Oh Socks…
Here we are, the last day of 2018. I’ve tried typing 2019 a few times and my fingers always slip up and I wind up typing 2018. Oy! I’ll wish you luck with that new task just as you should wish me luck!!
So being the last day of the year, I’ll leave you with a weird/funny story. I really should recap Christmas but I haven’t edited all the photos yet. I guess that’s what happens when you get busy remodeling a house…
Once upon a time, I think I told you the socks story but… My grandma used to always give me socks for Christmas. Then she passed away in 2007. Hubby and I didn’t start dating until 2009, but I swear I didn’t make this comment until I was dating him, but I questioned who would get me socks for Christmas now. So silly and stupid I know… But I did say that.
So long story short, he made the comment he’d always get me socks for Christmas. Speaking of that, did you see the silly meme going around Facebook saying, guys don’t worry, Christmas is just 2 weeks away and it had a pair of holy underwear and socks. Haha.
This year I made it a point to get my dad, my mom, hubby, Abug, and Tbug socks. Why should I have to buy my own? One morning I pointed out the type of socks I wanted to hubby so he’d be sure to get the right kind.
2 days before Christmas my dad gave me a pair of socks he found that on the bottom of one said, “If you can Read this,” and the other said, something about watching Hallmark Christmas Movies. That is the ONLY pair of socks I got for Christmas.
On Christmas morning, hubby said, Where are your socks? I looked at him and said, “I guess still at the store.” He couldn’t believe I didn’t buy my own socks. I pointed out that I told him what I wanted and I’m not buying my own Christmas socks.
Yesterday I ran into Sam’s looking for Cherries. Let’s just say Walmart didn’t have any fresh and I wanted fresh… While I was in Sam’s I found a package of socks I wanted to try, so I bought them. Hubby carried them in from the truck for me. Late last night I started asking where my socks went and he said, I noticed your stocking got thicker. Oy!
Have a safe and happy New Year!!
A blessed and Happy New Year to you all!
Oh my gosh I love socks — any time I am out and about I wind up bringing home socks. Especially thick knee-high wool socks. I have way too many socks.