10 Things to Smile About April
This month has been a bit of a struggle, I’m not going to lie. It’s always fun to see how everyone’s life in blog land is always butterflies and kittens, but in reality I’m pretty sure it isn’t, we just don’t typically tend to focus on the bad and that’s maybe a good thing.
Add the stress that next week is finals… NEXT. WEEK. and I’m kind of freaking out. So in the next few days I need to finish my portfolio, write a school blog post, finish a rough draft and then a final draft of a paper (yes both, grades on both) and a final. This semester I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I have in the past and I don’t know why… Now let’s hope I didn’t just jinx myself… but in the mean time, let’s find 10 things to Smile About so I can link up with Emmymom.
4. My baby girl turned 10 Months Old. OMG, how did that happen?
7. We helped/attended Trails for Kids to raise money for the local CP Center. As a whole, over $31,000 was raised! woohooo!
2. He has risen! Easter came!
5. You got to spend a day in Baby Girl’s life – Work edition. That was followed up by a day in baby girl’s life Church edition.
3. Armadillo Eggs, need I say more?
1. The last of our 3 babies hit the ground.
10. Tbug has been so busy with cheer these last few weeks and really even months. We finally saw her for the first time in over a month for a day. One day in April we saw her. Yup, you read that right. Not our choice but it is what it is.
6. I finally got new windshield wipers. Yes that makes me smile. Look how awful that one was!
9. Squirrelly girly has hit a bunch of milestones this month and while it makes this momma sad, it makes her happy too. And one day she wasn’t having a nap but was tired and actually curled up on momma’s chest and slept for 2 hours.
8. I attended the 2nd SW MO Blogger Meet up.
And on a sad note, do you watch Dancing with the Stars? Can you believe Willow went home… SERIOUSLY! And sadly no I didn’t vote for her but I don’t vote for anyone because I don’t get to watch the show until later in the week. I have Monday night classes. And by the time I finally get home the voting poles for my time zone are closed. So no I didn’t vote for her, but why didn’t the rest of America.