a couple days & they're fine.

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