10 Things to Smile About – April
Did you know that it is the last Tuesday of the month? Oh wait, no that was yesterday… lol. So yeah yesterday was the last Tuesday of April. Where the heck did the month go?!?! So as we’ve seen in previous months, the last Tuesday of the month, Emmy Mom does a 10 things to Smile About for the month and yeah, I just totally missed that yesterday. I’m not sure some days here lately if I’m coming or going and when I’m home I can’t always tell you how I got here so bare with me as I play catch up 🙂
So in no particular order…..
1. The babies (ie horses, not mine) made it here safe and sound!!
2. We’ve made it through Week 26, 27, 28 & 29
3. I passed the 3 hour glucose test after I failed the 1 hour test.
4. My hubby got praise on the blog twice this month! (I Love This Man & Where Would You Be if You Weren’t With Me?)
5. Hubby and I went to Memphis (BB King’s Blues Club & Gus’s World Famous Chicken & Homewood Suites – Hilton Properties)
6. Tbug and I had quite the cake disaster together.
7. Easter
8. So I freaked a lot of people out because I changed my Blog Name. I am now a .com 🙂 I hope you all stay with me!!!
9. We took KG to a Chiropractor to try and help the old man.
10. We got to go to Faulkner’s House in Oxford, MS