Valentine's Day Part 1
Valentine’s Day this year was a little different than normal for lots of reasons… one of which was baby girl was with us for the first time! This was her first Valentine’s Day.
The night before we had a photo shoot with her in a Valentine’s Day outfit then sent the picture off to be printed and bought photo frames for all the grandparents as a Valentine’s Day present.
While I worked on the grandparents presents, hubby put together his own presents for my mom, his mom, and 3 of our friends we’d be seeing the next day. They each got a chocolate rose and 3 different types of chocolates in their bag.
Then it was time to head off to dream land but not before I set out baby girls Valentine’s Day present so it would be ready when she woke up the next morning!
The next morning my mother-in-law was coming over around 8:15 to watch baby girl for us because a dear friend’s father passed away and the funeral was Saturday morning so while baby girl was eating her breakfast I got my workout in, then it was time to give her her present. She seemed pleased :).
From there we went and met up with our “convoy” to head to our friend’s father’s visitation/funeral. When we got there we walked up to talk to her and she had her back to us. Amy pinched her butt and she turned around and laughed at us. We decided it was great to know our group is always inappropriate. Other stories from that day was when I went up to a water fountain to get some water to take some ibuprofen for my headache and the water squirted over the fountain and into the corner of the wall, Dan looked at me and asked if I’d been squirting long. Then when Pokey gave Kimmy a hug she said something about filling her up. And finally Kimmy talked about how her dad’s favorite drink was 7 & 7 and how she thought she should have brought some with her so that her family could have a drink in his honor so Pokey and hubby left and went and found the only store in the small town that sold liquor to get some Segrems (sp? don’t know I’ve never even had it) and seven up so that the family could have a drink in his honor. Kim started crying when they walked in to bring that to her. Kimmy kept referring to us as her friends from “down south” which kept ticking us.
From there our group left and drove to Lambert’s for lunch and then took off to Bass Pro for the afternoon.
Zebra Girl may have gotten stuck in the tree…..
While we were in Springfield my parents met up with my Mother-in-law and got baby girl. They took her to my grandma’s (baby girl’s great grandmas) and gave her the Valentine’s Day present we put together for her.
And that was just part of our Valentine’s Day.