Ft. Worth 2018
Every year, I really feel like one of the true starts to the Christmas season is the trip to Ft. Worth. Since the hubs and I have been together, we’ve been able to attend Fort Worth and the NCHA Futurity every year. This year was no different.
Thursday night we headed out after everyone got off work. We made it as far as Dennison, TX, before calling it a night. The next morning, we woke up and off to Fort Worth we headed. Before we left the hotel though, we grabbed breakfast. Abug did her own hair for Breakfast. Who is to argue with a 4-year-old?
Then we were off. As we got closer to Ft. Worth, we dealt with more rain. Usually, we have to rent a vehicle to haul all of us. This year we had a white Ford Expedition. On the lot, they had a Chevy Suburban, but we thought we’d like the Ford better. After getting home, we weren’t sure if we wouldn’t have liked the Suburban better? Possibly more cargo room… but I guess one will never know.
When we got to our hotel, we were greeted with this cute little guy. The year before we’d heard they were going to be renovating this hotel and possibly even tearing it down. Hubby went online to check on it though and it was still there, so we stayed there again. It was perfect. Gave mom and dad their own room and us our own. We made Abug a pallet on the floor.
After we dropped our luggage off, it was time to head over to the coliseum for the show. The real reason we came to Ft.Worth.
During one of the cattle changes, Abug convinced Grandpa she needed her boots shined… or maybe he convinced her she needed them shined. Either way, she marched right up and got her boots shined.
Friday night is the Amateur and the Non-Pro Finals. Then Saturday night is the Open Semi-finals and Sunday is the Open Finals. Usually, the Finals tend to be the best round of the competition.
Saturday during the day, Abug and I went with mom and AC shopping. Then she brought us back in time to see the Open Semi-finals. The night of the semi-finals tends to be a long night. There are usually 5 rounds with 15-20 horses even.
I really love getting Abug’s picture with the Cowboy Santa down at the stockyards. By Saturday night I was afraid that we might not make it down there this year.
We had plans to meet AJ and her friend Shannon at Ol’ South Sunday morning and the finals started earlier this year on Sunday at 2 pm. The Santa doesn’t show up until noon, so I was a bit worried.
Because of that, I went ahead and had her visit the Santa that they have there at the show. When he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she told him she wanted a Unicorn.
At 4, it sometimes is hard to sit there for so long. She did great though. We gave her a pen and paper and she kept herself occupied. Such a good kid.
I have always drawn a heart on hubby’s hand like this. It started on this trip in 2009. I really think he should get a tattoo there, but he says no.
Sunday, we met up with AJ and Shannon at Ol’ South. This tends to be the norm on Sundays when we’re down here. Because the show starts earlier on Sunday than normal (2 instead of 6 pm) we made plans to meet AJ for dinner at Joe T. Garcia’s.
After breakfast, we made a quick trip to the Stockyards. Most of the stores at the Stockyards don’t open until noon on Sundays, but really, I just wanted to go down and see the Santa. She told this Santa she wanted a Unicorn as well. Oy! Santa has a big job on his hands this year.
The show started up at 2 pm. Tatum Rice won the Open with a 222 on Crey Zee.
So, how do you keep a 4-year-old entertained during cattle changes? Snapchat Filters.
This trip Abug and I both came down with something. Hers hit the night before we left. I woke up that next morning and found her in bed with us, she had stripped her jammies off. Hubby had to go off on a trip to Virginia for work, so on our way out, we dropped him at DFW.
After we dropped him off at the airport it was time head off for home.