Newest addition

Spread the love

Ok y’all, I’m a bone head some days I guess.  Last night I came home and got my workout done, then I was helping hubby gather up the trash when the phone rang.  My dad was calling to say that we had a baby on the ground.  woooohoooooooo!

So I ran into the house and changed out of my workout clothes and put on jeans and we jumped in the pickup and headed to my parents house.  While in the house I grabbed hubby’s camera since I liked the lens that was on it vs the one that was on my camera at that moment.  We loaded up the pooches and took off.  Rio looked soooooo cute with the wind blowing her hair going down the road that I tried to take a picture of it.

Darn, no memory card.  #bloggerfail

So I present to you the newest member of the horse clan via my iPhone.

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