I LOVE This Man

Oh goodness, have you ever been pregnant before? Pregnancy brain is a real thing but those hormones. I can be a nice loving sweet person one minute and I swear the demon in me comes out the next. Please oh please tell me I’m not the only one!!!

So these last couple weeks have been extremely stressful. I hurt in places I didn’t know you could hurt. I’m sick of the phrase, “I don’t feel good.” In fact I’ve had to start giving hubby some sort of a description on what doesn’t feel good because I swear that phrase comes out of my mouth every 2 seconds at times.

Pregnancy wasn’t made for me. Oy! But this boy, he’s been a trouper.

He puts up with me when I’m not even sure I can put up with myself. The other night for example, I pretty much went from 10pm until 2am on no sleep and then I threw a fit because I was so tired. He woke up, turned the fan on (it was hot that night), suggested I go take a quick shower, let me put my head on his chest and I slept for 3 hours straight. First time that night I made it past like 20-30 minutes of sleep.

Yes, I had to get up and go to school but he had to get up and go to work. Monday’s are my easier days so I got to take a nap. He didn’t. Then when I had issues with our home internet and my homework he suggested I go relax in the tub for a few minutes, take a nap and then try the internet again.

Last night I slept for a while and then woke up miserable again. Little girl has been camping out on my right hip to the point I don’t feel much of my leg other than extreme pain, especially in my hip and knee. I woke up a little grumbly and he rolled over told me where his chest was, I put my head on his chest and I was out again.

He has been a trouper through all of this. I couldn’t ask for a better husband. We’ve had our arguments, don’t think it’s been balloons and roses or anything but at the end of the day I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s there for me and has supported me through all of this! Thank you Dear God for putting this man back in my life! You knew what you were doing!

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Friday Five brought to you by Instagram

1. We put hay up in the loft this last weekend. I use we collectively because all I did was kick a bale out of the way and I got yelled at ๐Ÿ™‚

2. We had severe weather pass through the area Thursday. I was right behind the storm all the way home from school. I actually watched it pass through the sky which was quite scary, but very interesting at the same time. It was crazy that it was 80 degrees earlier in the day. That night it bottomed out in the 30’s and today was high in the 50’s.

3. I thought it would be fun to do a Throw Back Thursday this week. This photo was from 2009 just after I bought my first dSLR. Absolutely LOVED that camera! Although I absolutely love the one I have. I kinda like dSLR’s!!

4. So I went and took the glucose test this week. I failed it by 3 points. Not real sure what that means… So I had to take the long test which took 3 hours. Yuck! Luckily my morning class was cancelled so I could participate in this this week, otherwise I’d have had to skip a class. oy! So anyway I passed the 3 hour test luckily! This girl doesn’t have gestational diabetes!!

5. Luckily my veins are easy to draw blood from! My arm looks horrible, but at least they don’t have to dig for my veins. It was straight in. The first poke I didn’t feel. Poke 2 I knew happened but that was it. Poke 3 was kind of like a bee sting and Poke 4 was like a wasp sting. The gal offered to switch arms but by Poke 2 it was starting to look bruised so I figured I’d rather one arm look horrid than 2 arms. And I need to mention that the gal was good!

Linking up with Emmymom and her co-host Mary from A Mighty Tower.

Emmy Mom

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Week 26

How far along? 26 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Like I said, I should just remove this question ๐Ÿ™‚ Although based off doctors scales I’m okay I guess…. I dunno. I actually have a drs appt next week.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a head of lettuce. She’s still growing in the 13.6 to 14.8 inch and 1.5 to 2.5 pound range, and developing her senses, features and talents.

  • Her eyes are forming, and her eyes will soon start to open
  • Her eyelashes are now grown, too
  • She’s getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies
  • She’s taking breaths, too. They’re of amniotic fluid, not air, but it’s still good practice.

Maternity Clothes? yup.ย  I actually tried on regular jeans last week and they were so dang uncomfortable.

Stretch Marks? I’m afraid of saying this… but so far just the ones I already had…. Now I’ll probably find another one.

Best moment this week?I had a sad moment this week. Sadly hubby and I got into a huge fight. But best moment… um… I almost forgot… my brain is leaving me this week… I got all of Peanuts clothes washed and hung, we got her crib put together and a glider for her room. We’re well on our way!!

ignore the horrible picture of me please!

Movement? She kicks like crazy, but I say that, she’s been fairly quite today. Usually she’s moving on my right side. Yesterday she started moving to my left side and it was weirding me out.

Food Cravings/Aversions? eh nothing more than the normal.

What I miss: I miss steak. I miss my brain. I miss not being tired all the time.

What I’m looking forward to:ย Meeting this sweet little girl.

Nausea/Vomiting? well I threw up yesterday but it wasn’t pregnancy related I don’t think.

Labor signs? Not that I know of….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? ugh, I don’t even want to talk about this. grrrr! ๐Ÿ™‚

Wedding rings on or off? Sadly I had to give up my rings this weekend. I took my wedding band off which I NEVER do and I bawled my eyes out. Hubby was a sweetheart and bought me a cheap ring set that looked like wedding rings to wear until I get my rings back but they’re not the same, although I have been wearing them.

Sleep? I sleep through the night but at the same time I wake up feeling exhausted. My dreams are about to do me in too.

Weekly Wisdom: So I had to take the glucose test this week. 140 or less is passing. I came back 143 so today I get to go and take it a second time for a 3 hour test. The other was a 1 hour test. I guess we’ll see if I have gestational diabetes or not. Wish me luck!

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Babies Are Here and Life Currently

Not mine, she’s still cookin! ๐Ÿ™‚

Nope, we have 2 colts on the ground. One was born last Wednesday and the other was born Saturday. The one out of Sis is a Colt and the one out of Freckles is a filly. Colt = male, filly = female ๐Ÿ™‚

Since Greg named last years baby Colonel, he decided he was going to name this one Ronald (as in Ronald McDonald since Colonel Sanders…). Dad’s been calling him Ronnie.

I’m not sure what we’re calling the filly yet. No one has informed me… lol since usually I don’t get to name them ๐Ÿ™‚

We were there Saturday morning to check out the newest addition and then it was time for dad to go to the feed store. The dogs LOVE going to the feed store. I’m fairly certain that Mudflap counts days in his head between truck rides so he knows when his next one is, no joke!

Saturday afternoon we had to go pick up a load of Alfalfa hay. When we got home I am not allowed to help (which is a weird feeling!) and so I sat down on the ground to take pictures and got bombarded by dogs. Then Tulsa decided Mudflap needed a kiss I guess… lol.

Perfect timing but I really claim she’s sticking her tongue out at me. Next thing I knew she was totally in my face :). I just love these dogs!

That right there is usually my job, feed to the hay elevator or feed to the person feeding the hay elevator….

I do my best to stay out of the loft, especially in the summer because there is NO AIR FLOW and it’s hot. Saturday it was like 60’s so it was perfect weather for this!

And that was all she wrote!

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